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I'd like to do an intro like the old Domination intro or like the BMR Insurgency where it uses a camera to bring the player to their postion..

so far I have found this script but its from Arma 2 and can't get it to work..I have an invisible helipad named "camstart" can anyone direct me to a better script oir any help would be greatly appreciated..Thanks!



private ["_camera","_dlg"];
setViewDistance 3500;

"dynamicblur" ppeffectenable true;
"dynamicblur" ppeffectadjust [3];
"dynamicblur" ppeffectcommit 0;
"dynamicblur" ppeffectadjust [0];
"dynamicblur" ppeffectcommit 10;

_line = 0;
i = 0;

_camera = "camera" camCreate [(position camstart select 0), (position camstart select 1) + 1, 120];
_camera camSetTarget [(position camtarget select 0), (position camtarget select 1) , 1.5];
_camera camSetFov 0.7;
_camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "Back"];
_camera camCommit 1;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera};
sleep 3;
playMusic "startmusic";
enableRadio false;
////// Loadingtext
_camera camSetTarget player;
_camera camSetPos [(position player select 0), (position player select 1) , 2];
_camera camCommit 18;
sleep 4;
waitUntil {camCommitted _camera};
player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];
camDestroy _camera;
closeDialog 0;
enableRadio true;
setViewDistance (paramsArray select 3);

[] Spawn
waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")};
// Info text
[str("Welcome to") , str("type what you like "), str("by who made missioin YOU ")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText;
sleep 15;
sleep 44;
playMusic "";
5 fadeMusic 0.7;
if (true) exitWith {};

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Why not write your own camera script? I just whipped this up in 2 mins:

//save original player object (optional, neccessary to do more complex things)
_player = player;
//create camera at a certain location
_cam = "camera" camCreate (player modelToWorld [0,-30,10]);
//point camera to a position
	_cam camSetTarget (player modelToWorld [0,0,0.5]);
	//switch player view to the created camera
	_cam switchCamera "internal";
	//move camera to a location relative to the target
	_cam camSetRelPos [0, 0, 0.5];
	//commit camera to make it start moving
	_cam camCommit 2;
	//wait until the camera is finished moving
	waitUntil {camCommitted _cam};
//switch player view back to the soldier
_player switchCamera "internal";
//delete camera after we're done with it
deleteVehicle _cam;

This particular script just makes a camera above and behind the player, moves to the player, then switches the view back to the solder. If you want to create more complex camera routines, you can repeat the part that is tabbed as many times as you want to make the camera move around to different positions. Oh yeah just put this in init.sqf

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Why not write your own camera script? I just whipped this up in 2 mins:

//save original player object (optional, neccessary to do more complex things)
_player = player;
//create camera at a certain location
_cam = "camera" camCreate (player modelToWorld [0,-30,10]);
//point camera to a position
	_cam camSetTarget (player modelToWorld [0,0,0.5]);
	//switch player view to the created camera
	_cam switchCamera "internal";
	//move camera to a location relative to the target
	_cam camSetRelPos [0, 0, 0.5];
	//commit camera to make it start moving
	_cam camCommit 2;
	//wait until the camera is finished moving
	waitUntil {camCommitted _cam};
//switch player view back to the soldier
_player switchCamera "internal";
//delete camera after we're done with it
deleteVehicle _cam;

This particular script just makes a camera above and behind the player, moves to the player, then switches the view back to the solder. If you want to create more complex camera routines, you can repeat the part that is tabbed as many times as you want to make the camera move around to different positions. Oh yeah just put this in init.sqf

Is there any way to slow the camera down? Can I add "camSpeed and set it with a variable?

I tweaked the height and distance but it moves pretty fast.

Thanks for the reply..I appreciate the help!

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Is there any way to slow the camera down? Can I add "camSpeed and set it with a variable?

Increase the length of the camCommit. Glad to help

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Increase the length of the camCommit. Glad to help

Thanks again..last question..been trying to switch the camera so it comes in directly behind the player..the way it sits now its almost backwards when it moves..I assume that's the player position but not sure of the variable for that.

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instead of 

_player switchCamera "internal";


_cam cameraEffect ["Terminate", "Back"];

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