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Does anybody knows how setting the velocity at Z angle adjusts the pitch angle of fixed wings? Example code is below private _AirCraft = vehicle player; while {alive _AirCraft} do { _AirCraft setVelocity [(velocity _AirCraft select 0), (velocity _AirCraft select 1), 10]; }; when I run this code by airplanes is is auto adjusting the pitch angle. I only had one modded airplane where this didn't work and I wonder why...
Falling object from A to B in X seconds
M1ke_SK posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I have two points on map. Point A is in air and point B is in ground. I want to move object from point A to point B in time X seconds. (smooth falling effect) I got so far: _end = getPosASL player; _distance = 800; _seconds = 15; _object = "Land_Camping_Light_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _object setPosATL [(_end select 0) + selectRandom [_distance, -_distance], (_end select 1) + selectRandom [_distance, -_distance], _distance]; _velocityX = ((_end select 0) - ((getPosATL _object ) select 0)) / _seconds; _velocityY = ((_end select 1) - ((getPosATL _object ) select 1)) / _seconds; _velocityZ = ((_end select 2) - ((getPosATL _object ) select 2)) / _seconds; _object setVelocity [_velocityX, _velocityY, _velocityZ]; But object is not falling on point B ( _end - position of player)