I would like some help in getting the "BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd" command to be shown in one of the three objects at random.
I looked through BiWiki several times for the "selectRandom" and "BIS_fnc_selectRandom" functions, but in the attempts I made, none worked :(
I do not understand English, so I use the browser "Chrome" to translate the pages, like here in the forum, so for me to understand easily is quite complicated.
If anyone can help me with this, I will be most grateful.
The code I tried, but I think there must be several things wrong :(
file init.sqf
_note1 = [noteP1];
_note2 = [noteP2];
_note3 = [noteP3];
_notepad = [_note1, _note2, _note3];
selectRandom _notepad;
sleep 2;
[ _notepad ,"Pegar o código","imagem\note.paa","imagem\cod.paa","_x distance _target < 2","_x distance _target < 2",{hint "Pegando o código"},{},{execVM "arquivo.sqf"},{ },[],15,nil,true,false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;
* Learning code without knowing anything about it, and still in a language you misunderstand, should be like an English, trying to learn Arabic in a Russian translation dictionary.