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ai mod [Release] Vcom AI 3 - Dangerous AI
genesis92x posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Vcom AI 3.4.0 AI Modification: Faster, Smarter, and Deadlier AI. Vcom AI 3.3.0 is an AI overhaul modification (Script or Mod) that aims to change the feel of combat in a PvE environment. 3.4.0 -AI will clear buildings more aggressively -New AI movement system -Added support for enhanced movement. AI can utilize enhanced movement to move around the battlefield -AI will utilize smoke grenades and frag grenades more often -Drastically improved AI debug information -AI will heal themselves more often. AI medics will heal teammates who do not have medikits/fac's -Experimental driving update - helps AI avoid collisions and attempts to stop them from running over friendlies -Improved sniper AI -AI use static weapons more effectively -Artillery has been re-worked. They will have to bracket enemies in. -AI skills can all be modified via CBA now -Added new CBA/config options -Other stuff..I dunno. I am tired. 3.3.0 Hotfix -Fixed several errors related to radios/groups 3.2.2 -CBA integration fixes -Artillery error fixes -Added Vcom Driving (experimental) -Vcom AI will ignore squads with players in them -Overhauled initialization -AI movement during combat tweaked -AI healing improved -AI unique animations -Other things I forgot about HUGE THANKS TO FREDDO FOR ASSISTING SO GREATLY IN MY ABSENCE! Added Changelog Rydigiers "Fire For Effect" artillery system CBA settings support for "Fire For Effect" artillery system Parameter for forcing speedMode "FULL" Descriptive header for all Vcom functions VCOM is now licensed under the ArmA Public License - Share Alike Zeus to mission.sqm Changed Vcom will not give flanking orders to AI with a commander Suppressors are now dynamically checked Mines are now handled differently (Placed mines are added to an array) AI will no longer ragdoll when prone, will instead perform animations AI will not ragdoll when within a certain distance of a player VCom functions have been moved to Vcom\Functions\VCM_Functions Hold waypoints now define what building to garrison AI will not generate flanking waypoints targetting unknown units Deprecated VCom artillery (Replaced by "Fire For Effect") Fixed VCM_SKILLCHANGE had no effect AI taking control when player incapacitated AI attempting to flank aircraft Building clearing behaviour did not check distance to target Civilians being affected by VCOM VCM_SIDEENABLED had no effect VCM_ARTYENABLE had no effect Security Whitelisted remote execution for VCOM And much more that I forgot.... What does Vcom AI offer? Optimizations For starters, Vcom AI 3.0 offers a noticeable increase of performance over its older counter-part, Vcom AI 2.81. Functions on a group based FSM system, instead of an individual AI system. Allowing for better FPS, control, and cohesion with AI. Removed fluff and unnecessary code from Vcom AI 2.81, making the mod/script much more focused. Customization Use the Userconfig file to modify Vcom AI to your liking, or if CBA is running you can modify the settings in-game and on the fly. Advanced AI Direction and Threats -AI will clear garrisoned buildings -AI will automatically generate waypoints for more interesting and varied combat (AI will not do this if they have certain pre-placed waypoints or more than 1 move waypoint) -AI move dynamically from cover to cover while following waypoints -AI will call for on-map artillery for support -AI will call for reinforcements proportional to the enemy threat -AI will garrison structures temporarily in combat, if able -AI will look for nearby static weapons to man -AI will automatically deploy/pack static weapons -AI will use satchels to drop buildings, or setup traps for enemies -AI will use mines to on roads, in buildings, or wherever, to stop enemy movement -AI will change formations depending on the environment -AI will attempt to heal themselves or others when out of combat -AI will attempt to rearm themselves from dead bodies, vehicles, and etc when low -AI will steal empty or unlocked vehicles -AI have a chance to ragdoll when shot, causing them to fall over briefly -AI have an enhanced ability to hear and respond to gunfire from a distance -AI will respond differently from a weapon that is suppressed or not -AI on a hold waypoint will garrison a structure indefinitely, or until provided another order -AI, with NVGs, will be able to see your IR laser and respond accordingly. Be careful where you point that thing! -AI can have side based/classname based skill settings. Ease of use Vcom AI is easy to use. Install it, throw some units down, and go. It supports AI being spawned in dynamically, so there is no worry about needing to execute the code on every freshly spawned AI. To manage specific AI group behaviors, simply use these commands listed below. (group this) setVariable ["VCM_NOFLANK",true]; //This command will stop the AI squad from executing advanced movement maneuvers. (group this) setVariable ["VCM_NORESCUE",true]; //This command will stop the AI squad from responding to calls for backup. (group this) setVariable ["VCM_TOUGHSQUAD",true]; //This command will stop the AI squad from calling for backup. (group this) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable",true]; //This command will disable Vcom AI on a group entirely. (group this) setVariable ["VCM_DisableForm",true]; //This command will disable AI group from changing formations. (group this) setVariable ["VCM_Skilldisable",true]; //This command will disable an AI group from being impacted by Vcom AI skill changes. Known Issues -You must enable -filepatching on your server/machine if you want the userconfig folder to work. Not doing this may result in an error message. Donations Hey, working on this can be difficult and I do it in my spare time. If you want to show me a little love for what I do, I won't say no. With any brand new release, expect some bugs. They will be addressed when I am able. If you want to ensure that I see bugs, suggestions, or questions, hop on my discord and leave a comment the #bugreports channel or #suggestions channel, or preferably post in the Github! Discord Vcom AI 3.4.0 GitHub - SUBMIT BUGS/REQUESTS/ETC HERE! Vcom AI 3.4.0 Steam Version