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UAV Feed/Camera displayed on screen
Dj Rolnik posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hey guys, I am currently working on a mission that would feature some kind of a "command center" (for the lack of better description...) which would have a few screens. Those screens have been set up to receive a texture captured from a camera attached to a uav (to be precise, the Pelter drone from the new Contact DLC). I have used a script kindly provided by @killzone_kid which I have only adjusted for the other drone type and basically looks like this - this is repeated for 12 screens in the init.sqf: laptop1 setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(uavrtt1,1)"]; cam1 = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; cam1 cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "uavrtt1"]; cam1 attachTo [pelter1, [0,0,0], "PiP1_demining_pos"]; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _dir = (pelter1 selectionPosition "PiP1_demining_pos") vectorFromTo (pelter1 selectionPosition "PiP1_demining_dir"); cam1 setVectorDirAndUp [ _dir, _dir vectorCrossProduct [-(_dir select 1), _dir select 0, 0] ]; }]; The UAV feeds are being thrown on the screen in sequence one by one. This is how it looks in a test environment with 12 machines - you can see that the last four laptops turn black and show no feed. When I deleted the part of the script responsible for the first laptop, the 9th one worked fine so again - no more than 8 at once. I have two issues with it: - Obviously, I can display no more than 8 feeds at once - any more than that will appear as black screen - similarly, when opening the uav terminal, the turret control window will also appear black/blank. I do not mean to complain, but do you think this is an engine/performance limitation of some kind and there's no way around it? - Will this effect even be global to other players or only local (I fear the latter)? If local, is there a way to display this kind of effect globally to such a scale in a multiplayer environment? I appreciate all the feedback on this topic. Thanks a lot in advance! Adam -
The image from the camera to the billboard on the server
Anteq Iney posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello, I made a script that displays the image from a video camera on a billboard , It works on the LAN server, but there is no image on the dedicated server, I need to make that after interacting with the camera, the image appears on the billboard and everyone on the server can see it. In the same time in order not to load the server, the image should be processed not on the server but on the client. If the player has PIP enabled, he should see an image. Please tell me how to do it My script: if (isDedicated) then { [] spawn { cam = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0]; cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back", "uavrtt"]; cam camSetFov 0.5; cam attachTo [videoCamera, [0,0,0.8]];"uavrtt" setPiPEffect [0]; waitUntil { sleep 5; ((playerside == Independent) && (antenna inArea main) && (videoCamera inArea radio_zone))}; if ((playerside == Independent) && (antenna inArea main) && (videoCamera inArea radio_zone)) then { [videoCamera,"<t color='#FFAA00'>Turn on camera!</t>", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_search_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_search_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 5", "_caller distance _target < 5", {[_target, "cccon",5] spawn CBA_fnc_globalSay3d;}, {}, { showUAVFeed true; bb1 setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,512,512,1)r2t(uavrtt,1)"]; [] execVM "scripts\voice.sqf"; // Sound }, {}, [], 1, 0, false, false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; }; }; };- 2 replies
- camera
- camera to server
- (and 6 more)
Hi. I'm having an issue with the below script/function, the issue is that all additional group leaders that spawn after the first use the same camera as the first groups leader? So the first group (alpha1_0) spawns and and the shoulder cam shows on the left screen of the first dual monitor... all good... The second group (alpha1_1) spawns (runs the function separately) and the 'stream' correctly shows (now on the right screen) but its the same shoulder cam as the first group alpha 1_0 (attached to the same group leader) I don't understand?? All variables are local aside from tvarray which just chooses next available monitor and i even attempted to create a unique r2t name so each r2t name is alpha1_0 alpha1_1 etc etc. So what have I done wrong? Also what exactly is 'r2t' there is very little information about what that actually is and same goes for 'turretPath' I cannot find much info on the Biki for that? (turretPath: Array - path to the turret with required camera.... what does that actually mean?) Any help appreciated. Cheers.
Switching player's view back to their unit after using camCreate
Moldisocks posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hey, i am making a mission where i want a menu to be displayed over the top of a specific camera and camera angle, the menu will allow the player to select their desired spawn point and then click spawn (image of menu below). The menu and the camera angle scripts are wokring perfectly (for what i need them for), but when i press spawn, the player is moved to the designated spawn area, but the camera stays in roughly the same position (i say roughly, because for some reason it seems to change FOV and move slightly down). The way the code works is explained further down in this post. The menu and the camera angle are made by calling menuInit.sqf when the player is initialised (so player will see this menu and camera as soon as they enter server). The ListBox is populated using the above code aswell. The while do loop in the above loop will call mld_fnc_spawnMenuCamera constantly as long as menu is open, so that i will check which check box is selected (just realised while writing this that it is very inefficeint way of doing this, and i realised that during testing i had made 1786345 cameras XD, but i decided to keep this code in here anyway as a place holder). Once the player selects the Spawn button a function called fn_spawnPlayer.sqf is called: this function should move the player's unit to the designated point, close the menu and destory the camera. This function was supposed to do those things and return control on the player's unit back to the unit and then change the camera to the player's unit (basically switching the camera back to the unit). destroyCam is one of the main reasons as to why i started this topic. I using destroy camera the best way to get rid of the menu's camera and return to the player's POV (and give controls back to the player. If this is not how you would do it at all please suggest a better way of doing it. Thanks- 6 replies
- camcreate
- switchingview
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