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Vilas pack is here. The most recent version.

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OK, so I managed to find a complete and most recent release of vilas pack or mod, whatever. Lots of cool units and weapons inside!

Install tips.

There are different configs and stuff, so Im gonna give good tips how to install this pack correctly. Thanks to Viking

1.Extract all files from "vilaspack1"

2.Extract all files from "vilaspack2" Pay attention: WITHOUT CONFIGS (subfolder), only "struktura.txt" to have reference what does different configs exactly do.

3. Extract "pksmzk"

4. Extract CoC_diver (included in paczka1)

5. Extract patch.rar (paczka1) vilasconfig.pbo, vilasnogarm.pbo, vilasothuni.pbo

6. Extract from partch.rar (paczka1) configs You`d like to use. See struktura.txt - there is explanation of different type of weapon configs. (Me, I`ve chosen vilasweapons_N.pbo and vilasunits_R. I like weapons with reallistic dispersion values, which means longer battles but if you like BIS style accuracy - there are such configs too. )

7. Delete "vilas_pol.pbo" because this file old (and corrupted) version of vpol.pbo. You`ll only be needin vpol.pbo

8. Create foler Addons, put all extracted files to this folder. Then Create anoter folder ex. @Vilaspack and put addons folder to @Vilaspack. Update your shortcut and rock and roll.

Two links for now. It would be good to immortalize this film on a good hosting server, maybe addon section at ofp gamepark ?


Edited by Sudayev

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Can you name all addon which vilas relase and in this mod,i have some addon of vilas.

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There is a wide collection of addons vilas have released. Some WWI units, Lots of WW2 units both allies and axis, Cold War Era (USA, UK, USSR), Vietnam, Polish WW2 - Cold War Era (60s and 80s) and Modern day Polish Armed Forces. Civilians, Random militias and rebels, excellent vehicle pack (pksmzk), lots infantry weapons. Massive pack, takes a while to explore all.

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But Vilas himself left the building?

Cannot even find him under Community Members (search function) anymore?

He got banned.

2nd download link added.

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great pack, i allways want to have the hole pack in one :)

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Thanks for this mod/addon pack whatever tthat's name.

Ku czczi poległych 11.04.2010r.

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Pity he's left, I was looking forward to hearing how the US brought down that jet in Russia.

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I talk to vilas usually,he will back in someday.he said he is busy in addon making for arma.

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He is back, I saw him recently posting in a thread about tragic incident.

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