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[SP] Kommiekat: China CyberWarfare

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China invades Chernarus to test out it's Cyber warfare program.

You lead eight men in-country, destroying the CDF infustructure with the assistance of Cyber Team located on the SSN Han and investigate a secret Radio-Telescope.


Never before seen nor used scripts in an SP mission


Custom music



Team switch

Submerged Chinese JLS2 Missile

Working Radio-Telescope


Extract the folder to your ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead\Missions folder.

Player must stay alive!


Armaholic mission download link:



- Arma 2/OA

- VME The Chinese People's Liberation Army


- LHD steerable

(be sure to put into addons > @DBO for proper loading)


- MBG Buildings 2


Known issues:

Not tested with any other mods, addons

nor AI Mods such as ACE, SLX, GL4 and Gunters CoWarMod.

Not tested on MP

Use at your own risk.

NOTE: VME_PLA may have texture errors. Just click OK and continue enjoying the game. I have minimized most all errors with this mod.

Credits & thanks:

I want to thank LoyalGuard for his kind assistance.

Also sxp2high, Twirly and others at BIS forums for thier kind

assistance and patience in answering my questions and also Wolfrugat OFPEC and Foxhound at Armaholic.com.

Hope it has all paid off!

Thanks to Mondkalb for making me do my homework and introducing me to the world of scripting.

Thanks to Mr. Bardosy for his inspiration and getting me off my a@@ to make a mission.

Can't forget Alex.xp at VME PLA forums in China for such a great mod!

Thanks Mr. Big for the updates at Armaholic!


AEG - ArmA Electrical Grids

by Loyalguard


Anti-Personnel Mine Field

by Wolffy.au


Simple Guard Patrol Script

by Tophe of Ostgota Ops [OOPS]


Submerged Tomahawk launch

by Kavlarakos



by Mondkalb


Countdown Explosion Script

by IndeedPete


_count = _this select 0;
_target = _this select 1;
_ammo = _this select 2;

while {_count > 10} do {
sleep 1;
_count = _count - 1;
hintSilent format ["%1 seconds left!",_count];

while {_count > 0} do {
sleep 1;
_count = _count - 1;
hint format ["Warning: only %1 seconds left!",_count];

det = _ammo createvehicle [( getpos _target select 0),(getpos _target select 1), 0];

Call with:

nul = [10,ETarget,"Bo_GBU12_LGB"] execVM "explosion.sqf"

---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 PM ----------

Please give me feed back to improve play performance and enjoyment.!


Edited by Kommiekat
Link mission update to Armaholic

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Hey Kommiekat,

tried out the mission Im going after the AA right now, i saved it there. the scude didn't destroy them all.

First thing in the mission I noticed was alot of lag, the fires you had burning at the beginning were just bogging down my game,

everything was real slow, so I had removed those vehicles you had on fire, which helped.

My computer is somewhat low end, i only have a single core cpu so I struggle a bit sometimes, anyways so far its pretty good.

Suggest others give it a try.

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Hey Kommiekat,

tried out the mission Im going after the AA right now, i saved it there. the scude didn't destroy them all.

First thing in the mission I noticed was alot of lag, the fires you had burning at the beginning were just bogging down my game,

everything was real slow, so I had removed those vehicles you had on fire, which helped.

Thanks Gunter for your feed back.

OK, I'll take out those smoldering burning vehicles. Sorry about that.

About the SCUD objective......it's the 3rd missile that should trigger for the next objective. The 1st and 2nd are dummies.

Again, sorry about that.

Will play with them on the next update. The SCUDS keep hitting into trees.

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For those of you experiencing problems with OBJ 3, Launch SCUDS, #3 scud is the magic scud that should hit it's mark to trigger the next OBJ4.

If you experience problems with OBJ3, skip it and move on the the WEST at ZELENOGORSK for OBJ4, until I can fix this and upload an update.....

Task 3 updated and fixed. Used Countdown Self Destruct objective.

Updated October 19th.

The purpose of the mission was 3 things:

1.) Show you PLA MOD and it's potential hoping to peak your interest in developing it further.

2.) Show you LoyalGuards super cool AEG MOD

3.) Show you Mondkalbs super cool Radio-Telescope

Both never used in SP nor CAMP missions.

The mission is compressed un-pbo'ed, that way, you want to play with it in the Editor, be my guest.

Please report any further bugs. Thanks and enjoy

Edited by Kommiekat

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Mission updated!

Go to first post for the latest update.

-Fixed Objective 3. Completely replaced the task with IndeedPete's script.

Working like a charm!

-Fixed "NIL VARIABLE OVERRIDDEN" problem related to burning wrecks and cars

Working like a charm thanks to LoyalGuard!

Please report any bugs here or PM.

Mission is packed "un-pbo'ed" if you want to play around with it.

Please report any updates you make to it or changes, especially for MP and COOP.

Will update to Armaholic soon..

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