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problem with turret in helicopter

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i have problem, asked few people on BI, maybe will start topic on config editing

following problem happens :

- when helicopter (gunship version) is "remodel of Mi24" all is okay

i mean :

vil_w3_pl : mi24_d {

model = model of W3 Gluszec

displayname W-3 Pl

crew = Polish pilot...


all works fine , but.. it uses Mi24 weapons (YakB) instead of my own NSV

but when i try own turret definion (a lot of problems of class inheritance)

bullets go straight

bullets do not follow gunner view point

body of gun rotates

sensor rotates

optic rotates

but bullets go straight like there was no movement at all

even if i use BIS weapon YakB - problem is because of turret problems

model is good - all selections are applied properly - because Mi24D class shows it

it not works ONLY when i define my own turret

what is most strange - turret turns, but bullets do not obey turret :/

class Air;

class Helicopter : Air


class Turrets


class MainTurret;


class NewTurret;


class VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter : Helicopter {


Icon = "\ca\air\data\map_ico\icomap_mi17_mg_CA.paa";

rotorBig = "velkavrtule";

rotorBigBlend = "velkavrtule_blur";

rotorSmall = "malavrtule";

rotorSmallBlend = "malavrtule_blur";

selectionHRotorStill = "velkavrtule_staticka";

selectionHRotorMove = "velkavrtule_blur";

selectionVRotorStill = "malavrtule_staticka";

selectionVRotorMove = "malavrtule_blur";

class AnimationSource {};

class UserActions {};

scope = 0;


driverAction = "Mi8_Pilot";

cargoAction[] = {"Mi8_Cargo", "Mi17_Cargo02"};















memoryPointsGetInCargo[]={"pos cargo"};

memoryPointsGetInCargoDir[]={"pos cargo dir"};

weapons[] = {};

magazines[] = {};

supplyRadius = 2.5;

transportAmmo = 0;

transportMaxMagazines = 100;

transportMaxWeapons = 10;

dammageHalf[] = {};

dammageFull[] = {};

transportMaxBackpacks = 10;

transportSoldier = 10;

class Damage {

tex[] = {};

mat[] = {"vilas_npl\sw3.rvmat", "vilas_npl\sw3.rvmat", "vilas_npl\sw3_de.rvmat"};


class Turrets : Turrets {

class MainTurret : newTurret {

gunnerFireAlsoInInternalCamera= true;

gunnerOutFireAlsoinInternalCamera= true;


gunnergetInAction = "GetInMedium";

gunnergetOutAction = "GetOutMedium";

lockWhenDriverOut= false;

lockWhenVehicleSpeed= -1 ;

animationSourceHatch = "";

maxVerticalRotSpeed= 1.2;

maxHorizontalRotSpeed= 1.2;

proxyType = "CPGunner";

proxyIndex= 1 ;

memoryPointGun = "kulas";

animationSourceBody = "MainTurret";

animationSourceGun = "MainGun";

weapons[] = {"vil_wkmb", "AT9Launcher", "80mmLauncher"};

magazines[] = {"vil_w3pl_mag", "4Rnd_AT9_Mi24P", "40Rnd_80mm"};

minElev = -25;

maxElev = 4;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -45;

maxTurn = 45;

initTurn = 0;

startEngine = 0;

soundServo[] = {"", db-40, 1.0};

gunnerOpticsColor[]= {0,0,0,1} ;

gunnerOpticsEffect[]= {} ;

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_HINDgun";

gunneroutOpticsColor[]= {0,0,0,1} ;

gunneroutOpticsEffect[]= {} ;

gunneroutOpticsModel = "";

viewGunnerInExternal= true ;

viewGunnerShadow= true ;

body = "OtocVez";

gun = "OtocHlaven";

gunBeg = "usti_hlavne";

gunEnd = "konec_hlavne";

class ViewGunner {

initAngleX = 5;

minAngleX = -65;

maxAngleX = 85;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -150;

maxAngleY = 150;

initFov = 0.7;

minFov = 0.25;

maxFov = 1.1;


class ViewOptics {

initAngleX = 5;

minAngleX = -30;

maxAngleX = 30;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = 0;

maxAngleY = 0;

initFov = 0.4;

minFov = 0.1;

maxFov = 0.4;


gunnerCompartments= "Compartment2";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";

gunnerAction = "Mi8_Cargo";

gunnerInAction = "Mi8_Cargo";

gunnerForceOptics = 0;

gunnerUsesPilotView= false;

hasgunner = 1;

primaryGunner = 1;

outGunnerMayFire = 1;

InGunnerMayFire= 1;

commanding = -1;

gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor= 1;

gunnerOpticsShowCursor= 0;

gunnerOutForceOptics= false;

castGunnerShadow = 0;

ejectDeadGunner= false;

hideWeaponsGunner= true;

forceHideGunner= false;

canHideGunner= 0;

viewGunnerShadowDiff= 1.0;

viewGunnerShadowAmb= 1.0;

stabilizedInAxes= "StabilizedInAxesBoth";



driverCompartments = "Compartment1";

cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment2"};


class VIL_PL_W3_PL : VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter {

scope = 2;

vehicleClass = "VIL_polskie_vehair";

faction = "VIL_NWP_Army";


model = "\vilas_npl\vil_w3_pl";

displayName = PZL W-3PL;

irScanRangeMin = 0;

irScanRangeMax = 1000;

nightVision = true;

class Turrets: Turrets {

class MainTurret: mainTurret {

gunnerFireAlsoInInternalCamera= true;

gunnerOutFireAlsoinInternalCamera= true;


gunnergetInAction = "GetInMedium";

gunnergetOutAction = "GetOutMedium";

lockWhenDriverOut= false;

lockWhenVehicleSpeed= -1 ;

animationSourceHatch = "";

maxVerticalRotSpeed= 1.2;

maxHorizontalRotSpeed= 1.2;

proxyType = "CPGunner";

proxyIndex= 1 ;

memoryPointGun = "kulas";

animationSourceBody = "MainTurret";

animationSourceGun = "MainGun";

weapons[] = {"vil_wkmb", "AT9Launcher", "80mmLauncher"};

magazines[] = {"vil_w3pl_mag", "4Rnd_AT9_Mi24P", "40Rnd_80mm"};

minElev = -25;

maxElev = 4;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -45;

maxTurn = 45;

initTurn = 0;

startEngine = 0;

soundServo[] = {"", db-40, 1.0};

gunnerOpticsColor[]= {0,0,0,1} ;

gunnerOpticsEffect[]= {} ;

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_HINDgun";

gunneroutOpticsColor[]= {0,0,0,1} ;

gunneroutOpticsEffect[]= {} ;

gunneroutOpticsModel = "";

viewGunnerInExternal= true ;

viewGunnerShadow= true ;

body = "OtocVez";

gun = "OtocHlaven";

gunBeg = "usti_hlavne";

gunEnd = "konec_hlavne";

class ViewGunner {

initAngleX = 5;

minAngleX = -65;

maxAngleX = 85;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -150;

maxAngleY = 150;

initFov = 0.7;

minFov = 0.25;

maxFov = 1.1;


class ViewOptics {

initAngleX = 5;

minAngleX = -30;

maxAngleX = 30;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = 0;

maxAngleY = 0;

initFov = 0.4;

minFov = 0.1;

maxFov = 0.4;


gunnerCompartments= "Compartment2";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";

gunnerAction = "Mi8_Cargo";

gunnerInAction = "Mi8_Cargo";

gunnerForceOptics = 0;

gunnerUsesPilotView= false;

hasgunner = 1;

primaryGunner = 1;

outGunnerMayFire = 1;

InGunnerMayFire= 1;

commanding = -1;

gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor= 1;

gunnerOpticsShowCursor= 0;

gunnerOutForceOptics= false;

castGunnerShadow = 0;

ejectDeadGunner= false;

hideWeaponsGunner= true;

forceHideGunner= false;

canHideGunner= 0;

viewGunnerShadowDiff= 1.0;

viewGunnerShadowAmb= 1.0;

stabilizedInAxes= "StabilizedInAxesBoth";




when i tried other inheritances of turret i get :


so i tried 3 days and i gave up now

i cannot understand what is wrong

why bullets follow sight point when model is using Mi24 class , but not follows when own turret definition is made

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up, cause important for me :|

probably it is a matter of "inheritance order" of "turret {}; or turret; newturret or mainturret" etc.

i am really surprised, cause i made a lot of vehicles with turrets (mostly tanks, apc) and this gunship helicopter is really pain in the... i will have to make it "fixed" or "overpowered" if use Mi24 armament :/

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why do you not derive your class from the Mi24 then? Deriving from top level classes like Helicopter can be quite a hard task.

class mi24_d
class Turrets
	class MainTurret;
class NewTurret;
class VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter : mi24d
class Turrets : Turrets
	class MainTurret : MainTurret

Edited by Soul_Assassin

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it not works too

bullets do follow aim (turret, rifle barrel, sight) only when class is directly inherited without defining own turret (which is must to arm it other way than Mi24 D)

not works, i tried :

class mi24_d


class Turrets


class MainTurret;


class NewTurret;


class VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter : mi24_d


rotorBig = "velkavrtule";

rotorBigBlend = "velkavrtule_blur";

rotorSmall = "malavrtule";

rotorSmallBlend = "malavrtule_blur";

selectionHRotorStill = "velkavrtule_staticka";

selectionHRotorMove = "velkavrtule_blur";

selectionVRotorStill = "malavrtule_staticka";

selectionVRotorMove = "malavrtule_blur";

class AnimationSource {};

class UserActions {};

scope = 0;


driverAction = "Mi8_Pilot";

cargoAction[] = {"Mi8_Cargo", "Mi17_Cargo02"};









memoryPointsGetInCargo[]={"pos cargo"};

memoryPointsGetInCargoDir[]={"pos cargo dir"};

class Turrets : Turrets


class MainTurret : MainTurret


animationSourceBody = "MainTurret";

animationSourceGun = "MainGun";

weapons[] = {"vil_wkmb", "AT9Launcher", "80mmLauncher"};

magazines[] = {"vil_w3pl_mag", "4Rnd_AT9_Mi24P", "40Rnd_80mm"};

minElev = -25;

maxElev = 4;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -45;

maxTurn = 45;

initTurn = 0;

startEngine = 0;

body = "OtocVez";

gun = "OtocHlaven";

gunBeg = "usti_hlavne";

gunEnd = "konec_hlavne";




class VIL_PL_W3_PL2 : VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter {

scope = 2;

model = "\vilas_npl\vil_w3_pl";

displayName = PZL W-3PL(W);

irScanRangeMin = 0;

irScanRangeMax = 1000;

nightVision = true;

vehicleClass = "VIL_polskie_vehair";

faction = "VIL_NWP_Army";



bullets go straight

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try just this then:

class mi24_d
class Turrets
	class MainTurret;
class NewTurret;
class VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter : mi24_d
rotorBig = "velkavrtule";
rotorBigBlend = "velkavrtule_blur";
rotorSmall = "malavrtule";
rotorSmallBlend = "malavrtule_blur";
selectionHRotorStill = "velkavrtule_staticka";
selectionHRotorMove = "velkavrtule_blur";
selectionVRotorStill = "malavrtule_staticka";
selectionVRotorMove = "malavrtule_blur";
class AnimationSource {};
class UserActions {};
scope = 0;
driverAction = "Mi8_Pilot";
cargoAction[] = {"Mi8_Cargo", "Mi17_Cargo02"};




memoryPointsGetInCargo[]={"pos cargo"};
memoryPointsGetInCargoDir[]={"pos cargo dir"};

class Turrets : Turrets
	class MainTurret : MainTurret
		weapons[] = {"vil_wkmb", "AT9Launcher", "80mmLauncher"};
		magazines[] = {"vil_w3pl_mag", "4Rnd_AT9_Mi24P", "40Rnd_80mm"};


class VIL_PL_W3_PL2 : VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter 
scope = 2;
model = "\vilas_npl\vil_w3_pl";
displayName = PZL W-3PL(W);
irScanRangeMin = 0;
irScanRangeMax = 1000;
nightVision = true;
vehicleClass = "VIL_polskie_vehair";
faction = "VIL_NWP_Army";


i.e. just redefine weapons and magazines in the class, nothing else. I suspect that ur also getting some errors in the rpt, concerning the turret.

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of course i did it , but not works

i ll send you on PM link to MLOD and you can check yourself that it not works , something is wrong and it require inherit from Helicopter class, RKLS also tries solve it , but not solved yet :(

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class mi24_d 
   class Turrets;
   class NewTurret;
class AnimationSources;
class VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter : mi24_d 
   class Turrets 
       class MainTurret : NewTurret
       body = "mainturret";
       gun = "maingun";
       animationSourceBody = "mainturret";
       animationSourceGun = "maingun";
       gunBeg = "S_start";
       gunEnd = "S_end"; 


Change "body", "gun", "S_Start", "AnimationSourceBody" etc to whatever you use.

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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i tried almost all

maybe i will send you MLOD too and you will test yourself if it works

as i remember i was trying such configuration and had the same issue (when defining any turret)

you will see that model should be okay (memory points)


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PM backed.

Seems fixed.

Main changes I think are;


		class MainTurret
			minValue="rad -360";
			maxValue="rad +360";
			angle0="rad -360";
			angle1="rad +360";
		class MainGun: MainTurret


class CfgVehicles
class Air;
class Helicopter : Air
	class NewTurret;
	class AnimationSources;
	class ViewPilot;
	class Turrets;
	class MainTurret;

class VILAS_W3gunship_helicopter : Helicopter


	class Turrets {
		class MainTurret : NewTurret {
			startEngine = 0;
			outGunnerMayFire = 1;
			commanding = -1;
			primary = 1;
			gunBeg = "usti_hlavne";
			gunEnd = "konec_hlavne";
			memoryPointGun = "kulas";
			memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";

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yes, thanx, it works

class Helicopter : Air


class NewTurret;

class AnimationSources; <<<<<<<< probably this was whole issue

class ViewPilot;

class Turrets;

class MainTurret;


i even not changed model (binarising it again) and it WORK

so model wouldn't even get changed, only this inheritance changed and it works

so seems that issue was inheritance of main class helicopter ?

cause i applied this and it started to work

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