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Modules need visible boundries

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I've been using these new modules and one thing I've noticed is that the axis numbers do not reflect the actual boundries. Take the "Sites" module. I set up an observation post and I create a useless trigger right next to it. I use the circle that the trigger shows as guide. I set the trigger so that it covers the whole base/area I want module to cover. It ends up being 40 by 40. So I set the module to that. But when I get in the game, I find units in buildings a good ways away from the 40 boundry.

The markers are similar. If I create a marker with 40, it can take up the entire map. So I propose that bi make visible boundries with the modules so that we can actually see the are the module covers. Does anyone else have any issues with that? Thanks

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I personally found marker dimentions in editor very accurate in relation to the map. 40x40 marker is very small, I have no idea why doesnt work for you.

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You're right about the marker. I was looking at the marker icon. I did not see that the elliptical option was there.

But I set a trigger to 40 and it covered only the base. However, when I set the module to 40, I get units that go as far out as 250. So, again, we need something to show actual size, or fix it to be meters just like marker and trigger and everything else.

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