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New Respawn point

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Hey guys,

Another question for everyone.... If there any way to activate a respawn point when you pass a certian area? I know how to make them, but I dont want them activated untill you reach a certain area/town on the map.



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Ok so you've got your respawn marker called 'respawn_west' placed on the map.

In the place where you want to move the respawn to after a certain trigger, place a marker and name it 'respawn1'.

Now, create a trigger. The trigger can be whatever you want: When BLUFOR are present, when no OPFOR are present - anything you like.

In the 'On Activation:' box of that trigger, put the following code:

"respawn_west" setPos getMarkerPos "respawn1";

So, what we're essentially doing is saying that when the trigger is activated, move the marker 'respawn_west' to the position of the marker 'respawn1'.

You can use that same technique throughout your mission to keep on changing the respawn area.

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