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Repeating triggers

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Alright, deepest apologies for bothering you guys with such trivial questions, but I'm a complete newbie at editing maps, and simply can't see why what I'm doing is not working.

I want a trigger to perform a certain action, lets say, every 10 seconds.

I created a trigger with the following properties:


a: 0, b: 0


Anybody, repeatedly, present


10, 10, 10





On act:

hint "Trigger activated!";

Trigger activates only once - how come? In my little world, that trigger should repeat itself and keep doing so. Thanks a billion for any feedback!



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I'm guessing the issue you are having is that hint text stays on your screen for ~30 seconds. You won't see the text change every 10 seconds because it would still be on your screen for another 20. I think it just keeps expanding the time with the repeated trigger. Try using a sound effect every 10 seconds to test this rather then text.

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The trigger's condition is the problem. The trigger activates only once if the condition is met at all times. True is a permanent condition and is always met.

Try this.

Timeout: 0, 0, 0

Condition: conditiontime<time

On act: hint "Trigger activated!";conditiontime=time+10

Make another trigger with

Condition: true

On act: conditiontime=time

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Thanks for the quick replies!

As for the hint not disappearing I thought so as well, but it doesn't actually extend the time the hint is there, either.

As for your intel, Celery - I didn't know it would only activate once if the conditions were met at all times. That solved my problem! Thanks a billion!

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