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grendel [aps]

Warfare of the Worlds

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I know it's a bit late to be releasing a new warfare now that ArmA II is out, but stuff it.

It's mostly a fairly standard set of missions but with the inclusion of modified units and vehicles from the following addons:


Space Invaders.

Vilas Colonial Marines.

Back story:

After the appearance of the "visitors" in SLA controlled regions, and the suspiciously rapid merging of armed services, most of OPFOR's units and vehicles have been replaced with alien units, weapons and vehicles. The once mighty SLA troops have been reduced to little more than a token force within their own ranks, usually relegated to the most menial of responsibilities such as garrison duty.

After several violent skirmishes between RACS forces and the visitors, in which the RACS suffered shocking losses. A request that bordered on a desperate plea, was made to the UN for aid. Publicly BLUFOR's mission was to give support to the beleaguered RACS, but it became rapidly apparent that BLUFORs primary goal wasn't to save the day but to collect as much visitor technology as possible. Even if it be at the expense of the civilian population and RACS troops.

Having, thoroughly and ironically, alienated the RACS. BLUFOR now finds itself cut off from large scale resupply by the independent combination of a RACS naval blockade and visitor air power.

The RACS, now no longer capable of offensive operations, have hunkered down to defend their remaining towns from the inevitable alien assault and the power hungry BLUFOR.

BLUFOR meanwhile has come to the typical BLUFOR conclusion that the best way to survive the situation, and complete their mission, is to kill everybody. Having established a base of operations with their remaining forces, BLUFOR has discovered vast quantities of abandoned SLA equipment that can be put to use. This in addition to the next generation of combat troops the Colonial Marines, may give BLUFOR the edge they need.....

Like any sci fi story it's got holes in it you could drive a Klingon bird of prey through. But I thought it would be nice to have a back story to a not quite normal warfare.

Here's the link: http://www.filefront.com/14616895/Warfare%20of%20the%20Worlds.zip Be sure to check out the readme.

Hope you enjoy.

Grendel [APS].

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