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set Airport side ?

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I'm working on a fine AI "selfcontrolled" airport script & triggers. I get i t all pretty good going with landing/refuel/takeof etc but.....

Anyone knows if & how this command SetAirportSide works? All I get is <null> reported so commands like LandAt do not work :(

Please advice!

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Well according to the comref it assigns an airport to a given side. Not sure how this is used though. Perhaps landing aircraft will attempt to land at airports that belong to their side? Just a guess though, there really isn't any documentation I can find for it.

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I think the primary airport on each island has the ID=0, any secondary airports after that are ID=1 ... etc

On Utes there is only one airport, but on Chernarus there appears to be 3.

So the command would be ID# setAirportSide side ... (1 setAirportSide west for example).

This should set the second airport on Chernarus to side west.


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thanks for your support, this was exactly what I thought. But when actually testing it on fe Balota Airstrip (Chernarus), should be airport number 2. It won't return a value with the following commands:

2 SetAirportSide West;

_APSide= AirportSide 2;

_APSide will be <null> !!

Found one old ARMA thread (2007) that also report these functions not working. Man, this editor is a pandora box!

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