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Freezing on Chernarus

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Search yielded nothing, so here goes:

Ever since I installed a beta patch I can't play a cherno mission for more than a few minutes before it freezes and I have to exit through the process manager. The patch I installed was 1.57.76815. The strange thing is, I tried installing the latest beta and the installer says it's all cool, installed correctly, the ingame version indicator still says 1.57.76815.

Also, the game works just fine on Takistan :j:

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Build 76815 isn't the beta; it's the 1.57 base version.

Once you've installed a beta you need to actually launch the game with the appropriate beta parameters. Look inside your main Arma2 folder - there should be a link for the beta. Start that and you will launch the game in beta mode.

If you want, you can also copy that link to your desktop and add any more parameters as you see fit.

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Hngh no :( Back to square... minus 5, I guess.

Any ideas why Chernarus would suddenly be acting up on me? It was working fine up until a while ago.

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Hngh no :( Back to square... minus 5, I guess.

Any ideas why Chernarus would suddenly be acting up on me? It was working fine up until a while ago.

I guess the question is: what changed between then and now?

You said it started happening when you installed a beta, but you obviously hadn't even been running it. Did you do anything else besides that? New hardware, new drivers, new mod, different settings, etc?

Btw. have you tried lowering your video memory setting in game? The last I heard of people getting freezes or crashes on Chernarus was when their vid mem setting was too high.

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I've set video memory to default since the freezing started, which does seem to have increased the time between freezes by a little bit. Now that you mention it, I did start running the game with -cpuCount=3. Would that make a difference? and before you ask, yes, I do have a tricore processor.

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I get a similar problem with a GTX460 1GB, I was playing a TvT no AI around in Chernarus, I was playing normally with 30+ ppl online, 30-40 fps... then I run inside Berenzino with 10+ ppl only, and my FPS count drops to 5-10 freezing and some objects not correctly loading. I press Alt+Tab to check the Arma2 process and it was like 1GB+ of memory used, then it crashes :s

Last drivers 266.58

sry for my english...

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I've set video memory to default since the freezing started, which does seem to have increased the time between freezes by a little bit. Now that you mention it, I did start running the game with -cpuCount=3. Would that make a difference? and before you ask, yes, I do have a tricore processor.

Looks fine with the processor, but which graphics card do you have?

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*sigh* I started going through my mods, and I don't know why, but it was Zeus AI causing this. I updated it recently, but I played on Chernarus after that and it worked fine then and I don't know what's changed, but... *sigh*

Sorry I wasted your time. This is so frustrating too, Zeus AI would be an awesome mod if it worked :(

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Zeus AI would be an awesome mod if it worked :(

It does... I use it all the time for small coops with friends. No crashes or anything so far.

I would guess that Zeus AI is merely triggering a problem that has its roots somewhere else. Won't be easy to troubleshoot though.

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Which version are you using? And are you playing on Chernarus?

Before, I had problems with the AI getting their feet bolted to the ground after combat. Now this. I'm hngh'ing like hell here, man! :(

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I had freezing in ArmA2 due to ZeusAI also, I cured it by updating my ZeusAI. I suspect - although I cannot know for sure - that ZeusAI was freezing due to the nearTargets command, or some similar command, which a beta version of ECHO_FireDirector also did for a short while, and I used DAC3 with a large object placement zone.

The problem occurred when I updated my ZeusAI addon, I noticed a freeze that happened for 30-60 seconds, and went away when I updated it again, so I figure that was the culprit :)

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