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Endless Fire

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i'm using a BIS function to create fire and it seems to have a time limit. I was wondering if i could deactivate this limit somehow.

Here's the code, it's placed in a trigger:

this = [firelogic1,15,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn; 

"firelogic1" is the GL where the fire spawns and i found out that the 15 stands for the strengh.

Any suggestions?

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//Burning vehicles. By Maddmatt, for ArmA 2

//params: [unit,intensity,time,lifecheck,fade]


How to use

[unit,intensity,time,lifecheck,fade] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn

unit: the name of the object that the fire will be attached to

intensity: the intensity of the fire. Recommended to use values between 0.7 and 10, higher values may be used if desired though.

time: the time that the fire started. use global variable "time". this is used to keep effects synced for JIP players

lifecheck: if this is true then the unit will only burn as ling as it is dead (!alive unit). set to false to burn things like buildings and gamelogics

fade: if true then the fire will die down over time, eventually dying out. set to false if you want it to keep burning. (affected by rain too).

If you want to kill a fire you can delete the object it is attached to.

hint: you can attach a gamelogic to a moving object via the attachto command, and then make the gamelogic burn.

that way you can kill the fire without deleting the object.


To make a gamelogic named mygamelogic burn forever with a big fire:

[mygamelogic,10,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn

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Don't forget this line

BIS_Effects_Burn = compile preprocessFile "\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf";
nil = [firelogic1,15,time,false,true] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;

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Great, thank you both! :) I "stole" this funtion from another mission so i didn't know what the parameters exactly stand for.

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Im guessing there are only certian units you can place fire on,

otherwise, flaming infantry here i come!! :)

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