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Everything posted by jstibbsy

  1. I'm working on Mission 3 of my campaign and I'm trying to have an optional intel pickup from a laptop. I can get the Hold action working but can't seem to get the intel working. Here's what I have: _intel = _this select 0; _this = _this select 1; // Add Hold Action to Pick up intel [ /* 0 object */ _intel, /* 1 action title */ "Gather Intel", /* 2 idle icon */ "pics\intel.paa", /* 3 progress icon */ "pics\intel.paa", /* 4 condition to show */ "true", /* 5 condition for action */ "true", /* 6 code executed on start */ {}, /* 7 code executed per tick */ {}, /* 8 code executed on completion */ { //Intel picked up without deleteing the laptop }, /* 9 code executed on interruption */ { }, /* 10 arguments */ [], /* 11 action duration */ 6, /* 12 priority */ 1, /* 13 remove on completion */ true, /* 14 show unconscious */ false ] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_holdActionAdd"]; I removed the code I had in there as it just wouldn't work. Thanks in advance
  2. I've searched the forums and google on how to use CfgTaskDescriptions but cannot find anything helpful. Does anyone know how to implement them with bis_fnc_createtask? (I need it for localising) Cheers
  3. jstibbsy


    I got the desc.ext working and showing but for some reason it just spits out the strings like text, I made sure they weren't in speech marks or anything, did they remove string functionality? If so, does anyone know a way of localising tasks? Cheers Edit: Nvm, forgot that the str at the start has to be capital.
  4. jstibbsy


    I did look at them and for some reason it didn't work, I'll try again! Cheers everyone, gonna give them a go. :)
  5. An ArmA 2 campaign, revamped. Mission The invasion on Chernarus is about to begin... Required mods -All Cup mods -Nimitz mod -CBA Features -Original voice acting -Original briefing and tasks -Live feed Hints As soon as the planes take off, make Tim aim at them (R default), Tim's aim should be good enough on most cases. Thanks Bohemia Interactive - ArmA 3/2 and Eagle Wing CUP team - for their amazing port Nimitz team - For their cool Nimitz mod BI forums - General help Steam Workshop http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=776279386
  6. DOWNLOAD LINK https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1436978581 Arma 3 Eagle Wing full campaign The Arma 2 bonus campaign remastered. Situation: After the conclusion of Operation Harvest Red in 2009, the civil war in South Zagoria province has escalated into a outright war between the U.S., backing the Chernarussian government, and the Russian Federation, backing the ChDKZ insurgency. The U.S. launches "Operation Echo Wave" and dispatches a naval fleet off the coast of South Zagoria to aid the Chernarussian Defense Forces (CDF) in their retaking of the province. You take on the role as the US marine pilot, Ed Winters, with Co-Pilot Tim. Your objectives are simple: Head to the airfield and destroy Russian Su-25's After destroying the Su-25's move to Marathon position and engage all hostile helicopters inbound. Your mission is over once all AA missiles have been fired. Requires: All CUP mods except CWA. Nimitz mod CBA mod Haven't tested with ACE or other such mods, so don't expect full functionality. DOWNLOAD LINK https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1436978581 Thanks: Bohemia Interactive CUP team CBA team Nimitz mod
  7. jstibbsy

    Eagle Wing Campaign Remake

    I've just tested the campaign (from the actual workshop.) and it works fine for me. Are you using an other mods? or are you using the directly download link?
  8. It appears that the guy is stuck (never experienced this issue). I'm going to rectify this issue by adding in a timer for the units to get in the truck, if they fail to do it within this time it teleports them in.
  9. jstibbsy

    Eagle Wing Campaign Remake

    Gonna fix that ASAP, been busy with work and stuff atm.
  10. jstibbsy

    Eagle Wing Campaign Remake

    Here's a gdrive link for all who can't get workshop working! Just plonk in campaign folder. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vTyI4KuM5dCeFLUtvOeCXjLqO126DC3j
  11. I'll just remove my other post and make this the whole Eagle Wing campaign post. DOWNLOAD LINK https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1436978581 Arma 3 Eagle Wing full campaign The Arma 2 bonus campaign remastered. Situation: After the conclusion of Operation Harvest Red in 2009, the civil war in South Zagoria province has escalated into a outright war between the U.S., backing the Chernarussian government, and the Russian Federation, backing the ChDKZ insurgency. The U.S. launches "Operation Echo Wave" and dispatches a naval fleet off the coast of South Zagoria to aid the Chernarussian Defense Forces (CDF) in their retaking of the province. You take on the role as the US marine pilot, Ed Winters, with Co-Pilot Tim. Your objectives are simple: Head to the airfield and destroy Russian Su-25's After destroying the Su-25's move to Marathon position and engage all hostile helicopters inbound. Your mission is over once all AA missiles have been fired. Requires: All CUP mods except CWA. Nimitz mod CBA mod Haven't tested with ACE or other such mods, so don't expect full functionality. DOWNLOAD LINK https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1436978581 Thanks: Bohemia Interactive CUP team CBA team Nimitz mod
  12. I think the saving of a variable works for the outro. I tested it but got the same result as the default option. but the character weapon transferred over so i assume it works. Let me know if it doesn't though.
  13. just posted the full campaign on the user missions download link is: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1436978581
  14. jstibbsy

    Remove the death screen

    There should be a few posts about it somewhere as I found the answer there too but here is the code. //defines _casualty as person who has died _casualty = deceased; //selects the unit you are going to selectPlayer unitofyourchoice; //some camera stuff to remove the affects of death screen _cam = "Land_HandyCam_F" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _cam hideObject true; _cam attachTo [_casualty, [0,0,4]]; _cam setVectorUp [0,0.99,0.01]; _cam switchCamera "Internal"; I'm pretty sure that is it Cheers.
  15. I might as well quickly throw a changelog up as well as some news: CHANGELOG: 1. Four Sidewinder AA missiles to AH64D 2. Localisation and original Stringtable text (hence why the end has the wrong subtitles.) 3. Localisation and changing name of locations, Eg. Zelenogorsk in Russian changes to English 4. Added original satellite data transfer screen 5. Added original EW (Eagle Wing, Electronic Warfare, etc.) 6. Added/fixed heli patrol 7. Added in nuke boy jet Changed: 1. AH64D only has 4 hellfire missiles and 17 DAR unguided rockets 2. The skill level of Cannon enemies has been lowered to avoid helicopter being destroyed instantly 3. All vehicles are now locked (hopefully no Ai get out) 4. Voice lines 5. Position of nuke explosion Fixed: 1. Heli Patrol 2. Small bugs and faulty programming INCLUDES THE FULL ARMA 2 STRINGTABLE HENCE THE INCREASED SIZE FIXED SOME LAG SPIKE ISSUES (used DCIM rocket artillery instead of HE) NEWS: The second mission is 99% done, just ironing out bugs and some balancing issues with the first bit of mission 2 (Arma 3 ai is so much harder compared to arma 2), everything that I could possibly do is original minus the cracked watch (It did my head in) The full campaign will be released in either an addon folder or a pbo to plonk into your campaign folder. Should have the full mission finished within the next few days. Cheers.
  16. Hello, I currently can't find anything on the net about custom animations for a mission that doesn't require an addon. Eg. The animation is from ArmA 2 and isn't in arma 3, I want to just extract that animation from arma 2 and only use it in that mission. Is there a way to do so?
  17. Die letzte Nacht der Lebenden The last night of the living The last resort plan failed. You can't escape, fight to your grave. Features Perk-a-cola machines (currently 6, more being added) Automatic respawn after each round Authentic WW2 weapons Weapons on walls Boss round every 5 rounds (Parameter) Generator, Power the whole area! Spectator upon death End camera and music Decapitation Pick up perks Original framework: Nazi Zombies DOWNLOAD LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1107886044
  18. Hey, I'm having trouble getting instant kill for enemy units to work. They don't follow what it's meant to do. I'd love some help cause I'm so confused why they aren't following the code: 1. {_x addeventhandler ["hit",{_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {_x setdamage 1;}];}]} foreach (allunits - playableunits); <-- tried that 2. {_x addeventhandler ["hit",{_x setdamage 1;}]} foreach (allunits - playableunits); <-- tried that 3. {_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {_x setdamage 1;}];} foreach (allunits - playableunits); Any help would be appreciated!
  19. jstibbsy

    Waypoints autodeletion

    Well units spawned in have an effect on performance so you'd probably want units only spawning in when players are nearby. Waypoints just inform them where to go and if you have less than 100 units it won't make a difference on framerate and performance.
  20. jstibbsy

    Instant kill enemy (opfor)

    I'm not incorporating vehicles or anything. You'll see what I've done when I realise the mission.
  21. So I've got zombies spawning in at certain times and they work perfectly in singleplayer, they spawn at the markers and work fine. But in multiplayer some spawn at 0,0,0. I have no idea why. zombieSpawns = [ "zombie_spawn1", "zombie_spawn2", "zombie_spawn3" ]; The above is the array for the markers they spawn at. for "_i" from 1 to ((rounds select roundNum) select 0) do { waitUntil {zombiesAlive < enemyMax}; _spawnPoint = zombieSpawns call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _zombie = slowZombies call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //_zombieObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_zombie, objNull]; _randomhat = _headgear call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _randomuniform = _uniform call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _randomvest = _vest call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; zombiesAlive = zombiesAlive + 1; _zombie createUnit [getMarkerPos _spawnPoint, zombieGroup, "this switchmove 'AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteOut'; this setpos [(getpos this select 0) + random 15 - random 15, (getpos this select 1) + random 15 - random 15]; removeHeadgear this; removeVest this; this addHeadgear _randomhat; this addUniform _randomuniform; this addvest _randomvest; this addEventHandler ['killed', {[_this] spawn killed_zombie }]; this addEventHandler ['HandleDamage', {if (alive (_this select 0) and (_this select 1) isEqualTo 'neck') then {(_this select 3) setVariable ['money', ((_this select 3) getVariable 'money') + moneyOnDamage, true];};}];"]; }; That is a snippet of the code and how they are meant to spawn. (yes everything is defined) If you need more code then I'll be happy to show more. I'm just wondering if one of you can spot an error or possible solution.
  22. jstibbsy

    Instant kill enemy (opfor)

    haha my saviour again!
  23. jstibbsy

    Instant kill enemy (opfor)

    I was very confused, it was just when I shot an enemy with my gun it'd kill them in one shot. Thanks, I'll try it when I'm home. I have it so if it's single player then all the other MP units don't spawn.
  24. Hey Would there be a way to decrease reload time (even if it means speeding up the animation.) I've searched but haven't found anything.
  25. jstibbsy

    Decrease reload time

    Ahh perfect. That'll do wonderfully.