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Everything posted by thoops99

  1. I would like to remove all the arma 2 objects so i dont need "All In Arma" to cut down on file size. what would be the easiest way to do so? TIA
  2. thoops99

    EMS Stretcher Help!

    Can you link me to where i can download that exact stretcher.
  3. What do you mean spaces? Do the roads just not show up in spot like heading the the airport from lakeside?
  4. thoops99

    [WIP] Kelley's Island v0.6

    First off great map. I have a couple questions (I'm brand new to map making). Im following a tutorial on map creation that was made by CapsNCaps. And in his tutorial it shows you how to make a script to view the roads in bulldozer. I can't only see some of the roads. Like the road number 2 and 6. Is that because I did somthing wrong with the script or somthing with the map? Also I was hoping to remove the All In Arma Terrain Pack (basically make it an arma 3 only map with the e7 building and roads and what not). Could I just not include it then the building just wont show? Also I made some changes to the hills and made some lower cuz im making a housing section and it still had the mountain texture on it. If I recreat the layers.cfg (I think it's called that) will it change the color to grass because it's at a lower altitude? Thanks
  5. I figured out the layers shit and that's why i could not remove somethings but i still cant move other things. Like the car garage at the PD and the fences by the racetrack. Is that because i'm missing a models or....... what? Thanks!
  6. Ok I thought so. The weird thing is is that when i get in bulldozer i and it loads the building and what not that message box pop's up and i can't exit out of it. I downloaded the All In Arma Terrain Pack I'm assuming that will work too? And how do I install that? (Where do I put it) And what is the "CA" your talking about?
  7. Ok so i figured out how to make the layers and what not. But when i go to edit the terrain in bulldozer i still get an error but this time its different "Cannot load texture ca\data\surfaces\betonout.paa."
  8. Thanks for the reply. I probably should have said in my post that i have no clue what i'm doing and that i'm completely new. could u direct me to where i could get a tutorial on how to make the layers? Also where do i put the addons and what not? What folder? Sorry for the incompetence.
  9. How/where would u install mods/addons and use them in terrain builder? Im trying to work on the Lakeside map and i cant figure out how to add the mods/addons. Thanks
  10. Another question.......... Once im in buldozer i scroll in and it starts to load objects and what not and when its done i get this error "Cannot load material file P:\jackson_county\data\layers\p_000-000_100_102_103_104_109.rvmat.". So i went and looked for that and there is nothing in that layers folder.
  11. thoops99

    AppleGate Community Project WIP

    I have played a lot on this map and i know that there is an invisible wall on the bridge west of Lakeside (right beside the town on the left when you are bypassing the town). Can this be fixed?
  12. I have not tried opening it or anything yet (I'm downloading after work) and I know from playing on the map that there is an invisible wall on the bridge west of Lakeside (to the left of the city). Any fixes for this?
  13. Hi guys and girls, i'm working on my Altis Life server and am editing the map and i'm wanting to remove an ATM machine. I know how to find the ids on the map and stuff like that, but on the map, the ATM machine id is covered by another id. Does anyone know of a way i can remove the atm machine? -Thanks http://imgur.com/dygbe9R
  14. I'm wanting to make a modded altis life server with ace. I have eveything setup but now I run into the problem with the Altis life medical system. The only reason I like it is because you can request a medic when dead. And I have no clue how to do that with ace 3. All I want is this: -When a person in unconscious create a box with the request medic button on it. -When button is pressed display message to EMS and mark location on map If anyone can help that would be great. (I'm not wanted to edit the ace files if possible. If there is some extra script I could put in the my main mission file that would be great)