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Everything posted by Zriel

  1. Zriel

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Only cars and tanks attach to the C130
  2. Zriel

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Okay, did some digging into configs of the RHS C130J. Seems you guys have added a functiont that automatically attaches Tanks and Cars into the plane when closing the cargo door, and dettaches them once the cargo doors are opened. Quite a nice feature, but inhabilities me (and probably other people) to use the Igiload script, which let us transport ammoboxes and other objects, let us parachute them in air, and some other nice features. I would request if possible to remove those functions in the future? Thanks in advance ---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:05 ---------- Also, I have added a bug with units and objects of the RHS mod and the "set costs - Soldiers and Cars" module of Zeus. http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=450
  3. Does UPSmon retain variables of groups when respawning AI? ---------- Post added at 00:58 ---------- Previous post was at 00:56 ---------- It is compatible with ALIVE, and even I've been using in a mission with it, for caching manually generated AI. If you plan to only use ALIVE AI though, it makes little sense probably. ALIVE already is quite resource hungry.
  4. Zriel

    Dash - SQF Editor

    Nice tool! I'm accostumed to work on the BIS Poseidon tool, and I would like to suggest a "dark" mode for the interface, and a workable file browser where I can delete or create folders/files. With that, I would probably change to it XD
  5. Zriel

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm working on making the C130J usable with the igiload Script. So far so good, just needed to change a couple of values and everything is working fine, except one issue. When opening the cargo ramp, the attached cargo objects detach and go free into the cargo space and the sky. Weeeeee Well, I'm a bit puzzled on why is this happening, as for example mohawk chopper also has a cargo ramp and this is not happening. Assume that something that is engine related and how the RHS C130J is built. I would ask for something like an explanation on where to look at so I can fix this script side, or maybe something RHS devs would be willing to fix/change. Thanks in advance! (I could provide a test mission if neccesary)
  6. Working on get the script working with the RHS C130J. So far so good, except closing and opening the cargo ramp seems to reset the cargo and dettaches it from the vehicle. Have no clue on why this would be happening. Any idea on what to look at?
  7. Zriel

    ASOR Gear Selector

    Morning Lecks, Seems that Whitelisting of radios has some problems. I wanted to only show one specific radio from TFAR mod. As I'm using whitelist (global whitelist) I just added "tf_anprc152" to the whitelist array. But no radio was showing. I remembered to see it in other missions, so I added the generic "ItemRadio" to the whitelist as it may be needed. And now they are shown...along with all the other TFAR radios XD.
  8. Zriel

    ASR AI 3

    Default settings work fine for us (COOP dedicated missions) We have increased building and static ussage though, and decreased smoke ussage (which Rob has actually done too officially in last version). Any plans on updating RHS config by the way? What's more, it would be actually neccesary to have it now?
  9. Zriel

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks everyone!
  10. Zriel

    ASR AI 3

    I know this is somewhat a generic question, but since this thread has lots of specialist in AI, and since I use the ASR_AI3 mod (which may change something....) Here it goes I have read that if I, as a player, throw smoke when engaged to an AI unit, it wont make the AI more difficult to shot at me, they aren't affected by it. Smoke affects the "spot" difficulty that the AI has, but once they know about me, smoke won't help me at all. Is this correct? or I have missunderstood?
  11. Zriel

    ASR AI 3

    Which settings do you generally use for ASR_AI3/ server Profile?? Thinking on a COOP vs AI perspective.
  12. Zriel

    ASOR Gear Selector

    We are using it with an ALIVE mission without problems
  13. Hi All I have trouble trying to move a single unit into a building. Specifically, the stadium building that overheads it, at [5440,15035,0]; This is the code I use: g_VIP = group st1_civ; g_VIP setFormation "FILE"; g_VIP setSpeedMode "LIMITED"; g_VIP setBehaviour "SAFE"; _building = nearestBuilding [5440,15035,0]; st1_civ doMove (_building buildingPos 1); st1_civ forceSpeed 1.5; waitUntil { (unitReady st1_civ) || (!alive st1_civ) }; if (alive st1_civ) then {doStop st1_civ;}; being "st1_civ" the name of the unit. I want it to enter the building and go up into the 1st floor. The position is just fine, tested, but the AI will dumbly walk into the wall endesly. Has anyone experiencied this issue? maybe the LOD of the building is bugged in this one? Thanks everyone
  14. Many thanks!! haven't tested yet, but I haven't used "waypointAttachObject" earlier, so that's probably the problem. Yeah, had to be scripted as is part of a convoy script which generates on the fly the vehicles and the civs, moves them to the stadium, makes them wait some time, then go away....at least I'm quite better and skilled doing scripts than doing things within the editor.
  15. Well, you are right. However, I'm not able to genereate a waypoint via scripting that is attached to the house so I can give a "setWaypointHousePosition".
  16. Server does not have a "player" variable. Player is a local variable assigned on clients to the current man that the user/client is controlling. It is a quick refrence, just like "this" on the editor. Your first script wouldn't work. If you are not using AI in the player slots, a "playableunits" array would contain all the units that are currently occupied by players. You have to check on the wiki, if the command you use can be used locally or globally, and if the effects are local or global. As said, KK blog has usefull info and easy to understand explanations about local/global.
  17. Zriel

    ASOR Vehicle Selector

    "boats" selector is working?
  18. Zriel

    Real Armor Mod

    I understand then that it is not MP compatible?
  19. OK...reread script...I'm at work. XD I have reread the check for Clients/HC/Server
  20. ok. So I understand this would be done in the context of cached units? I thought it was for all units, no distance dependant.
  21. Wait a moment. Are you sure this is usefull? I mean, I think that simulations are done everywhere for physx for example, which are hard to reproduce using only network. Maybe that's the simulation that is kept everywhere, and disabling it would be bad. Also, if you are correct, a more elegant solution would be the eventHandelr "local". Whenever you can, use an eventhandler instead of a loop. ---------- Post added at 17:24 ---------- Previous post was at 17:19 ---------- Still, you would need a loop to add eventhandlers to every unit and new units ..ouch!
  22. Zriel

    ASR AI 3

    Hi Rob, quick question. does "asr_ai3_main_enabled = 0" means that the ASR AI mod is not used by any means? As it says "scripted features"....
  23. Haven't had time to see. Does it dynamically detect where is AI and applies?
  24. Yep, good point. We can approach this with 2 paths. Don't cache commanders and gunners in vehicles, like we are doing with drivers (drivers are never cached) or set an specific distance for them to cache uncache. Thoughts? I don't use as many vehicles in my missions to have a signifcan drop for having 20 more or 20 less AIs enabled.
  25. I don't see a benefit in including this option. Why would you like to have AI cached in different distances depending on the vehicle they are mounted?