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About blackshad0w

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    Private First Class
  1. blackshad0w

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    Great Mod, ive been using it for years! Could you add the Y-32 as well? Because it lacks a proper instrument panel :)
  2. But this way i will lose my Respawn Selection window right?
  3. blackshad0w

    Unknown Error when Respawning with Menu

    I have disabled everything in EDEN and forced it trough the description.ext a long time ago: respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 5; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition","Revive"}; reviveDelay = 6; reviveBleedOutDelay = 120; reviveForceRespawnDelay = 5; But im still getting vannila errors, and the weird thing is that 80% of the time it all works fine.. And then suddenly, error ,error, error... You have to relog ~10 times before you finally get presented with the Spawn selection menu, without any errors.
  4. Hi Nikander, Thanks for your reply, but im afraid it does not work. I already have disabled everything in EDEN and forced it trough the description.ext: respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 5; respawnOnStart = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition","Revive"}; reviveDelay = 6; reviveBleedOutDelay = 120; reviveForceRespawnDelay = 5; But im still getting vannila errors, and the weird thing is that 80% of the time it all works fine.. And then suddenly, error ,error, error... You have to relog 10 times before you finally get presented with the Spawn selection menu, without any errors.
  5. My Headless Client that is running on the Same machine but on other cores always loses its connection. You get the messages that player headless client is losing connection, but AI al react normally and the headless client is reporting as normal to the monitor script. I just dont get it....
  6. Hi all, Im getting so tired of all the Bugs lately... Im getting 300+ Mb RPT files with this repeating error: waitUntil {sleep 0.05; bis_revive_selected == _unitVar || {!((m> 19:23:21 Error position: <bis_revive_selected == _unitVar || {!((m> 19:23:21 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_selected 19:23:21 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveIconControl_functions.sqf, line 470 19:23:21 Error in expression <", false]} do { This is Vanilla code, anyone that knows of a workarround for this crap? Thanks in advance :)
  7. blackshad0w

    group names not working in lobby (EDEN editor)

    They Binarized the file for faster loading times etc. So i would like to keep it that way, i just hope Bohemia fixed this issue and make it that you can order the groups.
  8. blackshad0w

    isEqualTo (==) issue (Need some help!)

    I dont know why but: while {true} do { _ReturnArray = [] call fnc_CitySelect; //_ReturnArray = [_SelectedTownName, _SelectedTownPos, _MarkerSize, _MaxUnits]; _SelectedTownName = _ReturnArray select 0; _SelectedTownPos = _ReturnArray select 1; _MarkerSize = _ReturnArray select 2; _MaxUnits = _ReturnArray select 3; if !(_SelectedTownName in LastLocationArray) exitWith{}; sleep 0.25; }; Suddenly worked again ;) Have a great day everyone
  9. blackshad0w

    isEqualTo (==) issue (Need some help!)

    And that is helpfull to me how? I know the code should work because it did without the last 3 locations check. Before i reverted to a lot of "Copy paste" it was all in Arrays. But sinds it did not work, you should start stupid again and work your way up. But sinds even my "Stupid" version did no longer break the loop, i started looking for help....... It used to be something like: while {true} do { _ReturnArray = ....Call Function..... //_ReturnArray = [_SelectedTownName, _SelectedTownPos, _MarkerSize, _MaxUnits]; _SelectedTownName = _ReturnArray select 0; _SelectedTownPos = _ReturnArray select 1; _MarkerSize = _ReturnArray select 2; _MaxUnits = _ReturnArray select 3; if !(_SelectedTownName in LastLocationArray) exitWith{}; sleep 0.25; }; LastLocationArray = [selectedTownName, (LastLocationArray select 0), (LastLocationArray select 1)] way cleaner but it did not Work ;)
  10. Hi all, I have a strange issue... I have a funtion that is being called, to select a Random city. It returns this array: _ReturnArray = [_SelectedTownName, _SelectedTownPos, _MarkerSize, _MaxUnits]; Then in the main script it checks the previously 3 locations, so that it wont spawn in a previous choosen location. (Random is never really random thats why this check is in place) Code: //Set initial Variables: LastLocation_1 = "Nothing"; LastLocation_2 = "Nothing"; LastLocation_3 = "Nothing"; while {true} do { _ReturnArray = ....Call Function..... //_ReturnArray = [_SelectedTownName, _SelectedTownPos, _MarkerSize, _MaxUnits]; _SelectedTownName = _ReturnArray select 0; _SelectedTownPos = _ReturnArray select 1; _MarkerSize = _ReturnArray select 2; _MaxUnits = _ReturnArray select 3; if !(_SelectedTownName isEqualTo LastLocation_1) then { if !(_SelectedTownName isEqualTo LastLocation_2) then { if !(_SelectedTownName isEqualTo LastLocation_3) exitWith{}; }; }; sleep 0.25; }; // Set last mission LastLocation_3 = LastLocation_2; LastLocation_2 = LastLocation_1; LastLocation_1 = _SelectedTownName; The Code should Exit the For loop, because none of the previous locations matches the Current selected locations. I checked this by making all variables Public and system chatted it to the client. The output i got was: Current location: Pyrgos, LastLocation_1: Nothing, LastLocation_2: Nothing, LastLocation_3: Nothing So it did not match, but still it did not not exit the FOR loop, and this message kept repeating with another City name as current location... What am i doing wrong here??? I tried everything but it just wont break the loop... I even tried: Code: //Set initial Variables: LastLocation_1 = "Nothing"; LastLocation_2 = "Nothing"; LastLocation_3 = "Nothing"; while {true} do { Break = false; _ReturnArray = ....Call Function..... //_ReturnArray = [_SelectedTownName, _SelectedTownPos, _MarkerSize, _MaxUnits]; _SelectedTownName = _ReturnArray select 0; _SelectedTownPos = _ReturnArray select 1; _MarkerSize = _ReturnArray select 2; _MaxUnits = _ReturnArray select 3; if (_SelectedTownName isEqualTo LastLocation_1) then { _Break = true }; if (_SelectedTownName isEqualTo LastLocation_2) then { _Break = true }; if (_SelectedTownName isEqualTo LastLocation_3) then { _Break = true }; if ( _Break = true ) exithwith{}; sleep 0.25; }; // Set last mission LastLocation_3 = LastLocation_2; LastLocation_2 = LastLocation_1; LastLocation_1 = _SelectedTownName; But it STILL did not break the loop.... HELP! ^^ PS: I know that: LastLocation_1 LastLocation_2 LastLocation_3 is not the smoothest way, i had a LastLocation = [pos1,pos2,pos3] but i encountered the same issue. So i reverted back to oldschool single variables just to verify it wasnt an array issue.
  11. blackshad0w

    group names not working in lobby (EDEN editor)

    How did you Read the SQM to change the Classes?
  12. blackshad0w

    Vehicle Respawn Module spawns to many vehicles

    Never did extensive testing in SPI noticed it happen im MP environment. I happens after a while at random.
  13. So I have my base setup with the vehicle respawn module. But sometimes the module spawns a car on top of another car. It seems like the module loses Sync or thinks that the original vehicle is not there and spawns in another. I've seen this happening to vehicles, helicopters, jets, they spawn on top or in/next to each other. I sometimes also lose the ability to control some faulty spawned vehicle's via Zeus. I've checked the module configuration, but it's setup correctly to delete the vehicle with a bang and respawn it at the original position 30s later. I can't seem to figure this out. Any solutions?
  14. blackshad0w

    group names not working in lobby (EDEN editor)

    I knew this was the case in the 2D editor, so I created my groups in order before I changed the names.And yet my admin group that I created last, is somewhere in the middle :') So it seems like Eden is also not really concerning itself by the order in the groups have been created.
  15. blackshad0w

    Changing into a bird upon relog?

    Agreed, works as it should.