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Everything posted by Operation_Fortitude

  1. Using these instructions, I managed to get each of the Original Arma/OA/BAF Warfare Scenarios with the respawn working correctly. However, now the scenarios are all using the default factions (USMC vs RU in Chernarus/Utes and US vs Taki Army in Takistan). No British, CDF, Chedaki, etc. Do you know if there is any way to have the scenarios still use the Mission Configs for the factories? :confused: Thank you so much for the respawn fix though! Your instructions are very clear and easy to follow.
  2. Operation_Fortitude

    [SP/CAMP] Black Lands (resistance campaign)

    Greetings, and may I first say that so far, this campaign is an absolute masterpiece. The Cutscenes, Atmosphere, Mission Layouts, and Dialog are all brilliant, however I encountered a serious problem in that when I finished the mission 'Alexej Pribotow'. By driving away with Pribotow, the screen faded to black, but then nothing. I could still control the car, but the mission wouldn't end. I tried the 'Endmission' cheat, but surprisingly that didn't have any effect this time (the Endmission Activated appeared in the top left corner of the screen). Finally I chose to abort the mission and skip to 'Petrovka Strike' Using the 'Campaign' cheat, but discovered that this caused me to lose all weapons and equipment that I have obtained throughout the campaign leaving me with nothing for 'Petrovka Strike'. Any ideas? I really don't want to have to start over, but I want to finish the story.