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Everything posted by didotto

  1. didotto

    WIP importing of PedagneMOD in ARMA 3

    Bugged glass for both rear and left door of each Blindo PUMA 6x6. Great MOD btw, keep dev it. Bel lavoro ragazzi da parte di tutti i {9GU}.
  2. didotto

    addAction issues...

    Is _group1 an exsisting group? (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit) If not, you have to create it first with createGroup _group1 = createGroup side (side can be: west, east, resistance)
  3. didotto

    addAction issues...

    This should work (the variable is local and not valid in that scope): fn_carBuySystem = { private ["_carID", "_carPrice", "_carName"," _caller"]; _carID =(_this select 3) select 0; _carPrice = (_this select 3) select 1; _carName = (_this select 3) select 2; _carSpawn = carspawn; _caller = _this select 1; if (Money >= _carPrice) then { Money = Money - _carPrice; sleep 3; _veh = _carID createVehicle (getPos _carSpawn); _veh setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _veh addAction ["Unlock Vehicle", {(_this select 0) setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"}]; hint format ["You have bought a %1 and you have %2 dollars left.", _carName, Money]; } else { hint "You do not have enough money for this car"; }; };
  4. didotto

    addAction issues...

    If I'm not wrong, you should do something like this: carseller addAction ["Buy Hatchback",{call fn_carBuySystem}, ["C_Hatchback_01_F", 200, "Hatchback"],6,false,false]; fn_carBuySystem = { private ["_carID", "_carPrice", "_carName"]; _carID =(_this select 3) select 0; _carPrice = (_this select 3) select 1; _carName = (_this select 3) select 2; _carSpawn = carspawn; if (Money >= _carPrice) then { Money = Money - _carPrice; _veh = _carID createVehicle (getPos _carSpawn); hint format ["You have bought a %1 and you have %2 dollars left.", _carName, Money]; } else { hint "You do not have enough money for this car"; }; }; NOTE: I added one more parameter (_carName) (I edited this post btw)
  5. didotto

    Prussian Empire Mod

    Is there any integration with The Italian Division Project? Because I see Rep of Triveneto and Rep of Northern Italy (and Pinaz in the team). Amazing!
  6. waiting for other factions and the first release too ^_^
  7. would like to see next update soon :D