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Everything posted by FAILIX

  1. Hi, I have to bother you guys with another question: Is it possible to change the "name" of the savegame? We have two dedicated arma servers running on one machine. Both should run a version of liberation, one with custom mods, the other only with a few scripts. But the second server is saving his rpt files and so on in the folder of the first server. Therefor I would need to change the savegame to not have each server overwrite the savegame of the other. Is there a value in "save_manager.sqf" that I have to change? Or does someone know what is the problem with our server? We used Method 1 from this tutorial to set up the second server: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139003-tutorial-how-to-run-arma3-on-a-dedicated-server/ "This is copy of the master install into a different directory As may times as you have space for Pros Most robust Unique MpMissions folder Unique "keys" folder Allows ability to run seperate instances of different branches of the game, (E.g Dev or Stable) Cons Uses more drive space requires more effort to create and automate the updating process"
  2. So the Huron has to be changed on top of the list. That is a special case. The rest will go to each respective paragraph. The Helis and assets in base chimera are in the mission.Sqm AFAIK. They will not change with the extension (except for the huron). As I did this for rhs, also with ch53 as Huron, it worked. I maybe post your extension code here?
  3. Did you set the single paragraphs in each section of classnames_extension.sqf from false to true? But for me the Arsenal blacklist from classnames_extension.sqf is also not working. I tried to remove the tryk vests from it.
  4. Got this fixed by removing all mp mission files.
  5. I have enabled filepatching on my test server and my client. After that, when I try to host a local LAN game, my game crashes instantly when I click OK to get to the mission selection screen. I get the message "cannot find outlw_magrepack/outlw_magrepack.cpp". I had used that script in the mission while I had filepatching enabled. It must have somehow been added to the init of the local server, if something like that exists. Can someone help me where to find the file that has been altered to change it? I already deactivated all mods and checked the game files via Steam.

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Is it possible that there is any issue with the server .bikey? I am using the same .bikey on our dedicated and the client, but i get kicked and steam also shows me some mods not loaded/unidentified. Even TFAR, which is working fine.
  7. Can someone tell me where i find the config of the mobile respawn in the mission files? I would like to remove its redeploy and Arsenal functions, but i cannot find it in the scripts.
  8. Exactly. And they also count to the total amount of militia forces in the sector.
  9. We still encounter the issue that some of the militia men that guard the towns, spawn without weapons. But they count towards the occupying force. Yesterday we captured the hotel complex with three human players and no friendly AI. We saw at least 4 militia men who had no weapons. In the end we had to kill one of them to conquer the sector. The others then turned into hostages. We do not use any weapon mods or custom factions. There is also no error message that e.g. a weapon could not be loaded. Did anyone else see this happen, too? It's really annoying.
  10. FAILIX

    HQ Replacement CSAT

    1.58 was released on April 21/22. So ist two days ago.
  11. It should save automatically every 60sec. In the parameters the is an option to wipe your previous savegame. The savegame is actually very robust. I am paying the same savegame with several major changes to the mission every few days.
  12. FAILIX

    HQ Replacement CSAT

    Is your savegame from before update to 1.58? The recent arma update was announced to corrupt campaign savegame.
  13. FAILIX

    HQ Replacement CSAT

    Hey eduardcomando... I want to use this mod as well as your NATO mod for zbugs liberation mission. Since the all civil sectors are guarded by csat fia troops (O_G_F), do you plan to do a replacement mod for those as well? Or can you provide a hint what must be done to do this for another faction? *edit: just found your fia replacement. Didn't know it is already available. So above is solved [emoji106]*
  14. FAILIX

    NATO Replacement HQ

    For me it worked with new version.
  15. Hey Hoverguy... your code works! Thanks a lot for your help, very much appreciated!
  16. Yes, that is true. I've actually tried both. Now having "thirdPersonView", while checking it in game it also returns 1. But the script still doesn't work :( Here is what the script looks like now: if (!isDedicated) then { //preventing start on server waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; //making sure player is spawned if (difficultyOption "thirdPersonView") then { while {1} do { waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP"}; if ((vehicle player) == player) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; }; }; };
  17. Damn, this did not work. Anyone else here who knows how to get this fixed?
  18. Oh, this slipped through as I looked it up at the page. So I probably just need to switch the true to 1 and it might work then. Thanks, I will let you know if it works.
  19. Hi Guys, I'm still trying to get this mission running with VCOM_AI on our dedicated server. But some things seem to go wrong. Somehow the enemies have an abnormally bad aim and the rpt is throwing up some weird errors. Maybe someone has an idea how to fix it? Here's the link to the VCOM_AI thread where I've posted details and rpt log snippets: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/166374-vcom-ai-v20-ai-overhaul/?p=3011948
  20. FAILIX

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi again, we still have the VCOM_AI script version added to the Liberation mission from zbug (link). When I host the exact same pbo locally (with same vcom ai settings in "userconfig" folder, it works like a charm. I assume all the AI that defends towns or attacks our FOBs should be spawned on the server. After adding "-filepatching" to the server startup parameters and adding the VCOM_AI Folder to our Userconfig Folder in "C:\Games\ArmA3\A3Server\userconfig" (there we also have the config for TFAR, which is working), we still have some issues. The VCOM_AI is not isntalled on any client. So far we did not add "allowedFilePatching = 2;" to the config_server.cfg. So clients cannot enable file patching. But we encounter some issues: 1. AI has more or less no aim...you can stand 10m in front of them and they spray 2 mags at you and hit you maybe once. This are our accuracy settings in "AISettingsV2.hpp" in "userconfig" folder: _Unit setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",(0.6 + (random 0.1))]; _Unit setSkill ["aimingShake",(0.6 + (random 0.1))]; _Unit setSkill ["spotDistance",1]; _Unit setSkill ["spotTime",1]; _Unit setSkill ["courage",(0.7 + (random 0.3))]; _Unit setSkill ["commanding",1.0]; _Unit setSkill ["aimingSpeed",1]; _Unit setSkill ["general",1.0]; _Unit setSkill ["endurance",1.0]; _Unit setSkill ["reloadSpeed",(0.2 + (random 0.3))]; Also we have some weird rpt errors related to vcom: 19:01:11 Error in expression <VCOM_HasMine",true,false]; }; } forEach _magazinesAmmo; > 19:01:11 Error position: <_magazinesAmmo; > 19:01:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: _magazinesammo 19:01:11 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\VCOMAI\Functions\VCOMAI_HasMine.sqf, line 39 19:01:11 Error in expression < getvariable "VCOM_AssignedEnemy"; if (_TargetPosition isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then > 19:01:11 Error position: <_TargetPosition isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then > 19:01:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetposition 19:01:11 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\VCOMAI\Functions\VCOMAI_FocusedAccuracy.sqf, line 9 This is the first part of our "AISettingsV2.hpp": VCOMAI_Func = { //Variable for finding out which config was loaded. VCOM_AIConfig = "Userconfig folder"; //Turn this on to see certain debug messages VCOM_AIDEBUG = 1; //Turn on map markers that track AI movement VCOM_UseMarkers = false; //Turns off VCOMAI for AI units in a players squad NOAI_FOR_PLAYERLEADERS = 1; //Will AI garrison static weapons nearby? VCOM_STATICGARRISON = 1; //How far can the AI hear gunshots from? VCOM_HEARINGDISTANCE = 400; //Should AI be able to call for artillery. 1 = YES 0 = NO VCOM_Artillery = 0; //Should we let AI use flanking manuevers? false means they can flank VCOM_NOPATHING = false; //Should AI use smoke grenades? Besides default A3 behavior? VCOM_USESMOKE = true; //Chance of AI using grenades VCOM_GRENADECHANCE = 30; //Should the AI lay mines? VCOM_MineLaying = true; //Chance of AI to lay a mine. VCOM_MineLayChance = 40; //The longer an AI's target stays in 1 location, the more accurate and aware of the target the AI becomes.DEFAULT = [WEST,EAST,CIVILIAN,RESISTANCE]; VCOM_IncreasingAccuracy = true; //VCOM_SideBasedMovement- Remove sides from the array below to force that specific AI side to not execute any advance movement code. (I.E. Moving to reinforce allies, being alerted by distant gunshots and etc). AI with this will still react normally in combat. DEFAULT = [WEST,EAST,CIVILIAN,RESISTANCE]; VCOM_SideBasedMovement = [EAST, RESISTANCE]; //VCOM_SideBasedExecution- Remove sides from the array below to remove that specific AI side from executing any of the VCOMAI scripts at all. DEFAULT = [WEST,EAST,CIVILIAN,RESISTANCE]; VCOM_SideBasedExecution = [EAST,RESISTANCE]; //Distance AI will respond to call of help from each other VCOM_Unit_AIWarnDistance = 600; Can someone help me to find out where I made the mistake? @twakkie: To make the prisoners respond to orders, I've just removed WEST completely from VCOM_AI SideBasedExecution to make sure it works. I will try to see if your tweak works as well if we get vcom_ai running at all.
  21. Sometimes we encounter militia men that guard the towns who initially don't have any weapons. After decimizing the enemy forces to the degree that the rest surrenders, those unarmed militia men become hostages. Did anyone else notice this?
  22. FAILIX

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Thanks a lot for clarifying this twakkie. So, since I suppose that ai is only spawned by the server (as long as no hc is c connected), only the server needs the userconfig and file patching enabled. This would be good since the players do not have to setup a lot of stuff. That's also why I preferred the script version over Mod version.
  23. FAILIX

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi, a few quick questions; I've added the script version to the Liberation mission from Zbug, that we run on our dedicated server. 1. Do I have to enable file patching on server/client/both? 2. Where do I need to put the userconfig folder on the server? 3. Do all clients also need vcomai in userconfig folder? 4. *quote from my question in liberation thread*: Hi, I have just tried to add the script version of vcom ai to your mission. One thing happened: The Captured enemy troops could not be commanded after capturing them. In the vcom ai description it reads: this setVariable ["NOAI",1,false]; - This will turn off the VCOM AI on the given unit So i suppose I should add this line to the prisonner_ai.sqf file in server\ai folder of your mission. Do you think it should work like this (see last line): if ( ( random 100 ) > GRLIB_surrender_chance ) exitWith {};params [ "_unit" ];if ( (_unit isKindOf "Man") && ( alive _unit ) && (side group _unit == EAST) ) then { if ( vehicle _unit != _unit ) then { deleteVehicle _unit }; sleep (random 5); if ( alive _unit ) then { removeAllWeapons _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; removeBackpack _unit; removeVest _unit; _unit unassignItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _unit removeItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _unit unassignItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"; _unit removeItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"; _unit setUnitPos "UP"; sleep 1; _unit disableAI "ANIM"; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; _unit playmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon" ; sleep 2; _unit setCaptive true; waitUntil { sleep 1; !alive _unit || side group _unit == WEST }; if ( alive _unit ) then { _unit enableAI "ANIM"; _unit enableAI "MOVE"; sleep 1; [ [ _unit ], "remote_call_prisonner", _unit ] call bis_fnc_mp; _unit setVariable ["NOAI",1,false]; }; };};
  24. Hi, I have just tried to add the script version of vcom ai to your mission. One thing happened: The Captured enemy troops could not be commanded after capturing them. In the vcom ai description it reads: this setVariable ["NOAI",1,false]; - This will turn off the VCOM AI on the given unit So i suppose I should add this line to the prisonner_ai.sqf file in server\ai folder of your mission. Do you think it should work like this (see last line): if ( ( random 100 ) > GRLIB_surrender_chance ) exitWith {}; params [ "_unit" ]; if ( (_unit isKindOf "Man") && ( alive _unit ) && (side group _unit == EAST) ) then { if ( vehicle _unit != _unit ) then { deleteVehicle _unit }; sleep (random 5); if ( alive _unit ) then { removeAllWeapons _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; removeBackpack _unit; removeVest _unit; _unit unassignItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _unit removeItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _unit unassignItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"; _unit removeItem "NVGoggles_INDEP"; _unit setUnitPos "UP"; sleep 1; _unit disableAI "ANIM"; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; _unit playmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon" ; sleep 2; _unit setCaptive true; waitUntil { sleep 1; !alive _unit || side group _unit == WEST }; if ( alive _unit ) then { _unit enableAI "ANIM"; _unit enableAI "MOVE"; sleep 1; [ [ _unit ], "remote_call_prisonner", _unit ] call bis_fnc_mp; _unit setVariable ["NOAI",1,false]; }; }; };
  25. I think liberation should work with asr ai. I've just tested it yesterday with vcom ai directly via script that I added to the modified pbo and it definitely worked. Got flanked and rushed while longer in a house. So if vcom works, I suppose asr ai should as well. Did you try it via script or addon?