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About zcorza

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  1. You probably just don't have the correct ports open, go into your router and open these ports for your computer: UDP: 2302-2305. - Corza
  2. I am not sure what he is hoping to accomplish but he does not have good intentions. It looks like he is using a function that allows a client to get accurate owner id's, then applying your ID to himself granting him access to whatever admin tools you are using. BNRG_GetOwnerFromClient = { _requestedObject = [_this, 0, player,[player]] call BIS_fnc_param; _requestor = [_this, 1, player,[player]] call BIS_fnc_param; call Compile format ["BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_%1 = nil",getplayeruid _requestor]; BNRG_GetOwnerFromClient_RETURN = nil; [[[_requestedObject,_requestor], { if (isServer) then { _BNRG_fnc_SendOwnerToClient = compile format[' BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_%1 = owner (_this select 0); _BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_Requestor = owner (_this select 1); _BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_Requestor publicVariableClient "BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_%1"; BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_%1 = nil; ',getplayeruid (_this select 0)]; [_this select 0, _this select 1] call _BNRG_fnc_SendOwnerToClient; }; }], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; BNRG_GetOwnerFromClient_RETURN = call Compile format ["waitUntil {!isNil 'BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_%1'}; BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_%1;",getplayeruid _requestor]; waitUntil {!isNil 'BNRG_GetOwnerFromClient_RETURN'} call Compile format ["BNRG_fnc_ClientGetOwner_ID_%1 = nil",getplayeruid _requestor]; }; This is the whole code he probably used, you can find more information about this here: http://wiki.benargee.com/BNRG_fnc_getOwnerFromClient
  3. Hello all, I was playing around on Virtual Training Space and I found this nice looking gun. It is basically an M4A3 ironsight, I can't seem to find the class name for it anywhere. I had no mods on, only the mission and all other players could see the gun too so I am convinced that the gun is in the actual game. Does anyone know the classname for it?