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Everything posted by DSabre

  1. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    v 0.017 - added flak module - updated drone aircraft (now with physx so collisions won't orbit the ships) - tweaks to armaments (AA damage reduced) - various other small tweaks PS. If a moderator sees this - could you move this to complete please- ty
  2. Yes - the weapon only acts as a trigger. The actual weapon is scripted since torpedoes and depth charges are not supported by the base game. It needs a fired eventhandler. In the SW Fletcher class the config looks like this (I removed the non relevant eventhandlers for clarity): class EventHandlers { class sabsecretweapons_events { fired = "_this spawn sab_sw_fnc_destroyerfired;"; }; }; I may redesign the depth charges and eventually they may appear in naval legends too. *** The Sims has a fired eventhandler already for the torpedoes, so you would need to retain this as well _this spawn sab_nl_fnc_fired_surface so it should look something like this finally: fired = "_this spawn sab_sw_fnc_destroyerfired;_this spawn sab_nl_fnc_fired_surface;"; not sure how to add this in a mission. this may help https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addEventHandler
  3. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    That explains a lot. When I made that submarine config for my secret weapons mod I remember that the smallest change in geo lod size, weight or position (both geo and buoyancy) had a huge impact. The submarine would go nose or tail first at 90° or do other crazy things like in this screenshot. I was close to making a script that forces the submarine to stay level (that is what I use for the torpedos or the airships in flying circus - every few seconds it checks for a pitch above a certain threshold and then adds a torque to counter).
  4. After updating my capital ships the last few days I think the geo and buoyancy meshes could be made larger if the mass is increased. Not that I consider collision soo important in that case really. The actual mass of a Type VII would be 600-750 tons (surface/submerged). My version is way too light at 10 tons and maybe that is why I had to reduce geo and buoyancy meshes so much. Even at 35 000 tons (35000000 units in oxygen) my cruisers still have a smaller geo mesh than the actual shape or they would sit too high in the water.
  5. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    Yes exactly. There are 5 points in each model and the script randomly selects one. It is triggered with a certain chance when the ship is being hit and already damaged. Multiple fires are possible.
  6. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    Thank you. The issue was that with a high value of thrustDelay it not only affected thrust delay but also rudder delay. So no matter what value I set rudderForceCoeff it had no effect since the rudder did not move (=very very very very slowly : ) Since I did not suspect a parameter with that name to affect the rudder it took a while to find out. It's all fine now. I have reset thrustDelay. I simulate thrustDelay by low Horsepower which works better. I have set RudderForce around 225 for my carriers as their mass is around 25000000, turnCoeff is at 50.
  7. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    Thank you. I figured it out by increasing mass to the real values and reducing power a little. It does look a lot nicer than the old non physx simulation. Amazing to see these large ships work quite well (more or less). We will have to live with the odd ship taking off once in a while. The mods intended use is without other mods anyway. -Akagi Material Update -increasing the wake effect lifetime -random fire effect script finally working
  8. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    Thank you. Yes I am grateful Thomas is so generous to allow use in non-commercial settings. Did some experiments with capital ship physX. I would have thought that making it float properly would be the issue. Turns out that this part works in principle. Under some circumstances the ship takes off and speeds up to mach 2 though (several simulataneous bomb hits). Also I have lost several hours due to a bug with the parameter thrustDelay. It is nice to make the ship have a realistic acceleration but it illogically controls the turning speed of the rudder as well. If you want a slowly accelerating ship (thrustDelay > 20 ) you lose rudder control. A human player could sort of cope with that, the AI can't and goes in circles.
  9. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    Dev blog update - updating shadows, - adding windows/interior to Fubuki, - experimental physX for non capital ships, - experimental aa ammo for destroyer/carrier medium artillery
  10. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Thank you. It is a Ju 86. I have a weakness for interwar designs. I wanted to start with the mosquito's landing gear or the spitfires canopy - gave up and started the Ju 86 instead. It kind of clicked so it is one of the rare cases I managed to go from start to 75% (=finished) in a short time without getting stuck. *** wip inline engine version (diesel engine) ***
  11. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Dev blog update Some progress on my newest project. Small progress on the DH.98
  12. Thank you for clearing that up. It's a great feature. Had it happen a few times before but never really investigated further. So it did repay to redo my selection names : ) I used to have a lot of old arma 2 style names like lkh/pkh klapka from learning how to mod by doing arma 2 ports. And many thanks again for this tool Alwarren!
  13. Hi Alwarren, Recently I started updating some of my old models. I often delete one half of the model, fix the remaining half and mirror it when I am done. Now when putting it back into oxygen I have noticed that due to some miracle the ailerons and other parts somehow retain/get reassigned their old names (usually I use names like aileron_l/aileron_r). Same for wheels and flaps and other movable parts. I would have expected the mirrored parts to get the same name as the origin mesh. That happens to propellers (I usually name them prop_1, prop_2,...not ..._l or ..._r). What kind of magic is this? Did you actually make the script scan for _l and _r containing names in the selections? Or is this some blender feature?
  14. Maybe this can help you - My submarines are pretty simple. It is very important where you put your CoG. Huge time sink to get it set up properly. Tiny offset will have a huge impact. Bounding box of visual lod seems to have an effect. Any change to it and you may need to start over. Property: buoyancy = 1; Mass = 10000; Property: / Mass = 0; Property: / Mass = 0; PS: I wonder what would happen if I animated the geo lods with the dive planes, make them move slightly forwards or backwards. ***(tested a few days later, did not have any effect)***
  15. DSabre

    An-28 Light Transport

    can someone teleport that user of these forums please
  16. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Hurricane interior is not making much progress. Got stuck with the Spitfires interior and canopy as well. Why not start a new project... *A few hours later* Tried working on the DH.98 again. It may work after all. The better your mesh is in the beginning the less work you have later on. Sometimes hard to get past that first step. Think I got past it for the Mossie finally. Further refinements on the P-51 (normal map, texture, smdi). *A few days later* Another plane that may find its way into the mod
  17. DSabre

    Naval Legends (WIP)

    v 0.0155 - added compatibility for Flying Legends Ju 88 and Fw190 (torpedos) - added Akagi (no batteries included) - added Shokaku (no batteries included) - added Essex (some batteries included) - added more ai drone planes - added some more small vessels (civ faction) Concerning U557: Since there seems to be no easy way to make a proper interior without the underwater effect - crew turn in/out will be switched to the already implemented hide/show crew user action. That seems more effective and gets us around the headache of not being able to change crew slots when turned out.
  18. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Yes, it's a swiss Bf 109 livery. It is an option in eden garage currently. Thanks guys. Spitfire update: When I started this a long time ago I never got past the initial shape. The experience gained on the Hurricane and the 109s helped to revive this. Originally intended to make a Mk XVIII - but let's call it Mk XIV so it fits into the mod better.
  19. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Thank you. There is a list in 2nd post of what is currently planned. Had the plan to make my own B-17. May or may not happen.
  20. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    I had planned to continue with the Hurricane and the Mk XIV but ended up with this instead. Fuselage, canopy and wings are completely new, the rest is copy/paste from the F version.
  21. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Simply was no fun anymore. Technically it had some issues as I never intended for it to become so large, class-names had no proper system, got lost in useless details (too many different armaments). That made changes or adding things a nuisance. It got too popular as well. Since my motivation for modding is fun it was time to move on. That's exactly what I am doing. I took some of my aircraft from Secret Weapons and gave them an update, some are new (Hurricane, Bf 109). All aircraft are my own.
  22. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Thanks for the offer but have no plans for it. This mod does not contain a Ju87. My other mod that does have one is not being worked on anymore. The Ju87 there is intended to be used as Kanonenvogel (cannonbird) and thus does not have the sirens. I think IFA had plans to add a siren to theirs or maybe they did already.
  23. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    There is a list of what I am working on and what is planned for this addon in the second post. It may change daily. No A6M zero for now. Maybe someday, maybe not.
  24. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Same procedure for the Ju 88
  25. DSabre

    Flying Legends

    Bf109 update: adding some weathering to the texture