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About max1944

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  1. Now, 8 months later I tried it again and the 3D editor still screwed up the campaign missions. And with the old 2D editor removed there is no option anymore, which left me basically stranded ... I put a decent amount of time into modding and now I can't do any progress :(
  2. max1944

    ArmA3 AI

    Within the campaign they all have night vision goggles on their helmets but on many night time missions their NVG's magically vanish. That is a (pretty dumb) logic gap. I'm happy with the AI as long as it won't get worse. BI will fiddle change the AI without noticing the consequences. Be happy and pray that it won't get worse (like the eden editor corrups waypoints of the campaign missions).
  3. The old 2D editor works fine but the new 3D editor will corrupt waypoints. Example: In the first campaign mission A_in.Stratis after the helicopter ride Adams (instead of waiting by the truck) will walk to the Kamino firing range (by foot). This makes further progress impossible. It seems the new 3D editor isn't fully compatible with old missions.
  4. Yes, I've noticed that forceSpeed won't work because if the leader gets too far ahead he has to wait for the last one in the formation and that causes the stuttering movement. You could try setCombatmode "GREEN" or "BLUE"
  5. I think this is normal: Careless - Careless behaviour will cause the group move and behave in a very non-combat manner. The group will form into a Compact Column like formation, where each unit will directly follow the man in front rather than moving in a formation. Soldiers will carry their weapons in safe position (rifles across body, pistols holstered) and walk slowly. Infantry will not fire on enemy targets (unless they have wounded legs), but vehicles will still fire on enemies. Groups in careless mode do not switch to a more alert mode if enemies are encountered. All unit types show preference moving along roads whenever possible.If you want them to move fast you have to use this forceSpeed. EDIT = won't work this setBehaviour "CARELESS"; this forceSpeed 45;
  6. I noticed the glasses for individual characters are defined in cfgIdentities, but I don't know how to patch it. I don't know the requiredAddons and there are no parents. class CfgPatches { class cfgIdentities_Mod { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {???}; }; }; class cfgIdentities { class EPA_B_McKay { nameSound = "McKay"; face = "WhiteHead_02"; glasses = "G_Combat"; }; };
  7. Thank you very much. It worked with this code: class CfgPatches { class cfgWeapons_Mod { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class arifle_MXC_Black_F; class arifle_MXC_Black_NST_pointer_snds_F : arifle_MXC_Black_F { class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { slot = "CowsSlot"; item = "optic_Nightstalker"; }; class LinkedItemsMuzzle { slot = "MuzzleSlot"; item = "muzzle_snds_H"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { slot = "PointerSlot"; item = "acc_pointer_IR"; }; }; }; }; Finally the CTRG guys are equiped properly by default: SOLVED: (There is just one minor thing: Does someone know how to remove/change the goggles/sunglasses on cfgVehicles? (I dislike the yellow sport shades on McKay))
  8. I can change the loadout but I don't know how to add a scope and silencer to cfgVehicles units. There is no weapon in this list that would fit.
  9. Hello Is it possible to add a primary weapon item to a cfgVehicle unit? I would like to give CTRG Miller a custom weapon: (black MXC rifle with silencer and nightstalker scope). addPrimaryWeaponItem seems not to work and adding a custom loadout for every mission and cutscene is a pain in the ass. I would rather like to patch the cfgVehicle. I would appreciate any help
  10. Hello There is a way to bypass the maximum cargo capacity of a vehicle (In this case a quadbike). All I had to do was to add empty backpacks to the vehicle and exchange them with full carryall backpacks from the player inventory (see below). With the most vehicles there is no need to do this but the quadbikes have a ridiculously small inventory size. I would like to see this fixed and the inventory size of the quadbikes should be increased. I can't fix this issue by myself but I have made a mod to adjust the inventory size (source). The "maximumLoad" capacity of all quadbikes was increased from 600 to 1900. This equals two full carryall backpacks and a Lynx sniper rifle.
  11. It works fine. But as seen with the open {} there might be a few things. Thanks to everyone
  12. I'm such a fool. I already tried "A3_Weapons_F_Mark" but I made a mistake. I used "A3_Weapons_F, A3_Weapons_F_Mark" without the proper quotation marks. Now it works. Thank you very much! I hadn't planned to make it public, but here is the code if someone likes to see/use it. If there are further errors, please let me know. Pistol damage x2 Rifle damage x1.5 (exept some of the powerful sniper rounds) Grenades are more leathal to keep up with the bullets Helicopters will go down with one Titan AA (like tanks do with one Titan AT) class CfgPatches { class Damage_Mod { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Weapons_F_Mark"}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class BulletBase; class B_556x45_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 12; }; class B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Red : B_556x45_Ball { hit = 12; }; class B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Green : B_556x45_Ball { hit = 12; }; class B_556x45_Ball_Tracer_Yellow : B_556x45_Ball { hit = 12; }; class B_556x45_dual : B_556x45_Ball { hit = 12; }; class B_56x15_dual : BulletBase { hit = 12; }; class B_65x39_Caseless : BulletBase { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Caseless_green : B_65x39_Caseless { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Caseless_yellow : B_65x39_Caseless { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Case : B_65x39_Caseless { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Case_green : B_65x39_Case { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Case_yellow : B_65x39_Case { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless : B_65x39_Caseless { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless_Red_splash : B_65x39_Caseless { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless_Yellow_splash : B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless_Red_splash { hit = 15; }; class B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless_Green_splash : B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless_Red_splash { hit = 15; }; class B_762x51_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 18; }; class B_762x51_Tracer_Red : B_762x51_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x51_Tracer_Green : B_762x51_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x51_Tracer_Yellow : B_762x51_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x54_Ball : B_762x51_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x54_Tracer_Red : B_762x54_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x54_Tracer_Green : B_762x54_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x54_Tracer_Yellow : B_762x54_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x51_Minigun_Tracer_Red : B_762x51_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x51_Minigun_Tracer_Red_splash : B_762x51_Ball { hit = 18; }; class B_762x51_Minigun_Tracer_Yellow : B_762x51_Minigun_Tracer_Red { hit = 18; }; class B_762x51_Minigun_Tracer_Yellow_splash : B_762x51_Minigun_Tracer_Red_splash { hit = 18; }; class B_127x108_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 50; }; class B_127x108_APDS : B_127x108_Ball { hit = 60; }; class B_127x33_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 9; }; class B_127x54_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 20; }; class B_127x99_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 45; }; class B_127x99_Ball_Tracer_Green : B_127x99_Ball { hit = 45; }; class B_127x99_Ball_Tracer_Red : B_127x99_Ball { hit = 45; }; class B_127x99_Ball_Tracer_Yellow : B_127x99_Ball { hit = 45; }; class B_127x99_SLAP : B_127x99_Ball { hit = 50; }; class B_127x99_SLAP_Tracer_Green : B_127x99_SLAP { hit = 50; }; class B_127x99_SLAP_Tracer_Red : B_127x99_SLAP { hit = 50; }; class B_127x99_SLAP_Tracer_Yellow : B_127x99_SLAP { hit = 50; }; class B_338_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 24; }; class B_338_NM_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 21; }; class B_408_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 36; }; class B_45ACP_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 8; }; class B_45ACP_Ball_Green : B_45ACP_Ball { hit = 8; }; class B_45ACP_Ball_Yellow : B_45ACP_Ball { hit = 8; }; class B_93x64_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 27; }; class B_9x21_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 6; }; class B_9x21_Ball_Tracer_Green : B_9x21_Ball { hit = 6; }; class B_9x21_Ball_Tracer_Red : B_9x21_Ball_Tracer_Green { hit = 6; }; class B_9x21_Ball_Tracer_Yellow : B_9x21_Ball_Tracer_Green { hit = 6; }; class GrenadeBase; class G_20mm_HE : GrenadeBase { indirectHit = 8; indirectHitRange = 5; }; class G_40mm_HE : GrenadeBase { indirectHit = 16; indirectHitRange = 7.5; }; class G_40mm_HEDP : GrenadeBase { deflecting = 5; indirectHit = 12; indirectHitRange = 5; }; class Grenade; class mini_Grenade : Grenade { hit = 12; indirectHit = 12; indirectHitRange = 5; }; class GrenadeHand : Grenade { hit = 16; indirectHit = 16; indirectHitRange = 7.5; }; class MissileBase; class M_Titan_AA : MissileBase { hit = 400; }; class RocketBase; class R_TBG32V_F : RocketBase { indirectHitRange = 10; }; };
  13. Hello I have made a damage mod that works fine for the regular/vanilla cfgAmmo but those from the marksman DLC won't work. I think the requiredAddons[] = {}; for the marksman DLC is missing, but how could I find out? EDIT: SOLVED regular/vanilla cfgAmmo = "A3_Weapons_F" marksman DLC cfgAmmo = "A3_Weapons_F_Mark" Example: class CfgPatches { class Damage_Mod { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Weapons_F_Mark}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Bulletbase; class B_556x45_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 12; }; class B_338_Ball : BulletBase { hit = 24; }; };
  14. I have tested it on Ultra 12000/12000. The whole system took about 6 GB of RAM and 3 GB of VRAM. If the GPU would be the limiting factor a increase or decrease in resolution should have a impact on FPS (which it has not). Therefore the low GPU workload of about 25% has to be accurate.