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Everything posted by eazye

  1. Im just starting to get familiar with ace3. I mainly play single player and enjiy the medical system and interacting with AI teammates with the ability to drag, carry heal etc. But as far as I know the AI does not heal you and you are just left to bleed out if badly injured. Is there an option to remove this without completely deleting the medical pbo so at least I can treat myself through the vanilla version while still being able to interact with the AI through ace?
  2. Thanks for the response but it will be awhile before I get to my pc to test it but until then where do I exactly put that? Is all that for my units init or a script?
  3. Yea I can, im referring to when you go unconscious. With noone to heal you you're just left there to bleed out and die. Unless im missing it there is nothing in the options to remove this.Also the only revive system I knew of where the AI healed you was A3 woumding system but I cant get it to work like it used to a few years ago.
  4. I can't paste the code as I am away from my computer right now but my 2 previous missions from last year worked fine using triggers. The latest mission ive created I just brought the code over like before but now its not working. I even tested the new song moved it to the old mission and it worked there. Tried it again in the new mission and nothing. It is the only thing in my description.ext and only mods I am using are massi's and caf aggressors. Any idea's?
  5. Seems like there should be a simple explanation to this that I am missing. I looked through the old post and tried the listed suggestions but still isn't working for me. Basically when I set a simple response trigger for the enemy to respond in a chopper the chopper never engages my guys. I purposely place the group in the open to get mowed down but the chopper continues to ignore us. Combat, engage at will, search & destroy, hold, nothing seems to work and the heli will just keep flying by. Sometimes the heli ignores the waypoints and just hovers there not doing anything. What am I doing wrong?
  6. Hmm, tried both solutions multiple times, neither seem to be working. The chopper seems to line up like its going to engage but still doesn't fire. If it matters the chopper is grounded in another area until the trugger fires. I place units inside with the moveincargo, moveingunner etc and tried the codes on the chopper, trigger and each individual.
  7. Thanks for the reply but how do you apply those commands to target the entire blufor side?
  8. Wow, and I was about to come in here and cry over the performance of my single gtx 980. I pretty much have the same issues but I play on 21:9 3440x1440 monitor and get stuck between 10-20fps while at least trying to max out in SP. I dont want to mess with the settings to much if someone here has a good configuration they can share?
  9. eazye

    AI hold pistol and not return to rifle

    I ran into this awhile back and im sure someone else has a more permanent solution but for a quick fix when my AI did this I just went in to their inventory and made them drop the pistol.
  10. For me at least with all my research this has been the hardest topic for me to find for a how to guide in arma 3. Never really needed it until now though. Could someone please direct me to where I can find a tutorial on making intro videos, thank you.
  11. I never played any of the other arma's so my mistake searching the net was probably looking for arma 3 specifically. But thanks I'll check them out.
  12. Piggy thanks for the help but I figured it out. I just deleted the description.ext file and made a new one and put the exact same code I already had in and its working now for some reason.
  13. O I forgot to put that in here as I am typing on my phone but yes my code does include the class name and its still not working with the new mission for some reason.
  14. Aight here is what I am using which worked perfectly fine in 2 missions I made last year. My song is named track1. Description.ext: Class CfgMusic { Tracks []={}; { Name = "music1"; Sound[] = {"\music\track1.ogg", db+0, 1.0}; }; }; In trigger Playmusic "music1"
  15. eazye

    AI for CQB?

    Thanks guys for the suggestions, it will be a few days before I get to try them out.
  16. My first arma game and I know it is geared more towards large scale open field combat and thats fine but I have always favored CQB old school rainbow six style gameplay. So naturally I been trying to create a number of CQB style missions for SP but have had to scrap them all due to AI. No matter what mods I use, Asr, Bcombat, vcom etc...the main issue is my squad never follows me inside a building or down certain streets. Is this just not possible with arma or am I missing a specific script or mod for that.
  17. I have searched all over but all I am aware of is evaider's old script which I can't get to work in my mission. What I seen in the example mission is not really what im looking for. Agm and Cse both do it great but i really don't want it to be dependant on those mods. Am I stuck with those or are there other scripts im not aware of that exist?
  18. Well I can give his script another try if your willing to give me a proper walkthrough on how to get it to work because there doesn't seem to be noob friendly instructions included.
  19. Thanks for the response. But yea that is the one I mentioned I couldn't get to work outside of the example mission. Not only is arma 3 my first experience with the series, im still new to all this scripting stuff and I wouldn't know where to began to modify it.
  20. Hello, I couldn't see it skimming through all these pages but is there an option or way to add a penalty like an instant mission failure after you kill a certain number of civilians.
  21. Hello, I want to make a mission that utilizes agm which I assume would require others to have it in order to play it. Question is since I made so many custom changes to my own agm by deleting half the pbo's and changing some controls would that affect the players own version at all. Example would be if I disabled the medical system on mine and did not place any modules, would they be able to still use it if they kept it on their version? Also in reverse, if I kept the medical system and they deleted theirs would they still be able to use it in mission?
  22. Since Arma 3 is my 1st Arma I have no experience with this thing called Ace. So should I be excited as everyone else? I use agm, how much more advanced is it than that.
  23. Sorry to hijack your post but I have a similar issue and believe the answer could be the same. I am on the NATO side but want an independent to use the NATO vehicles. When I destroy an empty NATO vehicle I guess the game sees this as a team kill and my AI squad attacks me.