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Posts posted by kbbw123

  1. it will not do that much damage to a diffrent chopper because they are just normal 7.62 bullets. they will damage compartments but its diffrent than the 20/30 MM bullets of attack shoppers that have HE effects. you will notice that if you hover infront of a building with the Pawnee you can utterly destroy it in several seconds so they are strong enough it just depends what you are fighting with it (Don't even try to fight a tank or apc with them because they jus srug the bullets off)

  2. Okay this is my Advhint


    class CfgHints
    class M1
    	displayName = "Mission Completed";
    	class missiondone
    		arguments[] = {};
    		displayName = "missions Completed";
    		description = "You have completed the Missions";
    		tip = "This mission is completed call an Extraction to get you out of here";
    		image = "\a3\ui_f\data\gui\Cfg\Hints\tasks_ca.paa";

    the script to call the hint


    waitUntil { !isNull player }; //<-- make's it JIP
    waitUntil { player == player };
    sleep 0.1;
    Obj_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Clear Molos"];
    Obj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "M2");
    Obj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription [ 
    "Clear the town of Molos of all FIA personal", 
    "Clear Molos", 
    Obj_1 setTaskState "CREATED";
    waituntil {taskState Obj_1 == "Succeeded"};
    if (isNil "Obj_2") then { 
    Obj_2 = player createSimpleTask ["Assault Molos Airlfied"];
    Obj_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "M3");
    Obj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription [ 
    "Destroy all AAF assets on the airfield", 
    "Asault Molos Airfield", 
    Obj_2 setTaskState "CREATED";
    waituntil {taskState Obj_1 == "Succeeded"} && {taskstate Obj_2 == "Succeeded"};
    ["Missiondone", 20, "", 40, "", true, false, true, true] call BIS_fnc_advHint;

    and the error i get:

    18:14:34 Error in expression <ss;
    } else {
    _cfg = [["CfgHints",_class select 0,_class select 1],configfile >> >
    18:14:34   Error position: <select 0,_class select 1],configfile >> >
    18:14:34   Error Generic error in expression
    18:14:34 File A3\functions_f\Hints\fn_advHint.sqf, line 46
    18:28:41 Error in expression < > 2) then {
    _cfg = [["CfgHints",_class select 0,_class select 1,_class select 2>
    18:28:41   Error position: <select 0,_class select 1,_class select 2>
    18:28:41   Error Generic error in expression
    18:28:41 File A3\functions_f\Hints\fn_advHint.sqf, line 44

    Now the question is did i break bis there script or is it broken to begin with ?!?

    I don't have a clue

    Kind regards,


  3. Whitelistveh.sqf

    if (isDedicated) ExitWith {
    _whitelistedvehicles = ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"];
    idarr = ["123456","654321","123654"];
    //Get player UID
    _uid = 1;
    if (isMultiplayer) Then {
    _uid = getPlayerUID player;
    //Request Array from server
    RequestArray = 0;
    publicVariableServer "RequestArray";
    //Start loop
    while {true} do {
       if ((typeOf(vehicle player)) in _whitelistedvehicles && !((vehicle player getCargoIndex player)>=0) && !(_uid in idarr)) Then {
       	hint parseText "<t color='#ff0000' size='1.6'>Whitelisted Vehicle!</t><br /><t size='1.1'>Only trained pilots may fly</t>";
       	_vehicle = vehicle player;
       	player action ["Eject", vehicle player];
       	player action ["getOut", _vehicle];
       	sleep 2;
       	_vehicle setFuel 0;
       	sleep 0.5;
       	_vehicle setFuel 1;
       sleep 3;


    [] execVM "Whitelistveh.sqf"

    here you go. this script will kick persons that are not whitelisted from all the vehicle's you specify in the vehicle array. ID's go into the id array

    This was wrote by a kind community member of ours

  4. What makes me angry is that Shift-P is still bound to the DLC page, even though I OWN the DLC. I know I can remap these, but it shouldn't be there in the first place for people who bought it

    You acctually can't remap them they are there buy greyed out...

  5. lemme see...

    AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor (8CPUs), ~4.0GHz

    Gygabite Radeon HD7850 2gb

    16 GB DDR3 RAM

    ASRock 970 Xtreme4

    Samsung HD753LJ ATA Device 750 GB

    external HDD: Seagate Expansion Desk USB Device 2TB

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit


    and i i remember correctly a 750w Be Quiet Power supply.

    I hope this covers all :)

  6. My 2 cents is also check your triggers where the ambushes take place. if they are not set to be spawned on the condition by the server only it will spawn them for every player hopping in the trigger area. thus cousing for lets say 10 people instead of maybe 1 squad and 1 tank, 10 squads and 10 tanks i had this problem aswel befor and no matter how powerfull a dedi is spawning to much AI at the same time will case serious lag issue

  7. The ads are the same like in the pictures when you are in the passenger seats.

    And like you clearly show in those pictures you where in a helicopter that you didn't pay for. i bet that if you didn't go into that helicopter you would have been able to just disconnect whitout a problem. its purly base on if you used DLC content or not

  8. I'm pretty sure $100,000 in donations doesn't qualify as commercial usage. It just means they get a lot of donations.

    Whether or not they need to pay tax on those donations is a different issue, but I think you're barking up the wrong tree. Isn't this mainly about addon theft from the community, not how much money they're making in donations?

    I don't really see how getting the Netherlands taxman to take X% of the money is a victory either.

    It's pretty clear Bohemia doesn't care much. I doubt they're pleased about the usage of DayZ material, but they're unlikely to shut down A3L for that. They've also already said that A3L is no longer violating the non-commercial usage parts of the Arma 3 EULA. Their donator shop is in the past, and the "donate to get whitelisted quicker" thing, while shady, is a gray area.

    It's not really a done deal yet is it? Nobody with any authority has said anything is actually being done about it.

    read everything before comenting and you would have figured out they they forced donations. and it is alo shown they they still do it only not as "openly" as before

  9. Yea... So.... i have this creepy bug called

    Can't load config 'ccsettings.xml' because of 'Error document empty'
    now i tried the following:

    • Varefying Gamecache
    • Coppying TKOM_loader.exe, ccsettings.xml, wb_settings.xml, playerID\244030\local\ccsettings.xml from a person with a working version.
    • deleting .xml files and veryfing again or just trying to launch the game.
    • changing the setting mannually to load a custom profile >> <misc subtitles="1" currlanguage="English" profile="KBBW">
    • reinstalling my game
    • deleting the TKOM_loader.exe and verefying

    error.log says this:


    Log G:\Steam\userdata\123655228\244030\local\error.log started at 12.12. 23:30:06

    Loading config '$profile:ccsettings.xml'

    Can't load settings ./ccsettings.xml

    Filesystem.log says this:


    Log G:\Steam\userdata\123655228\244030\local\filesystem.log started at 12.12. 23:37:06

    23:37:06:0688 R .\ccsettings.xml

    23:37:06:0689 W G:\Steam\userdata\123655228\244030\local\ccsettings.xml

    23:37:06:0691 R G:\Steam\userdata\123655228\244030\local\ccsettings.xml

    note that the logs only hold the last error report logs as i deleted all in the local file to try to fix it.

    is it possible to get a proper fix for this or atleast a hotfix?

    it says on steam played 10 minutes as though its acctually not playing just looking at the error message

  10. Hey IndeedPete,

    First of LOVE the mission. the thirst thing that came to my mind was. Where is the MP version :P

    seriously though. after the full release and the MANW stuf are you planningto make a mp version of it? this is like the thing i have been waiting for for MP everyday I'm looking for that one mission where i could spent DAYS on. the mission, sm's, everything is incredibly awesome

    oh and supported btw!

  11. Don't jinx it. Then again if BI wanted to they would probably give civilians/AAF the CZ-750 from te Czech DLC, so. But let's hope for new, awesome looking content. Great choices so far guys.

    I think they will make new weapons. I mean all the old weapons form A2 are avaible for the modders to port over so why would they take those weapons when they allready "released them" in a sense. no if they wan't to make something usefull for this DLC they will have to do it from scratch
