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Everything posted by kbbw123

  1. kbbw123

    Far Cry 4

    Haven't had any problems like that. i played on a PC that runs A3 on 28 - 30 fps but FC4 made a incredible 90 FPS (everything on high) also i had not a SINGLE bug though that might be because i bought it 5-10 days after release
  2. kbbw123

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    Solution point in the distance and say whats that.... fixed ;)
  3. kbbw123

    Far Cry 4

    I have to keep saying it but Far Cry does have THE BEST Antagonist.... those crazy bastards are bloody awesome xD
  4. kbbw123

    Star Wars Ep. 7 - THE FORCE AWAKENS

    Hm.... I don't know I'm a REAL Star Wars Lover i mean i even have the first 3 movies on original video tapes and stuf but this just didn't give me the "feeling" ya know..... it was more like i was watching another fan made one.....
  5. kbbw123

    help with groups.

    Its importnant to place the Units as you want them named. the first one you place is Alpha 1-1 the next one Alpha 1-2 ect. ( think it goes to 1-3) and like stated befor custom UNIT names can be done over the description of the unit. So say you place a unit and give him the name Papa Bear then the lobby wil look like this Alpha 1-1: Papa Bear A.I./<playername>/empty slot if you want it organized just delete the units and place them over new with the proper names ;)
  6. Maybe Teamspeak is an Idea? make diffrent groups for all
  7. kbbw123

    arma 2 to PS4/Xbox One

    It wouldn't be good to translate them for console's because of the amount of keybindings ArmA has.... i mean on a XboX controller your limited to x,y,b,a,lt,lb,rt,rb,ls,rs,crosspath..... and yes you could do some combining but if you comepare it to all they keybindings there are for ArmA.....
  8. kbbw123

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    don't worry even the Dutch Tax doesn't steal a mans beer ;)
  9. kbbw123

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Tax in the netherlands would be like this: 1st. They would need to clarify if the people that own the PayPal acount have a job allready. Tax for first job should be around 33% second job is about 50%. 2nd. after that is calculated they would have to pay back all the taxes on the payments they recieved. 3rd. if they did not report the tax on purpose the fine will be 50% of the complete Tax.
  10. Okay am I the only person so far that noticed that since the 1.32 update the images have a wierd alpha touch? i mean in my opinion its not normal to have a yellow picture turning cyaan in missions ect. it alos affects custom faces....... so basicly all texztures ect i make at the moment for my missions are all Fubar...
  11. kbbw123

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    That was what i was about to say.... to stop all this all the mod makers have to do make them .ebo files. this way they won't be able to actuallty steal anything. as for scripts they steal the only thing i can think of is by implementing sertain hidden boobytraps or make it more server side. this would mean tho that you have to create a special system where you can hand your mission to others while making sure that its safe from pirates..... guess thats allot a work
  12. kbbw123

    Failet to install - XP SP3

    Delete the battleeye DLL files in the battleEye folder in your root folder of OA and redownload them from battleeye.com that fixed it befor for me
  13. kbbw123

    Helicopter DLC Not Showing

    OKay.... According to wikipedia i live in the CET timezone.... 18:11 now and still nothing.... it does show in the dlc's i own... doesn't show up in the store and doesn't update....
  14. If your not happy with a ecent game as Arma because of these kind of things maybe the game VBS 3 by Bohemia Interactive Simulations is something for you ya know instead of spending what only 45€ on it you can spend a couple of thousand on it BI will even custom build it for you so you have the units, islands, whatever you want.... and as far as i heard the AI in that is perfect (you never hear the army's all around the world complain) though you also might want to get a better computer than right away...... but if you don't want that than i guess you have to be happy with what you got the good ol ArmA3 with the RV4 enginge with AIs that have superhuman eye's (Luve It :D), a big terrain with 99% of the buildings entereble and with goofy skulls on distance islands that no one ever goes to for the heck of it... you can say whatever you want about other engine's and other games but i got 900+ hours on A3 and thats about 900+ more then i get on any other game i ever played so to BIS i can only say keep up the good work!
  15. kbbw123

    Arma 3 is too futuristic

    For whoever thinks that MilSim ecuals Real life military stuf.... your wrong Military simulation in wikipedia clearly says: Oh btw BIS please implement
  16. kbbw123

    Helicopters DLC but no fast rope?

    creating the rope is easy yes but adding the proper phisx is another thing
  17. kbbw123

    Helicopters DLC but no fast rope?

    the problem with the DLC is that the rope they implemented for the slingloading is to elastic for fastroping. you really wouldn't want to go down a rope that is built out of material like that ^.^ the rope's are perfect for the slingloading applying phisx to the load but like i said you wouldn't want to go down a rope that mght snap from the movements or drops you down to the ground because of the elastic side to it. Had they done it it would not onl screw up all the scripts it would also destroy your experience in the game
  18. did you update the game in the past six months?
  19. kbbw123

    Arma 2 Must have Mods

    It depends what kind of PC you have and what kind of gameplay. If you like cooler sounds for weapons, vehicle's and stuf download JSRS. If you have a good computer and like more realistic explosions ect. download Blastcore If your a Die Hard for realism download ACE. there are also allot of nice maps out there like Fallujah, Panthera ect. as for units. there are more than can be named same as for weapons and vehicle's lots to try out ;)
  20. Oh i'm so bloody smart -.- just figured out why it wasn't working.... hadn't put the addon builder properly it created the .pbo file but with nothing in it.... i could acctually kill myself now but yea braindamage is back to 0 now
  21. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m10t5fnmgi2btv6/KBBWTEXT.pbo?dl=0 Here ya go. this didn't work its .paa (Used Gimp 2 to make it a .PNG and then convert it to .paa with textview 2) Size is the same as original just redone the texture texture is indete in \KBBWTEXT\Data\<Filename.paa>
  22. olmost kill myself from shame..... but well dat did make it appear in the arsenal list but again he textures don't load :(
  23. Tried it but same result it can't load the texture somehow also no result backpack is still not showing up :(
  24. kbbw123

    VOIP/VON issues in Arma3

    VON is still the same thats why we wont even use it on or servers. we just use plainold teamspeak with simple mods as Task Force Radio or ACRE (simple as in easy to instal)
  25. I read through it as I say its definetly not the civ repair truck itself its that he put it in on DEV built so if he wants the truck he can put it in over the stable built with no problems ^^