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Everything posted by joostsidy

  1. joostsidy

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    Thanks arkhir! I got a decent script working with the landAt command and the airfield number. Treating it like a plane like you said. This will be good enough for my current mission, the whole experience is quite crude however. I hope some of the following things can be adressed by BI to make more use of this awesome vehicle type. - The ai basically thinks that it's a plane, but will try to take off vertically. This leads to a low power, wobbly take off (Blackfish vehicle). Can this be improved someway? - Can the VTOLS (AI) be made to take off horizontally? - It would be coolest of course if VTOLS (AI) could have a choice between vertical and horizontal landing/take off - Can the VTOLS (AI) be made to hover? - Scripters would have more options if related commands would actually work: action commands regarding vectoring, setting any speed and making them land at helipads - The VTOL always shuts down its engine on landing, I think there should be an option to keep it running (LAND 'GET OUT'), for stop-and-go landings. - Although VTOLS only need a small bit of runway, they land at the absolute start of it, almost clipping terrain and looking totally unnecessary. Probably all planes have the same kind of 'landing config', all using the same 'landing point' at the edge of the runway, but still. Would a solution perhaps be to have a command that locks vectoring to helicopter mode and then switch the entire AI to the standard helo flight model? This would give a lot of freedom. Probably easier said then done :-)
  2. You also need something like: (units _crew) allowGetin false;
  3. joostsidy

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    I hope BI can find the time to improve VTOL AI. Today I spent several hours trying to make the blackfish land at the Bala airstrip at Tanoa. Couldn't get it working, even with loads of scripted waypoints, managing heights and setting speeds to help the AI as it approaches its landing zone. Tried invisible helipads. It's impossible to make the VTOL fly very slow with limit- and forceSpeed. The vectoring actions don't work. VTOLS take unnecessary corners, crashes into hills etc. I just wanted the VTOL do drop my vehicle off at a very 'landing friendly' area, really bummed that something that simple can't work.
  4. joostsidy

    Missing semi colon

    yeah, it should be this: _Ord = "ACE_Box_Chemlights" createVehicle [3039,6062,0];}; You can never have enough semi-colons.. ;-)
  5. joostsidy

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion. I wish people would pay more attention to the information that BIS provides, I think their information is pretty clear and it's pretty much what you see is what you get. To me it seems people are being disappointed for getting their hopes up too much, which was avoidable if they took the time to listen to and see what BI releases. Who is surprised that there are no hangars or bays to launch ships from? If there were, they would be obviously shown and mentioned in the advertisements. Such a thing would be way too much of a selling point to keep secret or throw in as an 'extra'. By now everyone should know that with the available resources it's a tough job for BI to complete the DLC's, whether it's helo's, Tanoa, or this. There just is not much room for extra functionality, assets etc. It's mostly WYSIWYG. Wishlisting can be fun, but it can become a 'downer' for people posting it or reading it. I'm celebrating the arrival of the new carrier by focusing on what it does have, and what most BI assets have in my opinion: a very good looking and professional, polished and consistent look and functionality that is almost unrivaled by any mods.
  6. joostsidy

    Jets DLC revealed

    No, if there were, they would be shown in the video as the video is meant to show of all it's cool features. It would also be an unrealistically large amount of work. Just think of the Tanoa buildings. If the larger building already have very limited or no interiors, why would they suddenly come up with a free full interior aircraft carrier? The best you can hope for is some limited access to the bridge or something like that. The carrier is beautiful and very cool as a base for air-missions, nothing more, nothing less :-)
  7. joostsidy

    Malden DLC discussion

    I'm really looking forward to this map. It's seems to me that BI started a new game mode which got out of hand and became a total conversion which needed some maps which got out of hand and became a whole new (kinda) Island! I'm an original ofp player and I fully support this map. I realize an amazing amount of work goes into creating a high quality Island. My opinion is that recreating the original ofp Island or a continuation of that (original Malden but in 2035) would take even more work and only a limited appreciation of of the player base, so it wouldn't be viable to invest in compared to other things.
  8. joostsidy

    AI Speed Limiter Script/Mod

    _unit limitSpeed _speed works with AI, friendly or otherwise. I not aware of any command to limit a player controlled vehicle, you can drive as fast as the vehicle can.
  9. That's an interesting suggestion I will try that. It is unfortunate that it happens only in (some) buildings. I think it also happens in the white garage buildings with two large entrances. It seems the floor of some buildings interact negatively with the furniture, like the furniture wants to sink deeper, to the terrain surface, but is obstructed by the building floor.
  10. joostsidy

    New York City

    So cool! I took a helo-ride two years ago from that pad. Now I can do it again for free! Compliments on the accuracy here the pad with the building, the park in the background and the rising freeway are exactly as I remember.
  11. Usually when I want to reuse a base in a new mission I erase everything from the mission except the base and then merge this with a new mission with the merge command in the editor. Although I think bloodwyns solution is faster in many situations.
  12. I prefer the old walking and jogging animation with one-hand-on-rifle. If you prefer it too, you can download this signed addon from Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=896073795
  13. joostsidy

    Ponds DLC confirmed? Xirolimni Dam at dawn

    I have to admit, I was disappointed, I hoped there was a new development on ponds. :-( That's a compliment to your first picture though, it looks very good. :-)
  14. joostsidy

    JETS DLC Wishlist

    It seems very static to have a totally unmovable ship baked into the map. I havent played Arma2, but OFP had a non-sailable destroyer, I consider that a static ship as well. I prefer that type, but then as a carrier. Come to think of it, a totally static ship would have to be embedded in the map? In all the maps? BI would probably prefer not changing their maps again.
  15. joostsidy

    JETS DLC Wishlist

    In dont understand the question? Isn't the difference between a static and dynamic carrier, that a dynamic carrier can sail, whereas the static cannot, even though it can be placed anywhere on the map? Do you mean with static, a ship that is baked into the map? Does that offer advantages? I would prefer a static one, if it means there is more functionality to the ship.
  16. joostsidy

    Ponds DLC confirmed? Xirolimni Dam at dawn

    Late April fools joke? It's the same old broken pond object, just pictured in circumstances that hide its bugs.
  17. This is because humans have only two legs and can't display multiple walking anims at the same time ;-P I agree that it would be nice to have both, because both a 'serious' walk and a 'relaxed' walk have a purpose in game. You have to realize though that overwriting an animation like BI has done is much simpler than adding a new one. There would need to be a new class of this type of walk added to the game, the new anim would have to be able to transition to other anims, maybe the ai would need to able to use it, at least be able to handle it. It's more work than you might think at first hand. You can see this for instance in the new walk animation with both hands on rifle: the spine of the soldier looks a bit weird (like he has a stick up his butt). There were probably restrictions that the animator was allowed only to change the top part of the body, but not the lower one, because that would give problems with other anims.
  18. I know! I used that one as well. When I noticed it was broken I was very disappointed and I learned basic modding just to try to fix it. :-)
  19. I PM'ed you with some addon modding tips. I'm going to upload the 'coolwalk' addon this weekend.
  20. joostsidy

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    My bet is: - They will drop the code name 'Orange' and reveal a new name because 'Orange' only refers to the location of their new studio (in the Netherlands, of which Orange is the national color and one of the studio guys is Dutch) - It will be on logistics and/or humanitarian aid
  21. I'm not making a video, but I'm willing to answer questions if you have made some progress yourself but get stuck. I will look into posting the addon online later this week. I will create a separate post for it in the addons section.
  22. Oh wait, the OP's mod is not about the coolwalk (hand off rifle). If people are interested I might upload my little mod to steam or armaholic. EDIT @OP: apologies for hijacking your thread a little :-(
  23. I also created the addon that reverts to the old walk. I thought I was the only one who preferred the old walk. :-) @knight: you have to know how to create an addon, but as far as addons go, this is the most simple one. A very short explanation to get started: - this type of addon is called a 'config replacement'. - you need to install the arma3 'p-drive' and 'mikero's' pbo-tools - With the p-drive installed you can open the config.cpp of the relevant class. I forgot where it was exactly, something like soldier movement. It's pretty straightforward, obviously these animations are not in a folder called 'rifles' or 'vehicles' - search for '_ver2' and remove them - pbo the shit and put them in an addon folder You created an addon! I guess you can download the OP's version if you just want the coolwalk. If you want to learn a bit of simple modding, google / youtube / try the stuff that I wrote about and you'll learn quickly.
  24. You're looking at the BLUFOR assets only, they don't have the Y-32 (OPFOR) or the Mohawk (AAF). The colored buttons on the top of that menu give access to the other factions and their assets.