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About cpt_keys

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  1. cpt_keys

    [RELEASE]Zeus Mission Builder

    Hey Austin, its a known bug with a few things in zeus atm. not sure if its from some mods, or it is in vanilla by default.
  2. figured it out, i was just editing the script, not the one inside the mod.
  3. Been searching for a while and havent found anything yet, how do i enable the tpw_hud on all glasses/masks, or even when i dont have any glasses/masks equiped?
  4. cpt_keys

    RPG7 ported from Arma 2

    we found the issue about 3 weeks ago, maybe more, so not the recent update. something about vas didnt like the loading of the rpg. do you mind if i take a look through the files?
  5. cpt_keys

    L85A2 Release

    i packed it in the same pbo so people looking for the fix didnt need to go and open the pbo themselves and risk losing content and breaking the addon. sorry i didnt ask at first, but i saw it was open source, and saw a few people wanted it updated. Updated l85; https://www.dropbox.com/s/98oi46sxpe6io73/kio_l85a2.pbo
  6. cpt_keys

    L85A2 Release

    i have just gone through the files and fixed the sounds, youll still need the susat scope from his pack if you want it, but heres the fixed sounds l85:
  7. cpt_keys

    RPG7 ported from Arma 2

    our group had an issue where whenever we loaded a kit from VAS, it would crash everybody except the loader, and people without the rpg, not sure how or why but could be mixing up with other addons, not sure though.
  8. basically you just need to put it in the folders it says, so in your mission, make the folder "functions" then inside that make a folder called "curator", then in there put the files. so it should look like functions\curator\filenamehere.sqf
  9. i can get it on my back as a launcher, but not usable though :S btw great mod, so good to use when marking LZs
  10. Hi Fett, i have the same issues as what Amiscus had, i have tested on local, and also on dedicated, everytime i join(or anyone else) we get the error message saying "Script functions\curator\fn_eventhandlers.sqf not found" this is the first part of the description.ext: #include "VAS\menu.hpp" #include "DOM_squad\SquadManagement.hpp" #include "taw_vd\dialog.hpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp" #include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp" class FETT { class curator { class eventHandlers {postInit = 1;}; class objPlaced {}; class grpPlaced {}; }; }; }; i can message you the mission if you need it