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Everything posted by pierremgi

  1. As title says, BLUFOR/OPFOR can't wear civilian clothes. On the other hand, by default, any of them can fire any weapon. It's just at the opposite of the common sense! Unit should be familiar with "sided" weapon (weapons are not!), and able to wear any clothes.
  2. pierremgi

    port fowarding fail

    Depending also on your router. Don't ask me details, some fast connection like optic fiber come with NAT3 (usually for web TV boxes) and that fails. I never succeed to obtain any help of my provider about that. Everybody focus on ports and firewalls but there are plenty of advanced settings, incomprehensible for simple users. @majorstiffy: "enabled false"??? What seems to be sure for me, shifting on DMZ makes your PC like a game box, with all open and max vulnerability. It's a bad solution, but working.
  3. pierremgi

    AI can see in the dark again its back

    Check for the AI's skill. Probably too high. See here also.
  4. I played recently on a MP server and I've got a "purchase DLC" when I tried to pick up a standard arma PCML ??? I bought all DLCs but Kart. So what is this "new" problem? Other friends couldn't even see this launcher in inventory....
  5. A side question: please, how do you do for adding "blinking" pictures in this editor? Thanks
  6. First thing to do is to try in vanilla mod (without any addon). You are probably running one of these mods which act as "proprietary of the game"... and all settings. If problem is persistent, on Steam library, right click on arma 3 > properties > local files > verify integrity of game cache. Then, you're in the same condition as any basic player.
  7. pierremgi

    Wrought iron bushes

    Nothing to do with embedded bushes in map if they aren't objects. You can interact with objects only (disableCollisionWith).
  8. Hi all, I would like to pick the unit's number, like it appears in command bar, for any unit of any group. I did some trials. Nothing works in all cases. I explain. The variable name returns group + number in group (for example B Bravo 1-1: 3) , as intended and vehicleVarName doesn't work for that. If the unit has an edited variable name, say Fuzzy, this command returns Fuzzy instead of B Bravo 1-1: 3 I'd like to pick B Bravo 1-1: 3 and its updated value in game, in any case (edited variable name or not). I didn't find a command for that. Is there any variable for that? Thanks
  9. pierremgi

    Mods won't load from a save game

    I experienced the same problem when I did my mod : MGI tactical Pack . There are plenty of cases you have to cope with, like team switch not to say respawn. But saving game is the worst, probably. It's not due to CBA but arma's engine concept. At least, what I discovered so far, save/load game "kills" some event handlers process. What you need to do, If you want to recover them (like custom keys thru displayAddEventHandler "keydown") is to use the specific EH "loaded". here is my example: if (!isMultiplayer && isNil "savingKeys") then { savingKeys = addMissionEventHandler ["Loaded",{ if (_this == "continue") then { [] spawn { waituntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; uisleep 0.5; if (isnil "keys") then {keys = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keyDown", "_this call TP_keys"]}; } } }] };
  10. I had the same problem until I used remoteExec ["addAction", [0,-2] select isDedicated,true] On the other hand, I'm still unable to remoteExec an animation (working in SP).
  11. pierremgi

    Ambient animations not working in MP

    This post up. This could be fine if a BI developer provides some hints about this problem. It's impossible to have a complete animation remote executed. Why? What is the limitation? Does this impact other commands such setCaptive?
  12. Hi, This is to mention the createUnit command isn't reliable in this following syntax: if ( (!alive myUnit) then { myUnit = "B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "myMarker",group player, "myUnit = this"]; }; In fact tested in a repeatable trigger, in Eden vanilla APEX: in cond. : !alive myUnit in act. : myUnit = "B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "myMarker",group player, "myUnit = this"]; The strangest thing is that sometimes the code works, most of time it doesn't. Probably messing around how and when the unit variable name has been written before running the preview. I changed the unit name several times (checking the coherence with the code, of course). Please close this post: createUnit has 2 different syntaxes. This one doesn't return anything! so, the correct syntax is: "B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "myMarker",group player, "myUnit = this"]; instead of myUnit = "B_soldier_F" createUnit [getmarkerpos "myMarker",group player, "myUnit = this"];
  13. pierremgi

    Is Random Start broken or am I using it wrong?

    this here refers to the unit (player) you want to place on a marker position. So, the code must be in the init field of the unit (player). But in multiplayer, this code will run at each connecting player (as all the init fields). You need to add something like if !(isServer) exitwith {}; before this line. And yes a marker is known by a string. If you place a marker in editor and write myMarker as the variable name, you have to write "myMarker" for each commands in relation to this marker, like getMarkerPos "myMarker".
  14. pierremgi

    Constant FPS drops

    Multiple posts but not so much solutions. 3 attitudes: - read and wait for better days, - report on existing posts, with the feeling of poor results/answers/comms, - open a new post. Probably useless but desperate mean for desperate problem. Furthermore, the new feedback tracker (Phabricator) can discourage best will. Sorry for this added non-answer.
  15. Known "problem" It's a choice I guess, coming along with the arma's engine. See more here. That means you can have Gun or wheels destroyed with no (global) damage depending on what caliber was used. A demo? See here, my old video.
  16. pierremgi

    Arma 3 Memory issues

    tbb4malloc_bi ? isn't it the default engine setting since 1.58??
  17. pierremgi

    Arma 3 Memory issues

    Probably no change before Arma IV... If this implies a new engine. Not guaranteed so far! If you have any link to BI communication about memory management and necessary improvements, you're welcome!
  18. Did you try modelToWorldVisual ?
  19. pierremgi

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Force AI to pass a driving licence. It's abnormal to see a stuck vehicle (against an obstacle), keeping the same turning angle, driving forward or reverse.
  20. pierremgi

    initPlayerLocal.sqf problem

    Probably because initialization order (not guaranteed as said in BI page). Try the old: waituntil {player == player}; or waitUnit {time >0}; or even waitUntil {local player && {getClientStateNumber > 8}};
  21. pierremgi

    Black boxes over textures

    Yes,.. but addon devs. If not on Vanilla + DLCs, there is nothing to do with BI devs. There was some improvements on Unsung units + improvements on NVIDIA drivers also. It's difficult to understand where is the cursor between BI engine, moders imprecision and poor driver engine. Usually, these lines appears with the shadow settings, depending also on the version of your driver. You can also report at NVIDIA, but you will have to send screenshots and full configuration.
  22. pierremgi

    Black boxes over textures

    @ oneEyedCat Some mods did that, like Unsung. Problem of unclosed model vertices or something like that. But you should try different versions of your video driver. Sometimes a downgrade (or an upgrade if you're not up-to-date) can solve that! I experienced that on NVIDIA M series (for laptops).
  23. pierremgi

    Spatial Awareness Improvements

    I don't know how to add a picture here. I thought a Steam screenshot could be easy to post! nvm Here is the link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198090533419/screenshot/271726528936538801 I'd like to improve my radar. At this time, I have an icon: - for each group member, - colored along with damage status (green to red) of the unit, - icon depends on the kind of vehicle (offroad for offroad, but also ifrit, wipeout.... static MG.. ) - when unit is selected (by leader) the icon is blue, - in SP the #nbr in group is displayed, in MP, the name is displayed, colored with the team color, - from 0 to 300 m, the radar has an adapted range corresponding to to farthest unit, - if a unit is farther than 300m, radar keeps 300 m range but indicates also the max distance in the group, and unit(s) beyond 300 m are displayed on the border of the scope. I'll appreciate if you have any improvement to suggest, especially on radar adapted range. Thanks Included in this addon.