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Everything posted by kvntvan

  1. is anyone else aware of this problem? https://a.pomf.cat/pulqgx.webm is this maybe something that can be fixed?
  2. Howdy, I've been on a journey to recreate my favorite ARMA 2 mission, Fireball and Pogoman's Insurgency, specifically the old milgo server's edit that included asymmetric TvT pitting 4 insurgents vs up to 60 BLUFOR for my group of friends (they didn't play ARMA back then and I want them to experience TvT Insurgency's awesomeness). The gist of the op is that BLUFOR clears town/kills enemies to locate intel (laptop/satellite phone objects), upon acquiring the intel, a marker would spawn near the location of an Insurgent Cache, for each intel you found the marker would get closer to the cache's actual location until BLUFOR found the cache and destroyed it, then on to the next one. anyways I've run into a snag with the cache spawning script and the way it finds building locations to spawn in on Takistan, I'm reusing scripts from another similar op (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27977) but I'm getting some errors that will either 1. make the markers spawn on the bottom left corner of the map instead of near the cache or 2. the cache spawns way underground and is inaccessible. This happens maybe 30-40% of the time I've tested, sometimes everything works perfectly, but I'm trying to minimize the errors as much as possible. Anyways I was hoping someone with good scripting knowledge could examine these errors reports that I get and tell me if they could figure out what was going on. My own scripting knowledge is rudimentary at best so although I can gather its an error in finding a good building to spawn the cache in, the rest might as well be in Klingon, I can't understand it at all. anyways here are the errors that I'm getting 23:07:13 Error in expression < _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 23:07:13 Error position: <_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 23:07:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:07:13 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 62 23:07:13 Error in expression <(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { position = random > 23:07:13 Error position: <_building; } else { position = random > 23:07:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:07:13 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 80 23:07:13 Error in expression < _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 23:07:13 Error position: <_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 23:07:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:07:13 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 77 23:07:13 Error in expression <cacheBuildings)-1)); _cachePosition = [_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingP> 23:07:13 Error position: <_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingP> 23:07:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetbuilding 23:07:13 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 75 And 23:26:56 Error in expression < _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 23:26:56 Error position: <_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 23:26:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:26:56 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 62 23:26:56 Error in expression <(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { position = random > 23:26:56 Error position: <_building; } else { position = random > 23:26:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:26:56 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 80 23:26:56 Error in expression < _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 23:26:56 Error position: <_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 23:26:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 23:26:56 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 77 23:26:56 Error in expression <cacheBuildings)-1)); _cachePosition = [_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingP> 23:26:56 Error position: <_targetBuilding] call getRandomBuildingP> 23:26:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetbuilding 23:26:56 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 75 And here 14:20:30 Error in expression < _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 14:20:30 Error position: <_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0> 14:20:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 14:20:30 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 62 14:20:30 Error in expression <(_count == 0) then { _position = getPos _building; } else { position = random > 14:20:30 Error position: <_building; } else { position = random > 14:20:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 14:20:30 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 80 14:20:30 Error in expression < _building = _this select 0; _count = [_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 14:20:30 Error position: <_building] call getCountBuildingPosition> 14:20:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 14:20:30 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\functions\cacheGetPositions.sqf, line 77 14:20:30 Error in expression <se; _targetBuilding = _cacheBuildings select (random((count _cacheBuildings)-1> 14:20:30 Error position: <select (random((count _cacheBuildings)-1> 14:20:30 Error Zero divisor 14:20:30 File C:\Users\neuromancer\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Neuromancer-COOP64-Insurgency.Takistan\core\modules\cacheScript\cache.sqf, line 73 I know it looks like a bunch of convoluted confusing stuff and the issue might be beyond anyones scope to resolve but I'm at my wits end here and I've asked all my groups mission makers already, figured this was the last place I could go. If anyone would like to take a gander at what I've got so far here is my mission file, but theres a lot of mod dependencies so I don't know if you'd be able to open it http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27977 I know its a lot to ask, but thanks for any help in advance. Or if anyone knew of an entirely different way of doing this that'd be awesome, I know plenty of missions have done this exact same thing I'm looking for, but I couldn't figure out how to transfer their scripts to my mission.
  3. has anyone else noticed a bug where the bushes have huge hitboxes and AI that stand in/behind bushes become invincible?
  4. Hi, I'm making a mission that requires the players to drag and load AI into vehicles but I'm having trouble setting the AI unconscious. I found a few solutions online that I couldn't get working. I had it working originally using a function from AGM but my group has switched from AGM to ACE3 finally and its broken the mission not having AGM. I tried to replicate the unconscious ai using the ace_medical_fnc_setUnconscious function, but I can't get it working, so does anyone know how to set a wounded or unconscious AI that players can interact with?
  5. Hi, first off I'm sorry if this is posted to the wrong forum board, but I've been trying to find a mission that I used to play all the time in A2, it was a insurgency mission very similar to pogoman & fireballs A2 insurgency mission (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11934) in that your task is to find and gather intel about cache locations which you then destroy, except it had a TvT twist that pitted 40 BLUFOR players vs 4 OPFOR player insurgents (who could recruit AI to their groups) + proximity spawned AI insurgents (I think spawned through ALiVE). If anyone remembers, it used to be hosted on MilGOs server 24/7 but I haven't been able to find a similar server or gamemode for A3. If anyone knows where to find it or has made a similar mission would you mind posting a link to it so I can play with my friends? I've found coop versions of this mission but nothing for A3 that also had the TvT aspect. Thanks in advance for any help!
  6. has anyone encountered this issue? Scripts base\scripts\ares\ai.sqf not found doesn't seem to break anything but it pops up everytime I load my mission
  7. I'm almost sure a question like this has been answered before, and I can usually troubleshoot my own issues by googling or looking up key terms here but I haven't been able to answer a question about being able to disable respawns when an enemy is nearby. I have a TVT mission where Opfor can spawn at multiple positions all over the map and Blufor can only spawn off an airfield, so I placed several Respawn modules and I was wondering if there was a way to disable respawn modules temporarily when Blufor is within maybe, 100m of an Opfor Respawn module. I don't want it to be a capturable spawn, I just want it to be switched off when Blufor are nearby so Opfor can't repeatedly spawn nearby objectives. Also while I have a trouble shooting thread up does anyone know of a way to lock Blufor out of Opfor ammo crates? I've been looking into using addMPEventHandler "containeropened" or addMPEventHandler "inventoryopened" with a teleport script but I'm not exactly sure how to pull it off because I don't often use eventhandlers.
  8. So just to be sure (can't test it at the moment) , the size of the trigger is the size of the area that will deactivate the trigger? And I can place the trigger anywhere and as long as its sync'd the trigger will be centered on the spawn points?
  9. First off, EDEN is absolutely bonkers, I really love playing around with this thing, I just had 2 questions about the EDEN update I was hoping I could get answered first, has anyone noticed significant FPS improvements despite having many objects placed in your mission since the EDEN patch? It used to be that if you had dozens or hundreds of objects placed on a mission, it would severely affect FPS. I recall trying to liven up Stratis Air Base by placing laptops, chairs, a cafeteria area with food objects, computers and desks etc and I dropped from 60FPS to 40FPS . But in EDEN I created this oilrig by mashing and legoing together several objects (~140) and the FPS seems perfect. Has anyone more well read/savvy on ARMAs development-side heard or read about any patches/changes to ARMA that is doing this? also, unrelated but can anyone think of a clever way to populate an EDEN created structure like this? My go to unit spawning script is EOS and it won't work over water and when I try to just use Zeus/Ares, the units spawn on the ocean floor instead of the object placed over the water.
  10. kvntvan

    RHS Insurgency ALiVE

    I also seem to be running into the issue of no notification popping up when you destroy a cache. Any idea what could be causing that? I'm gonna look at the script when I get home maybe I can solve it myself.
  11. kvntvan

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    EDITTED nevermind I got it to work with _grp = [(getMarkerPos "spawn1"),WEST,["FP_Faction_TakiMilitia_MAT", "FP_Faction_TakiMilitia_AR","FP_Faction_TakiMilitia_Rifleman"],[15,20],15,["upsmonzone1","AWARE","WEDGE"]] call UPSMON_CreateGroup just had to dig around but now I'm noticing that only 3-6 units are spawning even though I specify ,[15,20],15, in the minimum/maximum unit vallues. did I get that part of the code wrong? SECOND EDIT Just to bring something else to your attention. The admin who does quality assurance for our missions had a look at mine with -showscripterrors and he was getting a constant stream of the same repeating error with UPSMON. 14:47:25 Error Type Any, expected Number 14:47:25 File C:\Users\kevin\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Afgantsy.fata\Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Cover\fnc\UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, line 33 14:47:25 Error in expression < if (_spawn) then { { _pos2 = _unitpos findEmptyPosition [1,25]; _x setposATL _> Neither of us understands what that is, and it isn't particularly mission breaking, because the AI seems to work fine and react and fire back and move around and communicate with eachother but its just odd that theres this error repeating over and over in the background and I thought you may want to know about it. The mission is on PR FATA so maybe its an issue with the map not being vanilla and UPSMON not knowing how to interact with PRFATAs terrain considering it has something to do with UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, findEmptyPosition and setposATL.
  12. kvntvan

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    how do you use UPSMON_Creategroup? I saw this in the pdf but don't know what to do with it or where to put the code, it didn't seem to work in a trigger. _grp = [position,side,[unitsarray],[min units,max units per group],3,["markername","SAFE","COLUMN"]] call UPSMON_CreateGroup;
  13. title says it all, since the last patch, all of my missions for my group haven't been working, we get past slotting up and into the loading screen but we get kicked back to mission selection instead of seeing a briefing screen. I have no idea what could be causing this issue, and I don't think its our modpack because other mission makers in my group aren't having this issue despite using the same content pack and units, it seems to only be effecting me and one other mission maker. I can open the mission up in TADST, lan, internet and from the editor but it just doesn't work on our dedicated server. I really hope someone can help with this, my group is dying because we haven't had any new working ops for 2 patches now (first time our missions were being broken by "3den" showing up in mission.sqm but at least we were able to fix that) and have been recycling the same 4 missions that actually still work. anyone familiar with this issue? When I check my rpt (http://pastebin.com/81MqCeZS) I'm noticing the line " control[CA_ValueMissions]: Unexpected control type [5]" if that helps
  14. kvntvan

    Getting stuck on the MP loading screen

    I'm wondering if my issue is the same as this one, none of my missions have been abel to get into the briefing screen on our dedicated server since the last patch, we get to loading screen then get kicked back to mission selection, and this only happens on MY missions, no one elses, yet my friends missions using the same mods load on our dedicated server fine. I have no idea what could be causing this.
  15. title says it all. me and a friend have a dozen or so missions that haven't been able to open on our dedicated server since the last patch (the one that fixed stamina and weapon sway). We confirmed they were working up to a day before the patch, but since then we haven't been able to get to the briefing screen, we get past role selection, then to the loading screen and just get kicked back to MP mission selection after it finishes loading. It opens fine in the editor and singleplayer, and I can open the missions on my own hosted internet server (not dedicatef), on TADST (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11655), and in lan, but it won't open on our dedicated server. Has anyone else had this issue ? Also this issue seems to effect only certain people, so it might be a problem with our mission making process. All of my friend and my missions won't work, but all of our other friends missions work fine on the server. Here are the RPT logs from me trying to open 2 missions in our dedicated server. It looks really long and confusing to me but hopefully someone more savvy can make heads or tails of it http://pastebin.com/81MqCeZS thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
  16. We actually ran into that problem LAST patch and fixed it pretty much the way you described, unfortunately this isn't the cause of our current issue, its an entirely different beast altogether. thanks though!
  17. darn unfortunately all the mods being in one folder is how our groups mod pack works and I don't know if they can change it. no wonder the RPT looks like a mess. I'll just keep trying, thanks.
  18. It works! but I had to replace GUER with resistance.
  19. Hello, I've been trying to make a TvT mission where one side is allowed to spawn units off of a laptop object, but I don't want Blufor to be able to use the laptops if they find them. I know theres a condition section for Addaction and I've been trying to use it to restrict the addaction to only the GUER side, but I can't seem to get it working. Would anyone happen to know what I am doing wrong? I have placed this inside the init box of a laptop this addAction["Recruit Infantry", "bon_recruit_units\open_dialog.sqf","",1,true,false,"","if (side player == GUER)"] I've also used other variations and replaced "if (side player == GUER)" to "playerside == GUER" and have used "this" and "_target" in place of player but none of them work.
  20. Has anyone had any issues with Eden breaking older missions since the patch? I'm having an issue with my group where a lot of our missions are getting "3DEN" in our addons and addonsauto section of our mission.sqm and are thus unable to open any of them. The most abhorrent issue is when we delete "3DEN" from the addeons/addonsauto section of the mission.sqm, and go back and save our missions in the editor, "3DEN" pops back up so we are unable to fix our missions. Here is a screenshot of what I mean. has anyone else had this issue and had any luck fixing it? On the plus side it doesn't seem to insert itself into missions made after the patch.
  21. issue has been resolved using the various recommendations found here and the other post. feel free to delete this thread We were unable to open the missions in the MP scenario selection screen for our private server, still can open it in editor and stuff.
  22. So I recently released my first few missions for a group I joined, but it turns out I had broken most of them with my poor coding. My triggers would activate in singleplayer just fine but in MP they seem to activate once per player. So a simple tank spawning script ended up spawning 25 t-72s and a script I was using to spawn flares was spawning more flares then stars in the sky. And my players inventories were refreshing everytime a player joined, supposedly because I set player load outs in their init box and not the init.sqf. So what I was wondering was if you guys had tips or a checklist for making a mission MP safe? And how can I possibly fix this issue with my triggers spawning units for every player? Heres the example of the code I'm using for the sky flares. Its activated by a trigger that checks for Blufor players On trigger Act startFlares = 1; null = [40, 65, 25, 200, 25, "GREEN", -9, platform1] execVM "skyFlares.sqf"; Skyflares.sqf if (isserver) then { // skyFlares.sqf // startFlares = 1; null = [<max distance>, <base delay>, <max added delay>, <base height>, <random added or subtracted height>, <color>, <speed (must be negative)>, <object pos>] execVM "skyFlares.sqf"; // declare a few variables we need and make _sign randomly negative _sign = 1; _random = false; if (floor random 10 > 4) then { _sign = -1 }; _flareArray = ["WHITE", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "IR"]; // organize our arguments _flareDist = _this select 0; _delay = _this select 1; _delayRandom = _this select 2; _flareHeight = _this select 3; _flareHeightRandom = _this select 4; _flareType = _this select 5; _flareSpeed = _this select 6; _flarePos = _this select 7; // create loop for spawning flares while { startFlares == 1 } do { // check if random if (_flareType == "RANDOM") then { _flareType = _flareArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _random = true }; // assign colors switch (_flareType) do { case "WHITE": { _flareType = "F_40mm_White" }; case "RED": { _flareType = "F_40mm_Red" }; case "GREEN": { _flareType = "F_40mm_Green" }; case "YELLOW": { _flareType = "F_40mm_Yellow" }; case "IR": { _flareType = "F_40mm_CIR" }; }; // get a random spot around the target _pos = [_flarePos, random _flareDist, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _flareHeight + (random _flareHeightRandom * _sign)]; // make the flare at that spot _flare = _flareType createVehicle _pos; // set its speed _flare setVelocity [0, 0, _flareSpeed]; // delay plus random delay sleep _delay + random _delayRandom; // reset random if it was there before if (_random) then { _flareType = "RANDOM" }; }; I added an "ifserver" section in the beginning because one of my group members told me it might fix the issue, but alas it did not. Thanks for any help you can offer!
  23. kvntvan

    AI and RPG fire

    Hi so I don't know if you managed to get it to work but I did, you can test around with it and see if you can reproduce my results it was really simple I just placed rpg7v2 units down, named them (a1 a2 a3 a4 for example), got rid of their primary weapons so they only had rpg7s equipped then I placed a trigger activated by Blufor Present with these commands a1 reveal player; a1 dotarget player; a1 forceWeaponFire [ weaponState a1 select 1, weaponState a1 select 2]; a2 reveal player; a2 dotarget player; a2 forceWeaponFire [ weaponState a2 select 1, weaponState a2 select 2]; a3 reveal player; a3 dotarget player; a3 forceWeaponFire [ weaponState a3 select 1, weaponState a3 select 2]; a4 reveal player; a4 dotarget player; a4 forceWeaponFire [ weaponState a4 select 1, weaponState a4 select 2]; in the activation box. or you can put it in an .sqf file and call it from the trigger. Place the trigger area really close to or right over the RPG units for a better effect. If its placed too far the AI will fire too soon and the RPGs will sail past you 100s of meters away.
  24. hi, I'm trying to get a trigger to fire and complete a task where the players slingload a truck using "ropeattachedto" but it doesn't seem to be working, has anyone successfully used "ropeattachedto" yet and how did you do it? I've tried a few variations of the code and none of them seem to work. I'm sure the solution is really simple I'm just not proficient enough in scripting or mission coding to know what it is.