Does anyone know how to set up a dedicated server?
Dr. Hladik tells us that...
For a little bit more information, I'm attempting to run Pwnoz0r's DayZ Server on 116523, so that I can pretty much immediately switch my server from the old GameSpy system to Steam when the time comes.
Also note that the server IS in the Steam directory, which on the server is just the default location (C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2 Opperation Arrowhead\). Also, if you've read Pwnoz0r's server configuration guide, that the Arma 2 directory is combined with the Arma 2 OA directory, and to be sure, I've pretty much used the vanilla config files.
Exactly where can I find steam_appid.txt, what .dlls do I need, and what do I have to add to the configuration file (server.cfg) to get it to register in the Steam servers?