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h a w a i i a n

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Everything posted by h a w a i i a n

  1. h a w a i i a n

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    aloha can I get my named changed to "HAZEL" all caps if that's taken than "HAWAIIAN", thanks in advance
  2. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    How's this mahu!? headsets fine haole, no worries....
  3. h a w a i i a n

    Female heads Mod (yes, another one)

    Yea my friend will like this so much, you're doing awesome. Remember there are many good men on the forums willing to help, I would but modeling is not my field.
  4. h a w a i i a n

    EricJ Release thread

    Wow, looking good brother, thanks for sharing the work.
  5. Thanks for sharing your work, very often used and loved lol
  6. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    thanks Tholozor, I will try it when I get the chance. About the MCam pattern, it is Alexvestin's template, just came across it on my ext hd. Recolouring the pattern was a learning experience, came out with all sorts of shades.
  7. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    It looked to me like a Combat Apparel of Crye, almost similar to the Nato uniform we use in Arma, but the collar of the uniform is more upright making the neck less exposed. Wasn't textured tho, it was a snapshot in 3Ds. If he got it in the game I have no idea....the detail was amazing.
  8. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    *sigh yes it certainly is an never ending fight, you are right about the different shades. To be honest I just pick a colour reference I like and use it, that's my intent....
  9. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    Hitman ~ all I've got are pictures they've sent, don't think I should post those tho without their consent, sorry...all I can say it looks really impressive and If they do lend me the uniform (which) I'm hoping they do, this mod will get even more interesting....that actually means I'll probably have to re-work the uniforms again :(
  10. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    fluttershy - those are some crazy techniques, the dirt ones hard to understand since I use Gimp but the Cloud Filtering I tried and wow, looks crazy...does trick the eye into thinking there are natural shadows hitting the texture. I actually tried the dirt technique one, but ended up using the smudge tool lol, I'll figure something out. Sabre - aloha sir, okay that's a helpful tip thank you! I can't wait to try that out, have to look up/dissect a config I've seen pointing to custom rvmats to a uniform
  11. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    Wrote "Woods825" who was the artist behind that so called technique, he mentioned that it was a mistake by using the "Uniform_Base" as the template the uniform was referenced to, and I told him sometimes mistakes have great outcomes...that's part of the creative process I guess :). My question still stands tho in the above thread.....and actually yes I notified fluttershy, so hopefully we get an answer :)
  12. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    MOD Update: Thanks to janus0104 we managed to dumb down the file size to 27 MB instead of the whopping 111 MB fixed rvmat paths to the right path fixed the Landing Signal Officer by having him spawn without weapons added a few more variation of glasses for the LSO cleaned the SQFs for all the units made the uniform texture to 2048x2048 all this thanks to janus0104 dl link on the 1st page of this thread
  13. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    I'll cancel my upload on Mediafire, but when we get this done and I pack everything up again, could you take the time to test it out please?
  14. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    only the sqf, but than i changed it back to what it was before and still same result. hmm, not sure about the ;;, i'll check that ---------- Post added at 23:56 ---------- Previous post was at 23:29 ---------- Okay everything works fine including the LSOs not having weapons, that "_this removeWeapon (primaryWeapon _this);" worked great. I mistook the Medic unit as the White Jersey unit and I fixed it all is working fine,well for me anyway. Thanks for all your help and time Janus, highly appreciated will update my mod when I get the chance.
  15. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    oh....my....gawd...becky look at this sheeyit..... I think I broke my addon lol, see how the dude spawns in his undies and when from a distance the undies and vest turn black!?! what is this shit! FDC_Randoms_White.SQF /* File: randomize_equipment.sqf Author: pettka, modified for a different purpose by "ante" ~cleaned by: janus0104 Description: Randomizes a headgear form _headgear array and puts it to civilian's headgear slot upon startup of mission. _rnd1 is used to have some civilians without any headgear _rnd2 is used to determine particular headgear from array Parameter(s): None Returns: Nothing */ _uniform = ["FDC_Uniform_White","FDC_Uni_Cam_White"]; _headgear = ["FDC_Helmet_White"]; _vest = ["FDC_Vest_White"]; _headCount = count _headgear; _uniformCount = count _uniform; _vestCount = count _vest; /*_gogglesCount = count _goggles;*/ if (isServer) then { BIS_randomSeed1 = []; BIS_randomSeed2 = []; _rnd1 = floor random _uniformCount; _this setVariable ["BIS_randomSeed1", _rnd1, TRUE]; _rnd2 = floor random _headCount; _this setVariable ["BIS_randomSeed2", _rnd2, TRUE]; }; waitUntil {!(isNil {_this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed1"})}; waitUntil {!(isNil {_this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed2"})}; _randomSeed1 = _this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed1"; _randomSeed2 = _this getVariable "BIS_randomSeed2"; // Anything magazine based, ammo and such _magazines = magazines _this; // Medkits, ToolKits etc. _items = items _this; // NVG's, GPS etc. _assitems = assignedItems _this; // Make him naked Removeuniform _this; // Remove helmets and such Removeheadgear _this; // Remove glasses and such RemoveGoggles _this; // Add uniform _this adduniform (_uniform select _randomSeed1); // Add helmet _this addheadgear (_headgear select _randomSeed2); // Add vest _this addvest (_vest select (((_randomSeed1 + _randomSeed2) % (_vestCount - 1)) * (floor random _vestCount) % (_vestCount + 1 ))); {_this addItem _x} forEach _items; {_this addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines; {_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems; {_this assignItem _x} forEach _assitems; what's in the configgy: class FDC_White: B_Soldier_unarmed_F { _generalMacro = "FDC_White"; scope = 2; displayName = "White Jersey"; author = "Hazel&BGirlTray"; faction = "FDC_Units"; vehicleClass = "US_FDC"; nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; uniformClass = "FDC_Uniform_White"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"flight_deck_crew\data\fdc_uniform_wht_co.paa"}; linkedItems[] = {"FDC_Vest_White", "FDC_Helmet_White", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"FDC_Vest_White", "FDC_Helmet_White", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"}; class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) execVM '\flight_deck_crew\FDC_Randoms_White.sqf'"; }; };; class FDC_Dummy_White: B_Soldier_unarmed_F { _generalMacro = "FDC_Dummy_White"; scope = 2; displayName = "White Jersey [Cam]"; author = "Hazel&BGirlTray"; faction = ""; vehicleClass = "US_FDC"; nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; uniformClass = "FDC_Uni_Cam_White"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"flight_deck_crew\data\fdc_unicam_wht_co.paa"}; linkedItems[] = {"FDC_Vest_White", "FDC_Helmet_White", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"FDC_Vest_White", "FDC_Helmet_White", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio"}; }; I don't see an error or typo does anyone else??
  16. h a w a i i a n

    ArmA 2 Stryker Pack

    Yes! Strykers, finally! looks nice...can't wait to try and texture these myself! Thanks for sharing the work
  17. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    Wow, thank you so much for the fix! That really helps at the moment. About the -showScriptErrors, I got you on that thanks for that tip. I'll fix the arrays in the other SQFs when I get the chance. Could you help with the "Landing Signal Officer" not spawning with a rifle or any other weapon? I actually tried adding the remove weapons this in his SQF and some other lines which I can't remember on hand but they didn't work for shit. I'm aware folks could just use the removeweapons this in the init but I'm trying to make it so they don't need to do that :) ....Trying to be convenient as I can *shrugs.
  18. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    I will definitely do that :)
  19. h a w a i i a n

    Flight Deck Crew Unit Addon WIP

    *whew boy, I'll take a look at it later today. All I know is if I did not have these SQF's the units would spawn with random glasses on from within the game, that's one of the main reason I used this script, I just borrowed from another add-on, I wouldn't know where to begin to make a script like this. I did not test my mod with "-showScriptErrors", not sure what that actually is, I guess I'll have to do a little research. So it's conflicting with LHM you say? Have you disabled that mod and tried running the mission again and still having the above error? I don't use that mod and the only thing I've truly tested was the look of these guys in third and first person mode, and the quality of the textures. I haven't had time to play the game using these guys yet, I haven't even used these guys once to be honest lol. I can't promise anything but I'll try my hand at fixing it.....
  20. How can I get unbinarized models of Arma 3 models? mostly uniforms items, vests,glasses,helmets,etc.? I'm having alot of fun experimenting with implementing Arma 2 model parts for this addon I'm working on. I wrote to B.I. but they told me to come to the forums and ask, so I'm asking. I'm doing harmless work like this..... *the vest is actually the tactical vest from Arma 3, I erased the pouches and retextured the vest and added my own Normal Map via the rvmat. I don't model and I'm not ready to indulge in that hobby yet, I just like to make new things out of models that are already made up, it's fun for me and I don't mind the tedious work. I know (a little) of my way around Oxygen 2 and I do really good at re-texturing ^ and I've been able to move parts where I want them and have them show up in the game flawlessly. Hope someone hears me out, aloha.
  21. h a w a i i a n

    US 75th Rangers

    Yea Binkowski I hear you bro lol, this mod is gonna take quite sometime gentleman just to let you know, hopefully I'll hear back from an acquaintance on using an entirely new uniform, helmets are being re-worked thanks to Dave Gary & WarLord. Can't wait to re-texture them and we finally got an Ops Core helmet so hopefully will get to tinker with it. BI's Ops Core is just a tad bit bulky, and it's respectfully often used ,so hopefully I can get a unique Ranger add-on going for us all. Thanks for the tip fluttershy. Yea the more I dive into this the more I want everything top notch and redone, but it will be for the better good.....keep ya'll posted