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Everything posted by Subscyed

  1. Does it? Where and how would one go about changing those views?
  2. Darn. I really did space out on this reply. Thank you, WaCkO! Also (before I forget), would you mind posting the order in which the frames will be worked on in the opening post, I believe as that is an important enough thing to plaster on the first post :p
  3. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Well, you're both adults, I'm sure you can find a way to make it work (or find someone else). Plus, look on the bright side, jolly cooperation! You get what you needed and he gets what he needed.
  4. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Before I forget: TheMisterCat is looking for someone that can do textures, and you're looking for someone that can do models. Think you can help eachother out, Spectre?
  5. Can confirm 3d positional audio is fixed with 0.95 nkey, can you talk with the guy that implemented the keybind system and have him look at CBA's documentation? I'm guessing he made his own keybind system using CBA's as a base and not as a frame.
  6. Using 0.94 plugins with 4 other people, all confirm the stereo sound is reversed.
  7. Yes, I have. I've searched for and got the actual link nkey posted up rather than armaholic's. Problem persists. Win7 64bit with freshly installed 64bit TS3 client. Before anyone else asks, I have reinstalled this addon over 5 times during the course of today 16th Oct 2014, alternating between armaholic's 0.94, tfar's 0.94 from their site and those + the plugins nkey posted earlier, wiping the userconfig every time. No success, stereo sound is still reversed.
  8. I've compiled a list of the still standing bugs in 0.94. Filling the thread reporting the same bugs over and over is counter-productive so: Please do not post if the bug you're reporting is listed below. Here's 0.02$ of wisdom: Working at technical support is like being at the desk in an airport's luggage handling: Everyone's bitching about their luggage hoping it reaches them faster. It doesn't. The people behind the desk are very patient with you, now it's your turn to be patient with them. So take your seat, wait in line or go on about your life and leave your address and you'll have your luggage eventually. Again: Do not report bugs already on the list. Have something not on the list? Report it. Make the report as detailed as possible.
  9. Subscyed

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    You have to take into consideration that it is difficult to make them 3d. When it rains heavily, it's difficult to hear the environment around you because of the rain hitting the windshield directly in front of you.
  10. Probably already reported, but here's the list for bugs in 0.94: - Stereo is reversed (sources from the right play on the left and vice-versa). - When set to yelling, the distance from which you can be heard is almost half of what it was in 0.92 (not a bug but you have to invade personal space when set to whispering). - Keybinds under Configure>Controls>Configure Addons reload each time a keybind is added/replaced and reload even when the addon to configure is switched. To explain: Go into "Configure Addons" and select TFAR, switch a keybind and select STHUD, Tao Fold Map or another addon that uses the CBA keybinding system and note that TFAR keybinds are being loaded in that addon's list as well. - Diver radio is loud (only one person reported this to me, haven't been able to reproduce). - The ending transmission squelch doesn't play if the transmission is less than 3 or 4 seconds long.
  11. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Were I just a bit (few decades) older, that kind of teasing (among others) would give me heart-attacks! Thank you, Spectre, you brightened up mine and other people's day. Inevitable questions: - Will you be rolling back the Green kitbag's texture to the vanilla A3's or will you give the vest's another shot at a greener future? - Will the sand uniform be more sandy than the current near-white colour it has in the sun? (As in, will it match the tan vest and helmet?) - Will the tan backpack be tan rather than sandy? - Can the MICH helmets be fiddled with to lose their gloss and have a more rugged shine to them? - Will the kitbags be a bit more polished like so? http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/269/1/a/ranger_fastpack_multicam_re_textures_by_dissizithawaii-d80jzu7.jpg I'm terribly sorry for the questions. Do not take them as requests but as they are: questions spawned from curiosity. I hope they're not too taxing, and thank you for your undying patience, Spectre. You're a saint! :p
  12. An issue I'd like to report is that using custom radio sounds leads to TS crashing repeatedly. Also, aside from all the sound-related problems, the menu in the CBA keybindings thing is slow to load and reloads every time a new keybind is added/made with no organization thereof. E.g. SW Menu, LR Menu, DD Menu appear first in that order (roughly) when first loading the keybindings menu. Upon it reloading, they get shuffled elsewhere.
  13. Subscyed

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    From my experience, the only ones asking for a medic when needed are not the people injured but the people around him. Panic or shock, whichever, the wounded people are generally more focused on swearing to ease the pain than yelling for a medic. If there's really many injured people: search for the ones that aren't screaming or wriggling, chances are they're knocked out from shock or worse. This is to say that Red orchestra doesn't exactly overdo it, it's just that russian soldiers were conscripts. Pretty much armed civvies. That and sound discipline wasn't as important as it is today.
  14. Subscyed

    RH M4/M16 pack

    I was the one that made the proposal. In the end, it's really just that, a proposal. It's RH's mod, he does whatever he wants with it regardless if people like my proposal or not. Terribly sorry about the avalanche of pluses and ones I created.
  15. Subscyed

    RH M4/M16 pack

    I'd like to have RobertHammer's opinion on the proposal if possible.
  16. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Ah alright, thank you for clearing that up. My itty bitty brain lags behind sometimes. :P
  17. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Ah yes, I've had a look at them and it's the WTE and the DOU (heavy) carriers that have the display name "H Carrier". Respectively, they show up "TFA H Carrier (WTE)" and "TFA H Carrier (DOU)". I'm not wise, but I figure that's why arsenal's alphabetical sorting is shoving those two vests into the far end.
  18. Subscyed

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    The reason why I asked, LJ, is because the new/different sounds for in-cockpit, out-of-cockpit and sat-on-skid positions add a whole new layer of immersion. What I meant (and you already answered) was if you were going to add your own sounds to that? If you do, please lower the volume for the people on the skids, the vanilla one is louder than just being outside the helo for some reason.
  19. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Okay! Thank you! :) One thing to note is that it doesn't happen with ocp exclusively, it happens with all other uniforms (ACU being among the most noticeable after multicam/ocp). Ah, one thing I've also noticed in this latest update is that the WTE carriers (I believe the heavy one) get all left alone in the bottom of the arsenal list (past the light ones, oddly enough). I suspect it has to do with the inherited classname but can't quite figure out why. Thank you for your support and patience (and putting up with my non-stop questions), Spectre! EDIT: Kerry's backpack is editable/reskinnable/retexturable already: http://dev.arma3.com/post/spotrep-00034
  20. Subscyed

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    What're you doing there, hiding stuff from us? :P From a coherence standpoint, I think it's best for the added realistic details like camshaking be left as separate mods. On that note, LAxemann, is there any chance you can join the camerashake mods together (keep in separate .pbos but include it in a pack)? And a question for you, LordJarhead. With the addition of in-cockpit sounds such as wind, being hit (by MGs, missiles, environment etc) in DevBranch, will Dragonfyre make use of this new thing to further increase immersion?
  21. Subscyed

    RH M4/M16 pack

    TL;DR My opinion: Please release as-is with vanilla 7.62x51mm as placeholder so we can begin searching/testing for bugs/problems with the new additions. ---------------------------- I'm of the opinion that, while waiting for the 7.62x51mm configs from Spartan, the pack could have already been released with the vanilla 7.62x51mm as they suffice when it comes down to killing things (like the heavily-armoured OPFOR). Not only that, but given how much time has elapsed since the last update (more of a hotfix), a lot of problems could have already been spotted/troubleshot. I wrote this not to say "Screw Spartan" but instead to say "Please try to make a tentative release with the vanilla 7.62x51mm and incorporate the 7.62x51mm in a later update/patch/hotfix." The reason for this request is because we tend to test our mods after every update to see what's broken, what's fixed, what's different and what's the same. I believe we could help in finding any and all problems with it right off the bat. Without meaning to disrespect, Spartan's configs (all of them, not just the ones soon to be featuring here) are the cherry on top but I'm sure we can go with just the cake for now. High-quality weapons (in both functionality and looks) are what made the arma modding community as great as it is today (despite the secretism here and there but we can all understand that to an extent). That said, thank you RobertHammer and Spartan for your work (and hopefully a continuation thereof).
  22. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Excellent! Thank you for the news! I'm sure every modder that has taken a liking to the Kerry backpack will take great joy in knowing it'll be reskinnable. I have a little question about the texture of the Camelbak (the one that was vertically aligned as opposed to horizontally): How did you correct it? Did you simply flip the texture 90 degrees or was it actually an engine limitation? The lite vest modelswap was a welcome change. A lot of people in the community got horribly confused before I explained to them that it wouldn't ruin their loadouts since it had the same classname. After that, seeing them exclaim all sorts of profanity in a mixture of confusion and appreciation was pretty funny. Ah, and about the devbranch vs stable: it's no worry. Stable is better simply because it's stable. Devbranch gets patches daily + hotfixes so it's not really wise to develop that far ahead (case in point of the personturret commands that enable FFV in vehicles being recently changed).
  23. Subscyed

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Will it be possible to, in the future, remove dead or unconscious players from vehicles? What about doing the same with AI? Any plans to thin the granularity of the nvgs? It's really difficult to spot anything not emitting a light with such a thick grain filter.
  24. Subscyed


    Hullo MrEwok. I've noticed a couple of fairly interesting problems/bugs. - The Frag6's Gunner, when rotating, brings the backpacks and the ammo boxes around him, making them clip through the seats and everything else inside the HMMWV. - The windows are a bit too reflective. Would you please clean them up to be more like the Hunter's? (Half-joking on this one. Joke because cleaning up windows and no-joke because it becomes really difficult to drive in 1st person when facing the sun or facing away from it.) - The HMMWVs are almost deadly quiet. Is it possible to up the volume of the engine+other sound effects? - The sights on the M2 SOV are not lined up. Development-related question: - Will we be seeing an SOV variant with a M134 minigun?
  25. Subscyed

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    I believe they all mean "quieter", Nouber. I can vouch for that, as well. With a pretty active environment around, the radio transmissions sound quieter by comparison and it becomes a bit difficult to hear/understand fully.