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About zacharypw

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  1. Alright, I'll just explain everything if you want to read the whole thing you can. if you don't then just ignore this paragraph. I am a modder that worked with the creator of Universal Ammo System, and after he dropped off the internet, I took it over. Right now me and another modder are working on a replacement for Universal Ammo System that uses ACE3 Advanced Ballistics. There is a LOT of code from UAS ammo properties that frankly are very difficult to get IRL references to. For many there isn't any data to get sometimes because the ammunition was only used in testing and there were only a few hundred cartridges made for testing only. I thought that If I could mathematically convert the cartridges' airFriction values, I could reverse engineer ballistic coefficient's without using off the cuff estimation and it would be easier on me. I guess that is not really possible WITHOUT making a bullet class for said bullet and making a script or something along those lines. I don't fully understand ZaellixA's explanation of an example post. I didn't want to predict the trajectory of the bullet if that makes sense. It's not an error. I think I explained it incorrectly. I wanted the TIME it takes in the engine for the bullet to get from when you press the primary mouse button to the gun firing the bullet in game at muzzle velocity. I believed this is what BI used to create the airFriction value along with the formula mentioned on the wiki. I was then going to just swap the formula around so it could be used for deceleration instead of acceleration. Alas, I appear to be wrong in my assumption that BI used a constant for TIME.
  2. That does not help me. Obviously Bohemia used a constant for how long it takes for a bullet to go from say 850m/s to 0 in order to calculate the airFriction. I am trying to find the constant. This constant has to be Time. If I use a deceleration formula FinalVelocity–InitialVelocity/Timetaken = Deceleration I need Final velocity which is 0 m/s I need Initial Velocity which is 850 m/s I need Time taken which is what I am trying to figure out. I cannot use 0 for time because 850 - 0 = -850. Then -850/0 = infinite. See the issue? Assuming I use a formula where distance is utilized I still need the distance that Bohemia used assuming they used Time as 0 like you are suggesting.
  3. I want to figure out how much TIME it takes to get to get to the INITIAL SPEED. What I have been doing is using Time = 0.01 because that is the smallest speed you can run arma 3 in using setaccTime. But my math for airFriction comes out differently than what vanilla values are in cfgAmmo for 5.56x45mm,7.62x51mm, and 12.7x99mm when I use 0.01 for Time in the deceleration equation.
  4. I want to know how long it takes a bullet to get to its initSpeed because I am trying to figure out how Arma 3 gets its airFriction values from the formula airFriction = deceleration / velocity2 listed here. I need to know deceleration to know airFriction. Thanks!
  5. Are you going to import faces from arma 2 as well?
  6. zacharypw

    RH Pistol pack

    I didn't mean any disrespect, I was just curious. Sorry to stir up the pot.
  7. zacharypw

    RH Pistol pack

    Is this going to be updated again or are you done and the mod is as is?
  8. zacharypw

    Cant binarize a p3d.

    Maybe un-hide them? I don't know that much about hidden textures or binarizing stuff. I still cannot get the collimator to work on the default aimpoint from the arma 2 sample pack. it looks fine in O2 and buldozer but after i compile it with BinPBO and load the game the aimpoint lens and collimator have shadow errors and the collimator doesn't light up. I absolutely cannot get it to work. I'm thinking its the limitation of BinPBO for both cases. maybe BinPBO doesn't like re-binarizing P3D's with hidden textures. If you have a clue to my problem it would be appriciated. Good luck
  9. zacharypw

    Cant binarize a p3d.

    I don't think it is possible to debinarize P3D's for this reason; you get vertex errors.
  10. I cannot get the collimator to light up at night on my model EVEN WHEN I USE THE SETTINGS THAT PEOPLE SUGGEST TO USE IN RVMATS FOR COLLIMATORS. I mapped both the texture ("aimpoint_dot_ca.tga") and the .rvmat that goes with it ("kolimator.rvmat") to the circle that I am using for the reddot on the model and it reads the texture fine but the reddot does not light up and depending on where I point the rifle in-game, the reddot will go into shadow and out of shadow, even tho I put lodnoshadow 1 into the LOD property window for the ViewPilot LOD. I have tried the alpha sorting in the view pilot lod and everything. I have set up the correct directory for all the files as well so I don't know what the heck the issue is. A little off topic, but I cannot get the aimpoint lens to go completely transparent either. It goes in and out of transparency depending on where I point the rifle it is attached to in-game, similar to the reddot texture shadow bugs. The textures I am using are the same textures that come with Arma 2 sample models pack and the aimpoint model and textures are off of the default M16A4 CCO that comes in the Arma 2 sample pack. An expert on the subject would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Zachary Perfect-West
  11. Ok i'll say forget the lens transparency at this point i'll just delete the lens. how about the collimator? I cannot get the Collimator to light up at night EVEN WHEN I USE THE SETTINGS THAT PEOPLE SUGGEST TO USE IN RVMATS FOR COLLIMATORS. I mapped it to the Circle that I am using for the redot on the model and it reads the texture fine but the reddot does not light up and depending on where I point the rifle in-game, the reddot will go into shadow and out of shadow, even tho I put lodnoshadow 1 into the LOD property window the model ViewPilot LOD.
  12. I tried this many times over and over it still will not go transparent. I am using the default textures from arma 2 sample model pack.
  13. oh sorry didn't know how to upload a pic. http://imgur.com/a/Ror3I
  14. For the life of me I cannot get the aimpoint lens texture to go transparent in-game. Model from the arma 2 sample model pack. I have tried everything on the internet that said it might work but zip. Link to picture zip file Download http://imgur.com/a/Ror3I I really would appreciate some help I am at my wits end. Thanks, Zachary Perfect-West