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Everything posted by chimaerazone

  1. At one point I was really good with the mission editor. However, after a couple year break of mission editing and an entirely new mission editor, I have forgotten a lot of things. I am trying to make a mission, and there are a couple of things I would like to know how to do before I completely dive in. The first thing is, I want a specific, player-operated, team's task to go talk to an Officer. Once the team leader talks to that officer (scroll wheel option), it updates the team's task to board vehicles and from there on out it is easy to do. The first thing I need to know how to do is to create a scroll wheel option that only the team leader can access which then updates the team's task. The second thing is how to have two vehicles, both driven by AIs that are not in the same group, wait until all players are loaded up before proceeding through the waypoints. This stuff is simple, but I would really love the refresher.
  2. Welcome to the Timberwolves! Unit History: The 104th Infantry Division was first constituted on June 24, 1921 as the 104th Division, before being organized and activated in October of that year in Salt Lake City, Utah. The division was ordered into active military service on September 15, 1942 and reorganized as the 104th Infantry Division at Camp Adair, Oregon. What we are looking for: Mature, active, and reliable players Applicants should preferably be at least 16 years of age We also need anyone skilled in photoshop and/or mission making What we offer: A fun and friendly community of players ArmA 3 and I44 (We are straying away from I44) Open recruitment opportunities An always active community An always active teamspeak How to Join: Follow this link to fill out an application: http://tinyurl.com/m74fu7d Any questions or concerns you email me or message me on steam. Email: travisdavid98@gmail.com Steam: ChimaeraZone Thanks for your time. If you want a different version of this flyer or want to share this flyer around go here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TktxbO-wDABKzJjV6IFgdf-YlqPRNtULECpeUniA-eM/edit?usp=sharing
  3. chimaerazone

    104th Infantry Division

    Here is a video of a mission we did a few weeks ago:
  4. So I am making a mission where you enter a town and search around for a hostage. I have the hostage on the top floor of a building, the height of the floor is 11. The issue is when I walk into the building I hit the trigger on the bottom floor, the hostage joins my group and the guards on the floor kill him. I want the trigger to activate whenever I am on the same floor as him, not below him. Is there anyway to do this? On my trigger: [H1] join p1; h1 setcaptive false; h1 enableAI "move"; On my hostage: removeallweapons this; removeallitems this; removeheadgear this; removevest this; this unassignitem "nvgoggles"; this removeitem "nvgoggles"; this disableai "move"; this setcaptive true;
  5. chimaerazone

    Setting Trigger Height

    Thank you I will test it out and tell you if it works. I just tested it and it works. Never thought of that, how do I go about that?
  6. chimaerazone

    More Weapons

    There are these beautiful things called mods.
  7. chimaerazone

    Shock's Redressing Script

    I can confirm that it works, great script! ;)
  8. *Please move if this is the wrong thread, I couldn't find anywhere better for this.* I know this isn't the correct forum to ask this on, however I have a feeling that a few out there have an answer to this question. I use Dxtory to record and Sony Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 to edit and render. The other week my group did a mission, I decided to record. While recording I was running between 40 - 50 frames per second. I put the recording into Sony and started editing, making sure my render settings where at 50 frames per second. I then uploaded it to Youtube and this is what happened: As you can see the video is super choppy, if you look at my other videos of ArmA 2 or other games it is not choppy at all.Basically what I am asking is if someone could recommend me some good recording and rendering settings for ArmA 3. Computer specs if needed: Windows 8.1 AMD FX-8350 16 GB of Ram GTX 770
  9. chimaerazone

    Recording and Rendering ArmA 3

    So I edited up our last mission, it gets a bit choppy near the end, but other than that what do you guys think?
  10. chimaerazone

    Recording and Rendering ArmA 3

    I know, I recorded in 29.97 then rendered in it, after recording I switched it to 30, but I haven't switched it yet in Movie Studio
  11. chimaerazone

    Recording and Rendering ArmA 3

    With that test video that I uploaded it was recorded at 29.97, I then went in a changed it after recording it.
  12. chimaerazone

    Shock's Redressing Script

    That is how it is for me.
  13. chimaerazone

    Recording and Rendering ArmA 3

    Project Properties render settings Also recording settings ---------- Post added at 18:21 ---------- Previous post was at 18:20 ---------- I am not a fan of Bandicam, dxtory has features that I need that bandicam doesn't. File size to me isn't an issue, I record to a separate hard drive. While I am recording with dxtory I run 40-50 frames, so that also isn't an issue.
  14. chimaerazone

    Shock's Redressing Script

    I looked it through and everything for the guerrilla smocks are the same as before. Does this script rely on some sort of local content that my server would not have?
  15. chimaerazone

    Recording and Rendering ArmA 3

    So I just rendered out a little test video, what do you guys think of the quality and FPS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZYt4lUb_w8&feature=youtu.be
  16. chimaerazone

    Shock's Redressing Script

    _backpackarr = ["B_FieldPack_cbr","B_OutdoorPack_tan"]; // ^-- Fill this with all the classnames of backpacks you would like to have chosen. _weaponarr = ["LMG_Zafir_F","arifle_Mk20_F"]; // ^-- Fill this with the weapon classnames you would like to use. _uniformarr = ["U_IG_Guerilla3_1","U_IG_Guerilla3_2","U_IG_Guerilla1_1","U_IG_Guerilla2_1","U_IG_Guerilla2_2","U_IG_Guerilla2_3","U_IG_leader"]; // ^-- Fill this with the uniform classnames you would like to use. _headarr = ["H_Shemag_olive","H_ShemagOpen_khk","H_ShemagOpen_tan"]; // ^-- Fill this with the headgear classnames you would like to use. _vestarr = [""]; // ^-- Fill this with the vest classnames you would like to use. It was working fine until I uploaded it to the server. Also here is video that I rendered out to test my render settings, but it also shows their skins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZYt4lUb_w8&feature=youtu.be
  17. chimaerazone

    Shock's Redressing Script

    So I actually just had an issue with it. I made a mission, the opfor looked like insurgents in the mission editor and when I hosted a MP match. However just tonight we ran the mission on my dedicated server and the opfor, had the FIA guns, chest plates and head gear but not the fatigues, any ideas?
  18. chimaerazone

    Recording and Rendering ArmA 3

    Seems like you forgot, haha.
  19. chimaerazone

    Shock's Redressing Script

    I love this script, works well!
  20. Is there any possible way to make FIA hostile against BLUFOR? I have planned out a mission, all I have to do is place the enemy and bind them to triggers, FIA has the perfect skins and vehicles for what I want, any ideas?
  21. chimaerazone

    Making FIA enemy

    I tired that at first and it did not work. Did you get it to work?
  22. chimaerazone

    Making FIA enemy

    That will work, thank you!
  23. chimaerazone

    Recording and Rendering ArmA 3

    Thanks guys. I took your advice and it seemed to work. In dxtory I changed to what I use to have, I did not realize that it changed. One more question, I use .mp4 for rendering, but what template do you guys use?
  24. Welcome to the Timberwolves! Unit History: The 104th Infantry Division was first constituted on June 24, 1921 as the 104th Division, before being organized and activated in October of that year in Salt Lake City, Utah. The division was ordered into active military service on September 15, 1942 and reorganized as the 104th Infantry Division at Camp Adair, Oregon. What we are looking for: Mature, active, and reliable players Applicants should preferably be at least 16 years of age We also need anyone skilled in photoshop and/or mission making What we offer: A fun and friendly community of players ArmA 3 and I44 Open recruitment opportunities An always active community An always active teamspeak How to Join: Follow this link to fill out an application: http://tinyurl.com/m74fu7d Any questions or concerns you email me or message me on steam. Email: travisdavid98@gmail.com Steam: ChimaeraZone Thanks for your time. If you want a different version of this flyer or want to share this flyer around go here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TktxbO-wDABKzJjV6IFgdf-YlqPRNtULECpeUniA-eM/edit?usp=sharing
  25. chimaerazone

    Community Modding Bible

    This excellent, thank you.