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About beama2005

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  1. beama2005

    New mod idea "The 100"

    thanks for the ideas guys i have made a start! i will try and get the basic core working first then try my hand at some map building. but i think your right a custom map would make it feel great! im sure once i have made a start people might want to help once they see how cool it will be. ive made a start and found a few scripts that are useful. im working on contaminated zones right now and have a basic loot system in place. even if i have to work alone i will still get it done. just might take a bit longer! thanks guys beama2005
  2. beama2005

    New mod idea "The 100"

    wow that looks impressive. this close to what i want to achieve.i dont have a lot of scripting know how but im going to start the process and see how it works out. any help/ideas you think of let me know. thanks p.s what map do you think will work best for this?
  3. beama2005

    New mod idea "The 100"

    hi guys have been thinking about this for while now and wondered what people think? ive been watching the tv series The 100 and i think it might be a cool idea for a mod. it will be similar to dayz/exile but will not have zombies. Plot: 97 years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life on Earth, humankind is living in space, residing in twelve space stations. The space stations banded together to form a single massive station named "The Ark", where about 2,400 people live. Resources are scarce and all crimes no matter their nature or severity are punishable by death ("floating") unless the perpetrator is under 18 years of age. After the Ark's life support systems are found to be critically failing, one hundred juvenile prisoners are declared "expendable" and sent to the surface in a last ditch attempt to determine if Earth is habitable again. The teens arrive on a beautiful planet they've only seen from space. Confronting the dangers of this rugged new world, they struggle to form a tentative community. However they discover that not all humanity was wiped out. There are people on Earth who survived the war, called "grounders" by the 100. The teens quickly discover they are not welcome by the hostile grounders and must band together in order to survive. here is what i had in mind: "the 100" are playable and sole mission is to survive/scavange/kill there will be ai clans (the grounders,mount weather troops) high radiation zones around the map that need gas masks to enter survival system like dayz. food, drink and radiation levels base building? crafting missions? its a very loose idea but i think it would be so much fun to build and play. is there any pro that will help me get this project going? or anyone with cool ideas that want to help? everyone is welcome what do you think? thanks beama2005
  4. thanks for a quick reply. ok so i placed the customLoot system marker and in the Custom civilian/items loot box i have [Mask_M40] am i right in saying it should only spawn this item now? when i play i get an "unidentified variable in expression Mask_M40" error? I have edited the units arsenal and he has a gas mask on now so i know that addon is working. sorry for the noob questions thanks
  5. hi i am new to mission making and im stuck!. im making a mission that has contamination zones that need a gas mask to enter using this script: this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27918. i have it all working fine. what i now want to to is get the gas mask to spawn around the map. i am currently using this loot script: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=31777. but i cannot figure out how to add the gasmask to spawn using this script? can anyone help me? thanks beama2005