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Posts posted by POLPOX

  1. I write a code of playSound3D in .sqf file, but it isn't works.

    I write the code in debug console too, it's works.

    _soundSource = createVehicle ["Land_Can_V1_F",[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"] ;
    _soundSource setPos _pos ;
    sleep 0.1 ; playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Explosion\expl_shell_1.wss",_soundSource,true,[0,0,1],10] ;

    is this bug? anyone in this problem? please advice.

  2. This script will not be updated.

    POLPOX's Calm Animations Script

    This script can make calm animation for some units.

    If they under combat, they cancel calm animation.

    You can force abort animations by change variable "PLP_calmSoldier_abort" to true.

    How To Use

    _nil = [unit,Option Name,[Equipments name,Weapon,NVG],React] execVM "PLP_calmSoldier.sqf"

    Parameters are:

    0: OBJECT - unit
    1: STRING - mode
    >"STAND" - Standing
    >"STAND_RIFLE" - Standing, with rifle
    >"STAND_TABLE" - Standing, hands on table
    >"HANDS_BACK" - Standing, hands on back
    >"LEAN" - Standing, lean on wall with rifle
    >"PATROL" - Standing, patrolling with rifle
    >"BRIEFING" - Standing, hands on knee
    >"TALK" - Standing, hands move
    >"EASE" - Standing, ease
    >"EXERCISE_PUSH" - Exercising, push up
    >"EXERCISE_KNEE" - Exercising, knee bend
    >"REPAIR_KNEEL_1" - Kneeling repair#1
    >"REPAIR_KNEEL_2" - Kneeling repair#2
    >"REPAIR_PRONE_1" - Repairing on one's back#1
    >"REPAIR_PRONE_2" - Repairing on one's back#2
    >"REPAIR_STAND" - Standing assembly
    >"SIT" - On chair
    >"SIT_RIFLE" - On ground, with rifle
    >"SIT_LOW" - On ground
    >"SIT_LOW_SAD" - On ground, sad
    >"SIT_HIGH" - On high ground
    >"SIT_TABLE" - On chair, hands on table
    >"TREAT_WOUND" - Treating wounds
    >"WOUND_1" - Wounding#1, they don't react for enemy
    >"WOUND_2" - Wounding#2, they don't react for enemy
    >"SHOOTING_STAND" - Shooting, stand
    >"SHOOTING_KNEEL" - Shooting, kneel
    >"SHOOTING_PRONE" - Shooting, prone
    >"SHOOTING_STANDK" - Shooting, stand first, they will change to kneel
    >"SHOOTING_KNEELS" - Shooting, kneel first, they will change to stand
    >"DEAD" - Dead state
    2: ARRAY - (optional)
    0: STRING - (optional) equipments
    >"NONE" - None equipments
    >"VEST" - Vest only
    >"HAT" - Hat only
    >"FULL" - Vest, Hat
    >"NO_TOUCH" - No change
    >"DEFAULT" - They vary with change equipments (default)
    1: STRING or BOOLEAN - weapons
    >"NONE" - No weapons
    >"RIFLE" - No change
    >"DEFAULT" - They vary with change weapons (default)
    >true - Has weapon
    >false - No weapon
    2: BOOLEAN - (optional) has nv goggles (default:true)
    3: BOOLEAN - The unit cannot react? (optional, default:false)



    2014/11/06 - V2.0

    +Re-write script

    +Add some option

    *File size down

    2014/09/06 - V1.2

    +Add some options

    +Add new parameters(Equipments,Weapon,NVG)

    +Add example mission

    *Change some code

    *More spaghetti:yay:

    2014/08/29 - V1.1

    +Correspondence to civilians(Unarmed units)

    *Fix some bug

    *Change code to spaghetti:(

    2014/08/20 - V1.0



    Here.(My Google Drive)

    Old Version

    How To Use

    _nil = [unit,Option Name,[Equipments name,Weapon,NVG]] execVM "PLP_calmSoldier.sqf"

    Parameters are:

    0: OBJECT - unit
    1: STRING - mode
    >"STAND" - Standing
    >"STAND_RIFLE" - Standing, with rifle
    >"STAND_TABLE" - Standing, hands on table
    >"HANDS_BACK" - Standing, hands on back#1
    >"HANDS_BACK_2" - Standing, hands on back#2
    >"LEAN" - Standing, lean on wall with rifle
    >"PATROL" - Standing, patrolling with rifle
    >"BRIEFING" - Standing, hands on knee
    >"TALK" - Standing, hands move
    >"REPAIR_KNEEL_1" - Kneeling repair#1
    >"REPAIR_KNEEL_2" - Kneeling repair#2
    >"REPAIR_PRONE_1" - Repairing on one's back#1
    >"REPAIR_PRONE_2" - Repairing on one's back#2
    >"REPAIR_STAND" - Standing assembly
    >"SIT" - On chair
    >"SIT_LOW" - On ground, with rifle
    >"SIT_HIGH" - On high ground
    >"SIT_TABLE" - On chair, hands on table
    >"TREAT_WOUND" - Treating wounds
    >"WOUND_1" - Wounding#1, they don't react for enemy
    >"WOUND_2" - Wounding#2, they don't react for enemy
    >"SHOOTING_STAND" - Shooting, stand
    >"SHOOTING_KNEEL" - Shooting, kneel
    >"SHOOTING_PRONE" - Shooting, prone
    >"SHOOTING_STANDK" - Shooting, stand first, they will change to kneel
    >"SHOOTING_KNEELS" - Shooting, kneel first, they will change to stand
    2: ARRAY - (optional)
    0: STRING - (optional) equipments
    >"NONE" - None equipments
    >"LITE" - Vest only
    >"HAT" - Hat only
    1: BOOLEAN - (optional) has weapon (default:true)
    2: BOOLEAN - (optional) has nv goggles (default:true)

    Example mission

    Here.(My Google Drive)


    Here.(My Google Drive)

  3. @MikeTim: Mr.Brainbug said everything I want to say. I thought truck colors are very few, so I made this addon.

    @snakeeyez503: Did you delay the code? You need to change the color of civilian vehicle, after default init script changes the color. Do setObjectTexture in a trigger or delayed init script like this:

    _nil = this spawn {sleep 0.001 ; _this setObjectTexture [0,[i](Name of texture)[/i]]} ;

  4. Warning:This thread includes my very bad English




    This addon adds 8 colors for civilian truck.

    Colors are

    • White(by BI)
    • Red(by BI)
    • Light Blue
    • Blue
    • Light Green
    • Green
    • Light Yellow
    • Yellow(Orange)
    • Grey
    • Black

    Version History

    • V 1.1
      *Fix:Some textures (by Brainbug)
    • V 1.1
      +Add:Tank Textures and Box Textures(Thanks Brainbug!)
      *Fix:Some scripts
    • V 1.0


    Here.(My Google Drive)

  5. Warning:This thread includes my very bad English



    This addon adds some intro movies for Arma 3.

    Add 5 movies for Stratis and add 18 movies for Altis.

    And, add one showcase movie for each islands.

    Showcase movies are have some 30-45 seconds movies.

    Stratis showcase movie has 17 movies, and Altis showcase movie has 52 movies.

    Can you watch them all?


    Stratis's a movie

    Stratis showcase

    Version History

    • V 1.0
    • V 1.1
      +Add:2 movies for Stratis and Altis


    Here.(My Google Drive)
