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Everything posted by POLPOX

  1. create3DENEntity may help you, execute this on Debug Console, the object will spawn on your Eden even if it is non-listed object. Note: IDK what cause this but some of objects may crash your A3.

    Helicopter crash

    Create a trigger, set condition to not alive <NAME OF HELICOPTER>and On Activation deleteVehicle <NAME OF HELICOPTER>
  3. Both of report is a script bug, so fixed version is here. Check changelog at first post.
  4. Fully version is now available.
  5. How do you like me now? while {true} do { _timeNow = time ; drop [ ["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal",16,13,7,0],"","BillBoard", 1,0.1,[0,0.25,1],[0,0,0], random pi*2,1.277,1,0, [3], [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,0]], [10000], 0,0,"","", player,0, false,-1 ]; waitUntil {_timeNow != time} ; } ;
  6. Unfortunately I cant run Arma 3 and going to bed but I have an idea, use particles. Use drop command each frame will makes you happy, maybe not.

    rugged tv scrren

    this might be useful.

    Arma 3 - APEX - 3DIcon Markers

    Oh no yeah no god please no whatta freakin miss... scripting with AI should cause this...

    Arma 3 - APEX - 3DIcon Markers

    First, I found a problem with the code. onEachFrame { private["_vis","_pos"]; { if(player distance _x < 100 && !isPlayer _x && _x != player && side _x == playerSide) then { _vis = lineIntersects [eyePos player, eyePos _x,player, _x]; if(!_vis) then { _pos = visiblePosition _x; _pos set[2,(getPosATL _x select 2) + 2.2]; drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\military\box_CA.paa",[1,1,1,1],_pos,1,1,0,name _x,0,0.04]; }; }; } foreach playableUnits; }; && isPlayer _x should be && !isPlayer _x. And to improve: drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\military\box_CA.paa",<Color>,_pos,<X Size of Icon>,<Y Size of Icon>,0,name _x,0,<Size of Text>]; Example: drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\military\box_CA.paa",[1,0,0,1],_pos,2,2,0,name _x,0,0.02]; Red, Big Icon, Small Text. And more speed: _pos = getPosATLVisual _x vectorAdd [0,0,2.2]; This is better than now. Aaaand here is my edition. onEachFrame { private["_vis","_pos"]; { if (player distance _x < 100 && !isPlayer _x && _x != player && side _x == playerSide) then { _vis = lineIntersects [AGLToASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0], eyePos _x,player, _x]; if(!_vis) then { _pos = (ASLToAGL eyePos _x vectorAdd [0,0,0.35]) ; drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\map\Markers\military\box_CA.paa",[1,1,1,1],_pos,1,1,0,name _x,0,0.04]; }; }; } foreach playableUnits; };
  10. Updated: Beta 1.1. Changelog: -Added: attach feature (to enable, just sync to a vehicle) -Fix: "STAND" may get stuck -Tweak: if the unit is unreact disableConversation is now true -Some little tweaks -Reduced filesize Readme is still working, trailer is also still working!
  11. <VEHICLE NAME> animateDoor ["door_1_source",<0-1>];
  12. _nil = [this,"STAND",false,"ASIS"] execVM "PLP_calmSoldier3.sqf" et cetera...
  13. Yes, almost same, until _this select 3. Attach options are not decided how to implement. Oh, there isn't option "action". The arguments will cause the error.
  14. I hope there are some function about it, but I found nothing and this thread may break the rule: You may edit the post... Anyway, the function should inside the "A3_Missions_F_Exp" or something...
  15. I'm back! POLPOX's calm animations 2.0 script is now available! Parameters: Video: Download: FAQ: Some examples: Change log: Note: This script is not comatible with old calm animations.
  16. You cannot use sleep in Event Handlers, so you need capsulize to suspend. player addEventHandler ["FIRED",{ shotsfired = shotsfired + 1; if(shotsfired == 1) then { [] spawn { sleep 60; shotsfired = 0; }; }; }];
  17. Maybe: {unassignVehicle _x} forEach (crew <VEHICLE NAME> - [player])
  18. Hm, I think... { while{true} do{ waitUntil {BLA BLA}; sleep 10; if (BLA BLA) then { ADD SOME MONEY }; }; };
  19. I'm trying to force full auto script like this. My script is almost done, but it'll fire even if opening gear, enter Arsenal, or using splendid camera. I tried cameraView, cameraOn, but they did nothing. Anyone help? while {true} do { waitUntil {inputAction "DefaultAction" != 0} ; _isTurret = [] ; { if (vehicle player turretUnit _x == player) exitWith {_isTurret = _x} ; } forEach allTurrets [vehicle player,true] ; if ((count allTurrets [vehicle player,true]) == 1) then {_isTurret = [0]} ; _wpnState = if (count _isTurret != 0) then {weaponState [vehicle player,_isTurret]} else {weaponState vehicle player} ; _wpnState params [ "_wpn", "_mzl", "_mode", "_mag", "_ammo" ] ; vehicle player setWeaponReloadingTime [player,_mzl,0] ; if (vehicle player != player) then { player fireAtTarget [objNull] ; } else { player forceWeaponFire [_mzl,_mode] ; } ; if (_ammo == 0) then { private "_mag" ; if (_mzl in getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _wpn >> "muzzles")) then { _mag = (getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _wpn >> _mzl >> "magazines") select 0) ; } else { _mag = (getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _wpn >> "magazines") select 0) ; } ; player addWeaponItem [_wpn,[_mag,1,_mzl]] ; } else { player setAmmo [_mzl,10000] ; } ; uiSleep 0.01 ; } ;
  20. POLPOX

    Guided Missile

    kylania beat me to it! I modded the script, so upload it. private "_arguments" ; if (!isNil {param [3]} and {typeName param [3] == "ARRAY"}) then { _arguments = param [3] ; } else { _arguments = _this ; } ; _arguments params [ ["_primaryTarget",laserTarget player,[objNull,[],{}]], ["_missileStart",[0,0,0],[objNull,[]]], ["_missileType","Missile_AGM_02_F",[""]], ["_missileSpeed",200,[0]], ["_defaultTargetPos",[8340.718750,3074.914795,0],[[]]] ] ; if (isNull _primarytarget) exitWith {hintSilent "No Target Found!"}; _perSecondChecks = 25; //direction checks per second _getPrimaryTarget = {if (typeName _primaryTarget == typename {}) then {call _primaryTarget} else {_primaryTarget}}; //code can be used for laser dots _target = call _getPrimaryTarget; _missile = createVehicle [_missileType,_missileStart,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; //secondary target used for random trajectory when laser designator is turned off prematurily _secondaryTarget = "Land_HelioadEmpty_F" createVehicle _defaultTargetPos; _secondaryTarget setPos _defaultTargetPos; _guidedRandomly = FALSE; //procedure for guiding the missile _homeMissile = { //here we switch to secondary target at random position if the laser dot no longer exists //if the designator is turned on again, the missile will return to it's original target (providing it hadn't flown too far) private ["_velocity", "_target"]; _target = _secondaryTarget; if (!(_guidedRandomly) && _missile distance _target > _missileSpeed * 1.5) then { _guidedRandomly = TRUE; _target = _secondaryTarget; _dispersion = (_missile distance _defaultTargetPos) / 20; _dispersionMin = _dispersion / 10; _target setPos _defaultTargetPos vectorAdd [_dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion,_dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion,_dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion] ; }; if (!(isNull (call _getPrimaryTarget))) then {_target = call _getPrimaryTarget; _defaultTargetPos = position _target; _guidedRandomly = FALSE}; //altering the direction, pitch and trajectory of the missile if (_missile distance _target > (_missileSpeed / 20)) then { _travelTime = (_target distance _missile) / _missileSpeed; _steps = floor (_travelTime * _perSecondChecks); _relDirHor = [_missile, _target] call BIS_fnc_DirTo; _missile setDir _relDirHor; _relDirVer = asin ((((getPosASL _missile) select 2) - ((getPosASL _target) select 2)) / (_target distance _missile)); _relDirVer = (_relDirVer * -1); [_missile, _relDirVer, 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank; _velocity = ((getPosASL _target vectorDiff getPosASL _missile) vectorMultiply 1/_travelTime) ; _defaultTargetPos = position _target; _velocity } else { [] } ; }; //fuel burning should illuminate the landscape _fireLight = "#lightpoint" createVehicle position _missile; _fireLight setLightBrightness 0.5; _fireLight setLightAmbient [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; _fireLight setLightColor [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; _fireLight lightAttachObject [_missile, [0, -0.5, 0]]; //missile flying while {alive _missile} do { _velocityForCheck = call _homeMissile; if (count _velocityForCheck == 3) then {_missile setVelocity _velocityForCheck}; sleep (1 / _perSecondChecks) }; deleteVehicle _fireLight; deleteVehicle _secondaryTarget; And I added some to useful for addAction so you can execute with: player addAction["Fire Missile","scripts\missile.sqf",[<bla bla bla, some arguments>]];
  21. Looks awesome script, and I tested few times but I couldn't find wrong...
  22. I don't know actually what you wrote on units, but there is a very convinient variable: this. [this] call SOMESCRIPT ; Did you try this?