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Everything posted by POLPOX

  1. Updated! Version 2.2 is available.
  2. I am under the dilemma, which is not detect for friend dead bodies and detect under fire. hmmm, how can i take both ways?
  3. If smootly in is enabled, he will animate insertion animation before calm animation. for example, if enabled it with "SIT_LOW" results Stand(default) state -> [Execute] -> Sitting motion -> Calm animation btw, i found missed spell :P and also, 2.0 means "this is not old one". So this not mean much!
  4. Version 2.11 hotfix is available. It's fail to make sure.
  5. Version 2.1 is now available. Remember: this is not stable version!
  6. Not now, but it must be work. Just wait!
  7. I am researching CBA's Extended Eventhandler(XEH), but I couldn't find what's making works it well e.g. Extended_postInit_EventHandlers. What happened on it?
  8. Without place onPlayerKilled.sqf at mission folder. I think Arma 3's dead scene is soooooo long especially when I am editing. Is anyone know how to make it or ideas?:confused:
  9. I made change default killed scene, but I don't know what is default killed scene's left-bottom menu Dialog. Is anyone know it? Maybe "RscDisplayMissionEnd" is it.
  10. Sorry all, really sorry. This script will not be updated or supported anymore because of some reasons. I cannot take more responsibility. This script is free to modify, free to reupload, you don't need to ask my permission. Sorry.
  11. This script will not be updated. POLPOX's Calm Animations Script This script can make calm animation for some units. If they under combat, they cancel calm animation. You can force abort animations by change variable "PLP_calmSoldier_abort" to true. How To Use _nil = [unit,Option Name,[Equipments name,Weapon,NVG],React] execVM "PLP_calmSoldier.sqf" Parameters are: 0: OBJECT - unit 1: STRING - mode >"STAND" - Standing >"STAND_RIFLE" - Standing, with rifle >"STAND_TABLE" - Standing, hands on table >"HANDS_BACK" - Standing, hands on back >"LEAN" - Standing, lean on wall with rifle >"PATROL" - Standing, patrolling with rifle >"BRIEFING" - Standing, hands on knee >"TALK" - Standing, hands move >"EASE" - Standing, ease >"EXERCISE_PUSH" - Exercising, push up >"EXERCISE_KNEE" - Exercising, knee bend >"REPAIR_KNEEL_1" - Kneeling repair#1 >"REPAIR_KNEEL_2" - Kneeling repair#2 >"REPAIR_PRONE_1" - Repairing on one's back#1 >"REPAIR_PRONE_2" - Repairing on one's back#2 >"REPAIR_STAND" - Standing assembly >"SIT" - On chair >"SIT_RIFLE" - On ground, with rifle >"SIT_LOW" - On ground >"SIT_LOW_SAD" - On ground, sad >"SIT_HIGH" - On high ground >"SIT_TABLE" - On chair, hands on table >"TREAT_WOUND" - Treating wounds >"WOUND_1" - Wounding#1, they don't react for enemy >"WOUND_2" - Wounding#2, they don't react for enemy >"SHOOTING_STAND" - Shooting, stand >"SHOOTING_KNEEL" - Shooting, kneel >"SHOOTING_PRONE" - Shooting, prone >"SHOOTING_STANDK" - Shooting, stand first, they will change to kneel >"SHOOTING_KNEELS" - Shooting, kneel first, they will change to stand >"DEAD" - Dead state 2: ARRAY - (optional) 0: STRING - (optional) equipments >"NONE" - None equipments >"VEST" - Vest only >"HAT" - Hat only >"FULL" - Vest, Hat >"NO_TOUCH" - No change >"DEFAULT" - They vary with change equipments (default) 1: STRING or BOOLEAN - weapons >"NONE" - No weapons >"RIFLE" - No change >"DEFAULT" - They vary with change weapons (default) >true - Has weapon >false - No weapon 2: BOOLEAN - (optional) has nv goggles (default:true) 3: BOOLEAN - The unit cannot react? (optional, default:false) Movie Changelog 2014/11/06 - V2.0 +Re-write script +Add some option *File size down 2014/09/06 - V1.2 +Add some options +Add new parameters(Equipments,Weapon,NVG) +Add example mission *Change some code *More spaghetti:yay: 2014/08/29 - V1.1 +Correspondence to civilians(Unarmed units) *Fix some bug *Change code to spaghetti:( 2014/08/20 - V1.0 *Release Download Here.(My Google Drive) Old Version
  12. Hi everyone, I made beta one. This is just beta, maybe many bug. If you wanna testing, download this! Global effect in Local Run. Add some animations. Add parameter and more usable Units will attached on its position(They will flight) Aaaand more!
  13. h-m? I was use the code and tested, but it was work. where are placed the script? if you placed on e.g."scripts" folder, you need more code for execVM like "scripts\plp_calmSoldier.sqf". please check it.
  14. please tell me your parameters.
  15. Hi all, I'm working for multiplayer by running on local. Wait one, ETA... some days!
  16. Hmmmmmm... Maybe, it's maybe, animations wasn't loaded? Please retry script and try to re-download script...
  17. Hmm? Are you work the script v2.0 on A3 1.34, but it doesn't work? I can't reproduction it...
  18. Is anyone still there? Well, I uploaded new version of PLP_calmSoldier.sqf! There is no bug etc... maybe. Changelog: +Re-write script +Add some option *File size down This version 2.0 is almost totally changed from old one, so you can still download old one. Enjoy and do animations for your mission!
  19. I put this code, enableDebugConsole = 1; and join server on admin, but I can't open debug console. and I join server on host, I can open it. is this bug? There is the sentence on this page.
  20. POLPOX

    Debug console on admin?

    Yeah,I did! thank you for a lot!:)
  21. Hi all, I'm serching campaign mission's SITREP text about intro bottom-right texts. I can't find it yet. Is anyone knows it, please tell me. How can I use it?:confused:
  22. Version up! Shooting range! 2014/09/06 - V1.2 +Add some options +Add new parameters(Equipments,Weapon,NVG) +Add example mission *Change some code *More spaghetti
  23. Yeah, it is! awesome work! I can't wait for download and build killhouse!:)
  24. I write a code of playSound3D in .sqf file, but it isn't works. I write the code in debug console too, it's works. *omitted* _soundSource = createVehicle ["Land_Can_V1_F",[0,0,0],[],0,"NONE"] ; _soundSource setPos _pos ; sleep 0.1 ; playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Explosion\expl_shell_1.wss",_soundSource,true,[0,0,1],10] ; *omitted* is this bug? anyone in this problem? please advice.
  25. POLPOX

    playSound3D problem?

    Ah, I'm sorry, solve it. wrong paramaters... playSound3D ["A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Explosion\expl_shell_1.wss",_soundSource,true,_pos,10] it works.