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About Siegfox

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    Private First Class

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  1. Siegfox

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Well sure, but Massi seemed to not either know or explain why he removed his Multicam uniforms from the GRU pack.
  2. Siegfox

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Request: Russian Multicam For: Massi's Russian GRU I was wondering if anyone would be up to creating some Russian multicam versions of Massi's Russian GRU Gorka uniforms, massi included multicam in the mod list but the camo is actually nowhere to be found ingame, and it seems im not the only one looking for Russian Multicam. Some images of Russian Multicam: http://groundreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/10580744_740875812638505_2070839856579261333_o.jpg http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/10903617_767408350015496_1731118626_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=ODk0NTAyNDc2NjExNDgzNjU5.2
  3. Siegfox

    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    Thank you so much Sarak! 3CB saving the day.
  4. Siegfox

    STALKERGB's British Infantry

    Is this still being updated? Cause it has some serious issues with ballistic protection and armour values. The gear has next to no protection, will this be fixed?
  5. We are the 1st Battalion of Royal Fusiliers, of the British Army. A reletively new Milsim unit that is growing in size everyday. We have a solid community of men that play during the week and on weekends in our official events. Our website is still currently under work however the main bulk of information you will need is on it, navigate here for more information and contact facilities: http://www.1stbattalion.co.uk/ We are all setup with Teamspeak and have great experience at realism in the Arma series, if you have any questions please dont hesitate to message me, or view our website for more information on how to join, and the membership requirements.
  6. Siegfox

    Gac jsdf

    This mod doesnt work on servers, just brings me straight back to lobby when i try to launch with the units, its a dependency issue or something - can you look into this? I have a Japanese SDF realism unit and really need this awesome mod
  7. Siegfox

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I never knew Geist for Arma 3 had this, I currently cannot download it but could you give me a screenshot maybe or what the Luftwaffe uniforms look like? Internet is currently down for a few days.
  8. Siegfox

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Would anyone be able to produce world war two uniforms for Fallschirmjager/Luftwaffe officers. As a sort of addition to Iron Front/WW2 Mods for Arma 3. If this is at all possible please get back to me as my new unit would be incredibly grateful for these additions! Example:
  9. Would anyone be able to produce world war two uniforms for Fallschirmjager/Luftwaffe officers (For Arma 2 - Addition to Invasion 1944), If this is at all possible please get back to me as my new unit would be incredibly grateful for these additions! Example:
  10. We are a new Invasion 1944 division for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead and currently looking for new members, our missions consist of a PvE AI Campaign which is currently in production, and PvP missions against other divisions in our new community. Go ahead and add this account on Steam if you are interested, and talk with the commanding officer: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Siegfox/ Teamspeak 3 Server:
  11. Hello everyone, To those who are looking for people to play with on Multiplayer, why not join a division? We are a new division and one of the only Soviet ones around today. We need soldiers so all are welcome! We have relations fighting a Wehrmacht division and we need your support! So check us out at http://www.90thguards.net/ Thank you! Captain Katukov
  12. Hello everyone, To those who are looking for people to play with on Multiplayer, why not join a division? We are a new division and one of the only Soviet ones around today. We need soldiers so all are welcome! We have relations fighting a Wehrmacht division and we need your support! So check us out at http://www.90thguards.net/ Thank you! Captain Katukov
  13. So, this is why no one plays the standard game anymore. I lead a division called the 16. Infanterie-Division of the Wehrmacht, you can join by friending the Colonel, Meyer. It doesnt matter if you are inexperienced too, we host regular trainings, and we are extremely active. 12 hours in one day once. Division: steamcommunity(dot)com/groups/windhundkompanie Current SS leader Meyer of the 16th, and officer of the Waffen-SS (Side Division)