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  1. With the tcb_ais_revive_guaranty=true; and tcb_ais_realistic_mode=false , people still die from sniper Headshots, or that is what we assumed. Hmm. I looked inside the code and it seems like it should not happen: if (tcb_ais_revive_guaranty) then { _unit setHit ["head", 0.89]; _unit setDamage 0.89; _unit setVariable ["tcb_ais_damageStore", 0.89]; }; So if people still die occasionally what could be the cause ? I saw that the routine above the quoted code if (_damage > 20) exitWith {}; would cause immediate dying as it would skip the damage reset with headshots. We notice that the chance of it happening seems to increases with the KI difficulty Level set at the server. At skill 0.7 it happens quite a lot which is our usual training level, in my estimate about 1 out of 4 cases and it seems that setting it at 0.4 partly resolved the issue. We tested different Server KI skill Settings to see if it would make a difference and at one point our test team of 5 people also became sporadically invincible. It seemed to me that the damage reset just kept the player acting with fuzzy view but still standing and capable of reloading and moving around. (Rambo factor at 4 than later set down to 2) Also friendly fire was unable to eliminate such a player with rifle headshot (full magazine) from 1 meter distance. I may state that in our multiplayer mission templates there are no AI's only playable units and each unit's object Name ist set to preset value. (e.g Alpha1, Charlie1, Bravo2 .. etc) This happened on a Zeus enabled Mission template with me acting as Zeus enabled player. We do not allow role switching from the zeus respawn interface, however people may log out and during logging into the lobby again may select a different playable unit slot. I have a script active which would allow a player to switch to a different team, like Bravo Medic leaves Team Bravo and joins Team Charlie. though the player would maintain its unique player obj ID. I assume that as there is no AI involved switching in between player teams is allowed.
  2. Hi Psycho, thanks for answering - the Problem with healing people to death has stopped after I rebuild our mission templates from scratch and clean. So I guess there was a conflict with other content. The problem with dead 3D icon inherited by the new body after somebody dies however persists. I am trying to disable the feature for the time being. BTW - played your script yesterday after adding Zeus to a premade multiplayer. Worked perfect for us. Thanks again for making this amazing script.
  3. Hi there, first of all my deepest respect for that work. In our clan we all love this healing / revive script. Great work and great love to detail. Well thought through and very well done. I am working with the version from this month in our clan's tactical training missions and we have used it a lot through the last couple of days. There are 2 things we noticed: 1.st concerns the switch tcb_ais_revive_guaranty=true;: Though we have this setting together with realistic mode turned off and I am a combat medic and sometimes the progress is fast and wounded units reach a 100% healing and are immediately dead afterwards. Happens in about 25% of all cases. With those cases the body also seems not to disappear. Another Problem is that the dead icon sometimes stays with the new "body" after respawn. Might be that this is related. Anyone else have noticed those things too ?