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About daniel1060

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hey, just wondering is there any way to set the cash from being executed by each client to just be executed by the server as I would like all the players to spend money from the same cash pool, if that makes any sense
  2. Hey so what I'm trying to do is create a variable that all the players can share on a dedicated server, I had tried to use a global public variable but I have learned the hard way that the way I have done gives each player x amount of money instead of x amount between them. I'm not sure what I need to do in order to allow everyone to have shared amount of money as shown in Liberation, I did have a look at the scripting for liberation but I couldn't find anything that would be able to help me find my answers. I probably missed it or misinterpreted it but that's me.
  3. daniel1060

    Variable not appearing in hint

    This: _Showcash = call {hint str format ["You have: $%1",str _cash]}; will never work, since _cash does not exist inside the call scope, which does not make sense in any way, why not just hint directly. Some examples: Well it would work as _cash is equal to cash aswell KK I noticed that after I posted it here and tested it, it still didn't work. The ATM.sqf script is run off an addAction from an NPC so it shouldn't need to wait until the server is older than 0 I'll try setting the init to waitUntil {time > 2}
  4. daniel1060

    Variable not appearing in hint

    Sorry all the hint displays is "You have: $" Hint screenshot Also, I did have the public variable hinted but I changed it to check if that was causing another problem
  5. Right so I have a hint which displays a variable it works perfectly on a server that I am hosting on my machine but not on a dedicated server. The variable I am using is a global public variable. I have no idea why this is happening can anybody help? Init.sqf atm.sqf Any help?
  6. Apparently my script is missing an ; I have no idea where it's missing from Screenshot of error message https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/815558460568915038/D3C18F5435B3959D18057C7BFCC30D382F68E65E/
  7. Thanks mate I can be pretty dumb sometimes
  8. Right so I'm new to scripting in .SQF, basically my problem is that I have an If statement that is meant to run on a dedicated server but is not executing the correctly. I have set up a global variable, (cash), which is set to hold integers, however, when I put the variable in an if statement it thinks that it is expecting a boolean and not an integer. init.sqf sample if statement Note I have it set to (isServer) because I am testing it on a server hosted by my machine
  9. Holy **** I didn't realise that was a thing thank you Larrow
  10. Right so new to scripting in .SQF. What I've been trying to do is spawn an empty box and insert specific custom gear. In singleplayer, this works perfectly. However on the server when I spawn the box using an NPC with addaction which executes the spawn script blah blah blah, anyway only I can see the contents of the box despite trying every idea I could think of... Spawn Script Also, I have a variable for money set as a global variable which is to be displayed via a hint but the hint shows up blank, IE. Hint ( You have: $1000000) but it shows up Hint (You have: $) Init.sqf cash.sqf atm.sqf If you can help with either of these I would be extremely grateful
  11. Thanks, mate, I did try to use the syntax but it confused me :/
  12. Right so, I'm new to scripting in SQF, I'm trying to get a script to spawn an object, check if there's enough money to buy said object and spawn the object. This is purposed for a Dedicated server and I'm having issues getting this script to work. This script is generating an error saying it's missing [,( or { I can't really tell the difference can anyone help me out here? Also any hints and / tips are grateful
  13. daniel1060

    IED Module

    Hey there, what I'm trying to do is create a module for Zeus and eden which could be synced to an object and would turn it into an IED, one problem however is that I have no idea how to create modules or how to script this... I would appreciate any assistence I can get on this. Thanks.