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Everything posted by Locklear

  1. Locklear

    Feedback Thread

    Hey Night, long time no see. ;) Let me offer some answer to your and akai's comments about skins. Since we would like to add customisation at some point in the future, we expect that players will be eventually able to tailor their look by selecting various uniforms and pieces of gear. That's why we don't differentiate teams now, because it won't work like that when customisation is in. It also fits the idea of depicting clashes of mercenaries, or PMCs. However for now, we try to pick equipment to at least slightly reflect the durability of the classes: Riflemen and Grenadiers have heavy vests, so they wear helmets to emphasise that a bit more, whereas Marksmen lack any protection, so their look is also lightweight.
  2. Locklear

    Feedback Thread

    You can do that, look for "Use default action" in controls options. :)
  3. Locklear

    Uniform Config

  4. Locklear

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    We'd like to eventually fix the bullets. In most cases, it really isn't that hard, and we like our guns neat. ;) Actually, even some of our older weapons deserve some love in this matter. However, we decided to leave these lower-priority tweaks for after Apex release to conserve time for more urgent fixes and to avoid any unnecessary tinkering with data shortly before release. It usually destroys the universe and whatnot, you know. :)
  5. Please use (argb,8,8,3) in your texture. The first two numbers set the resolution of the texture, which has to be power of 2 (2n), that's why your texture couldn't be loaded.
  6. Locklear

    Marid config.

    Marid has been updated to utilize the Vehicle Customization tech.
  7. I guess you have a base class for soldiers of your faction, and that it's inherited from one of vanilla base classes. Check the identityTypes[] property of that parent class in Config Viewer, and copypaste that into your base soldier, just replace "Head_<something>" with "Head_Asian".
  8. Okay, so please post your current config, so I and the other helpful guys from the forum can take a look. We shall get it right! :)
  9. In the texture paths, please try replacing "/" with "\". Also, under AK103, you have obsolete ";, which probably breaks a lot of things below.
  10. Nope, setObjectTexture is a script command. You can use a procedural texture as a texture file, like: hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1,co)"};.
  11. Please try putting the whole class AK{}; at the beginning into the class CfgPatches{};. However, the error message is most likely caused by the "{" after "class RifleBase_F;. You just declare the class RifleBase_F, that's why it's followed by the semicolon. The following curly bracket (and the ending one) just breaks the thing.
  12. Yes, there is. You can use the same syntax in a config, but the results are not amazing.
  13. The headgear randomization is documented in the guide. For the primary weapon, you'd probably have to write an SQF script for it; there might already be a community solution for that, but I'm not aware of any to suggest.
  14. A uniform and a soldier are linked via uniformClass properties. Once you know the character class from uniformClass in the ItemInfo subclass of the uniform, you need to change the modelSides[] property of the character to contain all the factions for which the uniform should be available. If you don't want to change the existing uniform, you can create a new one, inherit everything besides the uniformClass – you use that to link the copied uniform to a new soldier with modelSides[] set to your needs.
  15. I would like to add both camo selections to the config, so texturing via script would work – that seems reasonable. :) On the other hand (and unfortunately), the hiddenSelectionsMaterials vs. Wounds problems is not getting solved due to some engine limitations (I was asking around and I've got a bit of a headache now, thank you :D ).
  16. Nope, I'm sorry, that wouldn't do the trick. Although the t-shirt resembles the underwear, the soldier's uniform does not combine the uniform and nakedUniform in any way. If a character wears a uniform, the whole model is taken from the uniform. If he wears no uniform, the nakedUniform is used instead. To change the t-shirt, it's needed to define hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","camo2"}; and change the textures via hiddenSelectionsTextures[]. Once I find some time for adjusting our configs to reflect this, two setObjectTexture commands with selection number 0 for fatigues and 1 for the t-shirt shall work.
  17. There's a second selection, camo2, for the t-shirt in the model; but not in its config. So the solution might be to make a little addon with a new class, where both selections (with your new textures) would be defined. I shall make a few adjustments to make both selections available for setObjectTexture, but I cannot promise anything at the moment.
  18. Indeed, sorry for overlooking that. A bit of a random idea: please try Characters_F instead of Characters_F_BLUFOR in the requiredAddons[] property of CfgPatches. (You also should add the soldier into CfgPatches' units[] property and the uniform into weapons[] one, even though the absence of thereof shouldn't be much of a deal ATM.)
  19. The Wounds class is a subclass of a soldier's class, so please try to define it there and we'll see. :)
  20. Please try adding scope = 1; to your Example_Soldier_F class. Or eve 2, if you want the soldier in the editor. It doesn't work with scope 0, which is inherited to your soldier class from B_Soldier_base_F.
  21. I'd say some class in CfgVehicles has its vehicleClass property set to Vehicles, but there is no such class in CfgVehicleClasses, at least at the moment the game is looking for it. There's a CfgVehicleClasses reference on the community Wiki. Addon dependency might be the villain in here, too, but it's not that clear just from an error message. :) About the thing you should add to your CfgPatches requiredAddons[], as mentioned earlier, try looking for the name of the CUP vehicle pack CfgPatches class in the in-game config viewer (configfile >> CfgPatches).
  22. Yup. It seems the class is empty, which might be caused by the load order of addons. Please try making sure your addon is loaded after the one where CUP_WheeledVehicles_Ural is defined. It is done via listing the CfgPatches class of such addon in the requiredAddons[] property in the CfgPatches class of your addon. The trick is to find out a part of which addons the CUP_WheeledVehicles_Ural class is.
  23. It seems your CUP_WheeledVehicles_Ural class is missing the scope property, but your piece of code does not show the definition of that class.