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Posts posted by mrewok

  1. Most of the update is done but I still have trouble with the scripting part.. I have also fully reworked the camonet cover with cloth modifier in blender it look way better now, will post screens when I get back home.. Once again sorry for the delay but I'm doing everything by myself and I have no testers so everything is going slowly... 

    • Like 1

  2. Last Teasing before release , I have managed to make the boomerang script work so it's gonna be included in the V1 release.

    CrewDuke And Boomerang Sytems Inventory Objects:


    CrewDuke And Boomerang Sytems Cargo view (Both are fully working now althought there ar pretty rought just add the module sync it and player will have options to add systems to Humvees) :



    I plan on adding an impact on battery so if the system are added and the motor is not runnig this will use some battery and make the vehicle unable to start and to transmit on radios you'll be able to recharge batterry with cables (all those are planned to be setup in module) and some more configuration to use them(will make it optional in module too)

    (CrewDuke Cable is already removed and will be reworked for future releases ) 

    New Camonet Cover and crewDuke & boomerang alongside teamColor modules:


    I'm also reworking a few textures:


    Expect release for the end of the month.


    • Like 2

  3. Hello there i'm still having trouble with the indexing of EH for boomerang so it might not be included in the forthcoming update... also has i don't have any testers for new functionality's the forthcoming version have no MP working label for now... (as soon as i can test or if people can test it on MP i can rework JIP stuff but this should be OK , the main problem might be Spatialization(of EH and sounds)...)

    Also i've thought on adding a strawpoll to let you add more functionnality's to hmmwv's:


    Please if you want another action or if you have any information or if you can provide help (Scripts/Textures) please tell it in this thread!

    I will Update Main post soon.



  4. i don't know what the heck you are doing here 🤣 :

    Simply run Arma3 Tools on steam and then run project drive management th little projectDrive window will pop up then click mount work drive and run.

    After that you should have a new drive named p: (obviously) you have to put your folders inside that drive and for all your path don't include the "p:" (except when you are packing with addonbuilder)


  5. the problem is that you are not on the p drive and your addon is not .pbo on those screens.

    You must setup your p drive.


    And build your pbo inside it with addon builder or mikero's tool if it's not in .pbo an addon can't be read by the game...

    Also i'm sorry to say that you are in the wrong place to post it as it is the Addon&mods complete section. your post more belong to that section :https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/162-arma-3-addons-configs-scripting/

  6. If you use this:

    texture = "\insignia_addon\icon\test.paa";

    Your addon should be:

    Main folder:


    first subfolder:


    And in the Addons folder your .pbo shouldbe named insignia_addon.

    In the .PBO you should have your config . Your .paa  should be in a icon folder.

    I hope it's help if not i can provide you pics that's show basic organisation to create pbo. 

    • Like 1

  7. Hello again armaverse,Here is another teaser of the updtated boomerang system that also dispay direction on LCD screen (pretty useless but adds immersion...):

    I'm now polishing the script (i have opened a topic related to EH So i can finish it) :

    and i'm adding the functionality's to all HMMWV's , as soon as all those are done I'm releasing it, and if i can't have the boomerang done in time i'll release this without boomerang in a first time...

  8. Hello again my question is the following how can i retrieve or attribute an index to a "firedNear" EH an most of all how does the removeEventHandler work? how do i can remove the EH if my anim reach 0 value in this case?

    Here is the EH script (i can provide More if needed):

    Author(s): MrEwok
    Description: This Apply FiredNearEH for Boomerang detection.
    Note : None.
    FilePath: \EWK_Boomerang_System\Scripts\Ewk_Boomerang_Eh.sqf
    										///////////////////////////////////////////For Boomerang System///////////////////////////////////////
    			this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", {
    				params ["_unit", "_firer", "_distance", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode" , "_ammo", "_gunner"];
    DetectMain = false;
    publicVariable "DetectMain";
    Detect1 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect1";
    Detect2 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect2";
    Detect3 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect3";
    Detect4 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect4";
    Detect5 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect5";
    Detect6 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect6";
    Detect7 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect7";
    Detect8 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect8";
    Detect9 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect9";
    Detect10 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect10";
    Detect11 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect11";
    Detect12 = false;
    publicVariable "Detect12";
    vclBoomerang = _this select 0;	
    publicVariable "vclBoomerang";	
    while {vclBoomerang animationphase "SYS_boomerang" >= 0.5} do	{
    	DetectMain = true;
    	if (vclBoomerang animationphase "SYS_boomerang" <= 0.5) exitWith {vclBoomerang execVM "\EWK_Boomerang_System\Scripts\Ewk_Boomerang_Loop.sqf";DetectMain = false;};
    if (DetectMain) then { 
    //if (vclBoomerang animationphase "hide_CrewDuke" <= 0.5) exitWith {[vclBoomerang] execVM "\EWK_M1151\HmmwvAdds\scripts\CrewDukeCheck.sqf";};
    vclBoomerang addEventHandler ["FiredNear",
        _this spawn 
            params ["_unit", "_firer", "_distance", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode" , "_ammo", "_gunner"];
    		if (_unit == _firer) exitWith
    			hintSilent "";
    		hintSilent "";
            if (_distance < 100) then
                    _relDir = _unit getRelDir _firer;
                    if (_relDir > (_x select 0) && _relDir < (_x select 1)) then
    				XGvar = _x;
    				publicVariable "XGvar";
                        sleep 0.5;
                        //systemChat format["Shooter is at %1 from the Vehicle",(_x select 2)];
    					DetectMain = true;
    					publicVariable "DetectMain";
    				_case = {};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "12 oclock") then {_case = 1};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "1 oclock") then {_case = 2};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "2 oclock") then {_case = 3};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "3 oclock") then {_case = 4};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "4 oclock") then {_case = 5};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "5 oclock") then {_case = 6};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "6 oclock") then {_case = 7};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "7 oclock") then {_case = 8};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "8 oclock") then {_case = 9};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "9 oclock") then {_case = 10};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "10 oclock") then {_case = 11};
    				if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "11 oclock") then {_case = 12};
    						/////////////	Those are parsed as they display variable and the value is true wich mean they are changed	/////////////
    				switch (_case) do 
    				case 1:
    				Detect1 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect1";
    				//systemChat "Detect1";
    				//systemChat str Detect1;
    				case 2: 	
    				Detect2 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect2";
    				//systemChat "Detect2";
    				//systemChat str Detect2;				
    				case 3:
    				Detect3 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect3";
    				//systemChat "Detect3";
    				//systemChat str Detect3;
    				case 4: 	
    				Detect4 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect4";
    				//systemChat "Detect4";
    				//systemChat str Detect4;
    				case 5: 	
    				Detect5 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect5";
    				//systemChat "Detect5";
    				//systemChat str Detect5;
    				case 6: 	
    				Detect6 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect6";
    				//systemChat "Detect6";
    				//systemChat str Detect6;
    				case 7: 	
    				Detect7 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect7";
    				//systemChat "Detect7";
    				//systemChat str Detect7;
    				case 8: 	
    				Detect8 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect8";
    				//systemChat "Detect8";
    				//systemChat str Detect8;
    				case 9: 	
    				Detect9 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect9";
    				//systemChat "Detect9";
    				//systemChat str Detect9;
    				case 10: 	
    				Detect10 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect10";
    				//systemChat "Detect10";
    				//systemChat str Detect10;
    				case 11: 	
    				Detect11 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect11";
    				//systemChat "Detect11";
    				//systemChat str Detect11;
    				case 12: 	
    				Detect12 = true;
    				publicVariable "Detect12";
    				//systemChat "Detect12";
    				//systemChat str Detect12;
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "12 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led12_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran12_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1; vclBoomerang animate ["Led12_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran12_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "1 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led1_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran1_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led1_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran1_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "2 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led2_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran2_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led2_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran2_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "3 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led3_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran3_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led3_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran3_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "4 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led4_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran4_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led4_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran4_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "5 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led5_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran5_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led5_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran5_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "6 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led6_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran6_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led6_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran6_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "7 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led7_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran7_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led7_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran7_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "8 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led8_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran8_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led8_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran8_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "9 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led9_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran9_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led9_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran9_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "10 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led10_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran10_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1;vclBoomerang animate ["Led10_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran10_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
    					if ((_x select 2) isEqualTo "11 oclock") then {vclBoomerang animate ["Led11_Hide", 1];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran11_Hide", 1]; Sleep 1; vclBoomerang animate ["Led11_Hide", 0];vclBoomerang animate ["Ecran11_Hide", 0];systemChat str (_x select 2);};
                        systemChat str _relDir;
    					//_Select2 = _x select 2;
    					//systemChat str (_x select 2);
                } forEach [
                [0, 15, "12 oclock"],
                [15, 45, "1 oclock"],
                [45, 75, "2 oclock"],
                [75, 105, "3 oclock"],
                [105, 135, "4 oclock"],
                [135, 165, "5 oclock"],
                [165, 195, "6 oclock"],
                [195, 225, "7 oclock"],
                [225, 255, "8 oclock"],
                [255, 285, "9 oclock"],
                [285, 315, "10 oclock"],
                [315, 345, "11 oclock"],
                [345, 360, "12 oclock"]


     The problem is i can't figure how to remove the EH when the anim reach back 0 value wich mean is hided and add it back when the anim reach back 1 value wich mean is visible...

  9. If you know hit points names you can attach dummy items to them like those shiny rvmat markers on the video (don't remember path to them but they are included in arma)Alternatively you can create basic shape like a cube or so and apply _ca texture where theres your color marker alphamapped and apply a rvmat that have emissive power like the basic a3 ones that should be in : \a3\data_f\lights\  ( or by scripting you may try this I've googled your problem and found this post not sure it is working thought...

    • Thanks 1

  10. Not Sure From Config but from script there's a few command; addItemToVest , addItemToUniform , addItemToBackpack. I think you can define Init into the EH of the unit will check my old eods EOD suit to send you the basic setup to call script from init.

    class DefaultEventhandlers;
    class CfgPatches
    	class EOD_SUIT
    		author="Mr Ewok, NorX Aengell,Burnes15th";
    		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F", "A3_Characters_F_Heads", "A3_Data_F", "A3_Weapons_F"};
    class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers
    	EOD_SUIT_Init="if (hasInterface) then {[] execVM '\EOD_SUIT\XENO_Init_Script_EOD_SUIT.sqf'}";
    class EODS_SoundRegulation_settings
    	 #include "\userconfig\EODS\EODS_config.hpp"
    class CfgVehicleClasses
    	class EWK_veh_class
    		displayName = "$STR_EODS_EOD_units";
    class UniformSlotInfo;
    class CfgVehicles
    	class Man;
    	class B_AssaultPack_Base;
    	class NATO_Box_Base;
    	class CAManBase: Man
    		class HitPoints
    			class HitHead;
    			class HitBody;
    			class HitHands;
    			class HitLegs;
    	class SoldierWB: CAManBase
    		threat[] = {1, 0.1, 0.1};
    	class B_Soldier_base_F: SoldierWB
    	class B_engineer_F: B_Soldier_base_F
    	class EOD_engineer: B_engineer_F
    	scope= 2;
    	author = "MrEwok";
    	displayName= "$STR_EOD_engineer";
    	vehicleClass= "EWK_veh_class";
    	engineer = 1;
    	attendant = 0;
    	uniformAccessories[]= {};
    	nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody";
    	uniformClass= "EOD_Uniform";
    	model= "\EOD_SUIT\Models\EOD_Uniform.p3d";
    	hiddenSelections[]={"camo", "camo2", "insignia" };
    	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\EOD_SUIT\TexturesWIP\suitGreen_co.paa", "\EOD_SUIT\TexturesWIP\Green_Tex_co2.paa"};
    	weapons[]= {"Throw","Put"};
    	respawnWeapons[]= {"Throw","Put"};
    	Items[]= {"FirstAidKit"};
    	RespawnItems[]= {"FirstAidKit"};
    	magazines[]= {};
    	respawnMagazines[]= {};
    	linkedItems[] = {"EOD9_HELMET","EOD_SUIT_vest","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
    	respawnLinkedItems[] = {"EOD9_HELMET","EOD_SUIT_vest","ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","ItemRadio"};
    	backpack = "";
    	// class Eventhandlers
    	// {
    		// init= "_this call EOD_Suit_fnc_Check_Helmet";
    	// };
    	class Wounds
    			tex[] = {};
    			mat[] = {
    				"eod_suit\textureswip\green_tex2.rvmat", 			/// what material is changed
    				"eod_suit\textureswip\Green_Tex_wound.rvmat",	/// how does the material look like in damage 0.5 and more
    				"eod_suit\textureswip\Green_Tex_wound.rvmat",	/// how does the material look like while the part has damage 1
    				"A3\Characters_F\Heads\Data\hl_white_bald_muscular.rvmat",			/// next materials are used through personality of the soldier
    }; // I've closed the bracket but you probably want to define other things...	Also keep in mind it's a really old config so some stuff may have changed...

