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Everything posted by haleks

  1. haleks

    Bloody uniforms

    Not sure as I have 0 experience in MP. Maybe something like this? {[_x] execVM "bloody.sqf"} forEach player launched on mission start. Or you could add this to the init field of each playable unit : [this] execVM "bloody.sqf" Just in case : don't forget "_unit = _this select 0;" at the top of the script! ;)
  2. haleks

    Sound problem

    Unless your sound is defined in CfgSounds, you do need a description.ext.
  3. haleks

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    _group addVehicle _vehicle :)
  4. haleks

    Bloody uniforms

    You could try something like this : while {alive _unit} do { sleep 1; _dam = getdammage _unit; if (_dam < 0.4) exitWith { //need to find the value triggering the blood textures. _unit addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", { _unit = _this select 0; _dam = getdammage _unit; WaitUntil {(getdammage _unit) > _dam}; //wait until healed. _unit setObjectMaterial [0,"path to wounded rvmat"]; }]; }; }; @Taijin : as far as I'm concerned I never came close to satisfying results with AttachTo. Attached objects don't seem to follow the body movements. :(
  5. haleks

    Bloody uniforms

    Shouldn't you use setObjectMaterial instead?
  6. Just passing by to say thanks! It's so sweet to be able to play with addon weapons and JSRS! This addon is a must-have.;)
  7. haleks

    Hidden Identity Pack V.2

    Hi Cunico! Man I love this addon, thank you so much for bringing us those gasmasks! I have a small question though : is the dev branch required to run it? I'm on the stable one and I always have an error message popping up when spawning one of your items for the first time. I don't have the exact message right now but it says it couldn't access textures (__ti__ something I think). It also displays the path to those textures and it didn't look like my set up. All the textures do work fine though. Don't know if I'm the only one experiencing this but I thought you'd wanna know.:) EDIT : The RPT file says this :
  8. Hi everyone! I've been following the BI forums for quite some time (well... one year and a half - when I started modding Arma2) and always have enjoyed the constructive discussions and maturity of the community. I recently registered with the idea to release here a mod I've been working on : having learned so much by reading interventions on these forums, I though this was the best place to release it. However I discovered that new comers can't create new threads... Does this mean I won't be able to propose my mod on BI forums until I "prove" myself? How does one become a "regular" user? Eventhough I do understand that these precautions help keeping things quiet, I find it to be a bit harsh and discouraging for "noobs". Thank you for your time guys! EDIT : Scratch that : my posting permissions have just been updated!:D
  9. haleks

    Unused Animations Mod

    Hi, I have been running into this problem too - I'm running the stable branch. The only way for me to fix it, was to edit the config files and replace class CfgMovesBasic { access = ReadAndWrite; by class CfgMovesBasic { access = 0; Hope that helps! And thanks for this addon, the custom combat pace looks so much better!