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Everything posted by SonixApache

  1. SonixApache

    Legal discussion regarding Steam Workshop

    Can't we all just work together, get along, and make ArmA the best modded game in existence? :)
  2. SonixApache

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Sure! Competition is what forces people to strive for excellence, right? Provoking in thought, I hope! :) I disagree, though. If he had zero respect for you he probably wouldn't link to the original mod or give you any credit whatsoever. You've done a grand job with blastcore and you've made a good name for yourself so I understand where your support comes from, but I feel you shouldn't be so opposed to outside intervention. I honestly think that, courtesy aside, this isn't that big of a deal. You've created a mod - someone has made a submod of it in your absence, to cater to the community's wishes. If anything, this should be a great motivating factor for you to push out your update. Or perhaps you two could collaborate and create an even better mod at a much faster pace? There are a lot of possibilities.
  3. SonixApache

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Hopecore's been pretty good so far. Very nice to be able to provide feedback so close to the source. Hope OS finishes his original version some time soon so we'll have some nice competition going.
  4. SonixApache

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    The torrent link on the armaholic download page is down. Could it be replaced with a magnet link?
  5. SonixApache

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    Would it be possible for the camera to stay up while in optics mode?