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About jawolf55

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  1. jawolf55

    Project True Viking

    Seeing this back fills me with hope, it proves that, despite all the setbacks and nonsense, a passion project can return from the void. Welcome back, Yokhanan!
  2. A real shame this had to happen, this was one project I was most excited for. Whatever the future brings for you, I'm wish the best.
  3. jawolf55

    NIArms Release Thread

    Hmm, doesn't look like it sadly, but I see some other weapons I really like so its not a loss in my book! Thanks for the help.
  4. jawolf55

    NIArms Release Thread

    Right off the bat I can say that this pack is an absolute must, the weapons are beautiful and just a joy to play around with. I was wondering if the XM8 rifles will be apart of this project? Sorry if its been asked already, I haven't read a lot of the thread.
  5. Hello, first off I am sorry for the bump but I require some help. It seems that many times when I re-spawn the screen becomes red for a bit then is very blurry. I'm at a loss for what to do as the screen stays red for a long time before becoming a blurry mess, making it unplayable, any help would be greatly welcomed.
  6. That did it, thanks. Looks good so far.
  7. Hello, Now this looks like an awesome mission, however I can't seem to play it as it says its missing addons; specifically something called gnt_b52. Heres the full error "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.rktcoaler, gnt_b52" Now it seems I need a mod or two, but I haven't a clue on which ones. Any help is appreciated.