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doc. caliban

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Everything posted by doc. caliban

  1. doc. caliban

    Tao Folding Map

    After a quick look, I saw code for switching between paper and tablet, and repositioning the map. Does anyone have details on how to impliment those? Great mod! -Doc
  2. I have a working mod that uses vanilla sounds. I'd like the sound to play louder. Does something higher than 1.0 work when defining {"sound file path",1.0,1,100}; I've tried setting it to 2.0 but it does not seem noticeably louder. Thank you, -Doc
  3. Hello. Thanks for the mod; it make a huge difference for us. I am running 8 of the features via scripts in my mission folders: Core Air Animals Bleedout Fireflies Furniture Houselights Park I am calling all of them like this example: 0 = [25,300,150,20,10] execvm "scripts\tpw\tpw_park.sqf"; Park is the only one I can't get working. (SP or MP) I've only tried this on Altis so far, if that makes a difference. I receive no error messages. (I have show script errors enabled.) Am I doing something wrong? Thanks, -Doc
  4. Hello. Thanks for this mod! I have placed the pbo into my group's aggregate mod's addons folder along with many other pbo's from various mods. When playing MP with me hosting the games, I hear all the sounds but they hear nothing. They have the same aggregate mod that I have. Is there anything you can think of that would prevent their clients from playing the sounds, despite having this mod loaded? Thank you, -Doc
  5. That is the function of the recon version, yes. Stowed when not in use. I've tried to add the ACE3 NVG lines to improve the image quality to the ACE "Gen4" level, but I can't get a working mod once I repack it. Using pboProject results in missing file errors. EliteNess will create the pbo but the models are then missing in the game. Any ideas on how to get this mod re-packed in a working state? The three lines that need to be added to the base item class in order to work with ACE nightvision (and not get the default, lower quality image) are: class CfgWeapons { class MyNightVision { displayName = "Banana NVGs"; // Name displayed in the inventory ace_nightVision_grain = 0.75; // Amount of grain (dots) on the screen (more means more grain) - can be higher than 1 ace_nightVision_blur = 0.055; // Blur amount (more means more blur) - keep low values! ace_nightVision_radBlur = 0.001; // Radial blur amount (more means more blur) - keep low values! }; }; The ACE Gen4 settings are zeros for all three values. Still has graininess, but it's cleaner looking than the defaults. Anyway, I'd love to just be a DIY guy, but for the life of me I cannot re-pbo this mod and have the models show up. -Doc EDIT: Woo hoo! I had an older version of the mod. The latest one packs up perfectly and works. While still using the ACE3 nightvision module, the 18's now have the clearest quality instead of the default. teeha, if you get into this again, and if you want to, you can add those lines right after the class name of the base model and set the values all to 0. That will give your units the best results when ACE is in play. The ACE Gen4 settings are all 0 as well. There is still the grain effect and all that, but it's the best possible clarity. Best, -Doc
  6. Sounds like they are!
  7. To get around this issue I am trying to remove the radio from the MP player via onPlayerKilled.sqf: _unit = _this select 0; _unit removeItem ([] call acre_api_fnc_getCurrentRadio); And then add it again at the end of onPlayerRespawn.sqf: _unit addItem "ACRE_PRC152"; I just end up with 2 PCR152's after respawn. Any ACRE2 devs who can chime in on either the base issue or a workaround? I don't mind the latter at all ... I just need to figure out how to do it. -Doc
  8. doc. caliban

    PCML misslile flies along the ground?

    That's what I was thinking in regards to the Top attack, but with ACE I only see it as an option with the Titan Compact. The PCML still behaves the same as always other than it's disposable with ACE. The ACE documentation does imply that the PCML should have the switchable attack modes, but it does not seem to be the case. The issue I have is that it doesn't seem like a direct flight. It literally skims so close to the ground that it partially vanishes into the ground geometry at times on it's way there. So if you lock on a vehicle that is on the other side of a low stone wall, get a lock on the center of the target and fire, the missile will often belly-fly right into that little wall. I'd think it would fly more or less directly out of the launcher and at the target without trimming the grass on the way. Oh well. We're sticking with the Titan Compacts and RPG42's for the most part.
  9. I'm finding that after locking on and firing at a vehicle, the missile flies just barely above the ground on the way to the target, and often hits things on its way. I sure hope they don't work that way IRL! Am I doing something wrong, or are they broken? -Doc
  10. I play with a small team of guys, and it's almost impossible to do anything in Zeus without them knowing because of that animation. It makes it difficult to surprise anyone with anything. Thanks, -Doc
  11. This is cool, thanks! Feedback: - Maybe delete the barrel right after the explosion instead of when the fire quits. It seems like that would be more realistic. - Rename them from "Drum" to "Barrel" for consistency and easy of finding them via search, which some folks do for speed. - Small change in the description that they are in Things > Objects (Small). I didn't find them in search, then didn't see "Small" in objects so I thought for a few minutes that the mod hadn't loaded. Small stuff. Thanks again for the mod though ... perfect timing for my mission tonight. -Doc
  12. Ah, I see my mistake. The PCML is the "disposable" pbo. However, I find that the missile trajectory is unaffected by having a "lock" (T key). It just flies straight and hits extremely low. I have to way overcompensate at even close ranges (say 200m) or it will hit the dirt. It's too bad that reticle has no range references at all. The RPG42 is much easier to use because of that.
  13. PCML - Is that supposed to be the Javelin? The Titan Compact launchers work as per ACE (Thermal, TAB to lock, direct or top attack) but the PCML just acts like a PCML. No TAB locking, etc. I don't use all of the ACE modules, but I do use all of the ones that the documentation says that feature depends on. (And again, the Titan Compact works fine.) Is it just broken?
  14. Respawns: I find that we often have to remove the radio from our inventory and then put it back in order to get it working after a respawn. This is my current onPlayerKilled and onPlayerRespawn: onPlayerKilled.sqf _unit = _this select 0; [_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; onPlayerRespawn.sqf _unit = _this select 0; [_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; _corpse = _this select 1; removeAllWeapons _corpse; removeBackpackGlobal _corpse; removeVest _corpse; removeAllAssignedItems _corpse; removeAllItems _corpse; removeGoggles _corpse; removeHeadgear _corpse; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach nearestObjects [(getPosATL _corpse),["WeaponHolderSimulated","groundWeaponHolder"],5]; deleteVehicle _corpse; Do I need to add a delay into the respawn script? Or is there something ACRE2 specific that I can put in there to initialize the radio? I use the mission module to add the radio. Would it be better to simply have it in the player's loadout and forgo that modlule? Also, is there a way to set the default speaking volume to something other than 50%? Thank you! -Doc
  15. doc. caliban

    Flickering / moving textures

    Yeah, I've had this since day 1 with the game. It has persisted over every update, and multiple system / GPU upgrades on my part. It's one of the embarrassing things to have to explain to new players. At lease CH View Distance now fixes the floating objects!
  16. doc. caliban

    Eden Editor Drop Down Bug

    This is driving me nuts. I thought it was supposedly fixed? As of the latest version that I am aware of (via Steam) the bug is still there. The tracker still notes that it's caused by " Irregular aspect ratios". I'm 16:9 and it used to work just fine. I'll assume that note is old and not accurate as to what the actual cause is. Sorry to bitch ... love the game, but this is super basic functionality IMO and should be addressed before future DLCs, etc. -Doc
  17. With vehicles in general, I can't get them to patrol at all. Armed vehicles will be called to attack if needed. Unarmed vehicles all get Sentry waypoints right where they are already sitting and are never commanded to move during the entire mission. I've tested this with multiple vehicle/command combinations and the result is always the same. I'll start looking to see if I can find where to tweak the scripts to change this behavior. In reality, those armed vehicles would be available for patrolling on a regular basis. Not bitching, I love this mod. I just wish vehicles were more useful. I'll see what I can figure out. -Doc
  18. I'm using a script to manage the damage and effects of a missile hit on an aircraft. Because of that, I have allowdamage false on the aircraft. I tried using "MPhit" but it doesn't seem to work. (I could be doing the EH incorrectly) I would like to have a hit kick off an .sqf script. As always, any help is appreciated. -Doc
  19. Right, and that works for me. It seemed like everything else needed to detect damage being done in order to fire, so my having the aircraft damage disabled prevented them from firing. At least that was the experience I had with "hit". (though I could have been using it incorrectly.) This works for me though. Using HandleDamage allows me to leave damage enabled, but manage how much damage the aircraft actually takes once the EH fires. The EH returns, among other things, how much damage was done, so I can take that a cap it at whatever I want: this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _dam = _this select 2; if (_dam > 0.85) then {_dam = 0.85}; }]; a bonus of this EH is that any damage less than the threshold that I set is left alone, so the vehicle damage indicators may be yellow, red, or undamaged. What I had been doing was setting the entire vehicle damage to 0.85 which made the experience less dynamic and entirely predictable. Now if I get hit, anything up to the threshold can happen for any system, so every hit can result in different things. In my version of that I also kick off a script that creates other affects related to the event. Thank you again, Pierre! -Doc
  20. Thanks! I too have decided to start posting here instead. I understand the changes at Armaholic, but I can't justify the cost.
  21. THANK YOU! I love doing things "the long way" in Arma, but I spend so much time trying to work things out on my own that sometimes I just spent way too much time getting nowhere. I appreciate having a new, yet specific, thing to learn now. This is awesome. I have a couple guys on my small team who use the nightstalker all the time because they want that constant range indicator. Fine with me, but I have missions where I'd like to use some less-capable optics, yet keep that range finder working for them so they can play the game the way they like it. My plan is to make copies of some of the existing scopes and simply add this feature to them. The custom Rsc class sounds like just the ticket. Best, -Doc
  22. After almost 3 hours of google, examples, multiple approaches, etc, the best I've gotten is something that returns the distance to the cursorTarget unless that target "see through" and does not register. I've used reveal, etc, but no combo that I've used will return a simple distance number no matter what I'm looking at. I'm very done trying to figure this one out. Can someone give me an example of a working script so I can see how it's done? Thank you, -Doc
  23. Hello. I have the following that runs in the init.sqf: { if (_x find "gz" == 0) then { _x setMarkerAlpha 0; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; The intended markers have their alphas set to 0 when viewed in-game, but they are still visible at the MP briefing map. Where should I run the code so that it will take place before the briefing map? Thank you, -Doc
  24. Guys, sorry... I'm a dummy. I had the code running after this line: waitUntil {time > 0}; DUH. No wonder it wasn't working. All is well now. I really appreciate your replies though as now I'm learning about some of the things you brought up. Best, -Doc
  25. Thank you for the replies, guys. Busy day today, so I may not get to try things until tomorrow. Quick note: The markers are numerous area markers that are manually laid out as part of using Gaia AI scripts. I usually just set their alpha to 0 myself just before exporting the mission to MP, but sometimes I forget. The script is a failsafe for that. Thanks again! -Doc